Provider / Hobbyist Fantasy List?

thanks Lisa lisa appreciate making your list.
hot but just the mere mention of d1 softball holy cow the fantasies in my mind. i gotta believe taking matters into my own hands with thoughts and pics of Brooke close by is quite a certainy. thanks for the fantasy.
Texrich, like I said. i hope you do find somebody you soon can fantasize about. Cause you, and everybody else deserves to feel like a king. As for watever girl your talking about... thats really sad to hear. Sucks that women become that way, but thats good because that leaves more men for the women who truely love their job and love themself.

Enjoy your Sunday

Reese SHUT UP!!! your amazingly beautiful and if they havent contacted you its because their either nervous, saving money, or waiting for the right time~ !!! IM still looking forward to a double with you !!! I think we would be amazing working together!!

LOve yall! and STAY SMILING

Brooke Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot
the viceroy's Avatar
Nina Moretti
Holly again with Faith
Camille of Boston
Logan (San Diego)
Natasha Fame
Trysta Avalon (Phoenix)
Victoria Lane
sdguy08's Avatar
Might as well chime in with my list then...

Alyssa West
Dana of Dallas
Autumn Spring
Kim Kummings (either retired or UTR)
Kayla Knox

for starters since there are more. There's another one I would add but didn't since I had to cancel on her unfortunately.
the viceroy's Avatar
Nina Moretti
Holly again with Faith
Camille of Boston
Logan (San Diego)
Natasha Fame
Trysta Avalon (Phoenix)
Victoria Lane Originally Posted by the viceroy

what was I thinking. Carrie Hillcrest has to be on the list. quick-witted women are so...stimulating.
Jasser's Avatar
Logan (San Diego) Originally Posted by the viceroy
Logan? Damn, I know he's a legend around here, but damn dude.

WALDT, but beware of Vito Corleone!
what was I thinking. Carrie Hillcrest has to be on the list. quick-witted women are so...stimulating. Originally Posted by the viceroy
You say that now. Wait 'til you hear my horrible double entendres in person, without the ability to close the browser!
Looie just made my list.

And Richbuck4you.
Sweetalterpie or however you spell it. Sorry
Tony Patella has perked my interest Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Wow! Thank you my dear. Didn't think anyone could possibly fantasize about this broken down old dude.

After your doggie post, you haven't perked my interest...rather you have my full attention! LOL

  • As Reese said in her thread. Use your hands.
  • Grasp the butt cheeks, smack it only if she is okay with it.
  • Grasp that waist, and use those hands.
  • Palm that ass, and rub it like a lucky gem.
  • Get a good grip and hold on tight, start nice and slo

(Have to admit I've been "holding on" in doggie for a long time now. My faves from your other thread listed above...) Too much fun!

So many hotties, so little time (and $$)! List not necessarily in priority order:
Hot Megan
Alana Nicole - (Total wet dream! 1 play date, but plan 2 repeat soon!)
Tasha Smart
April Rayne - (LUV them bodacious, alabaster asscheeks!)
Infamous BJ
Alyssa West
Reese Foster
Petite Abby
Genie - (1x massage/DT L2. Fantasy: Genie & BJ competing 4 mad skillz contest!).
Ashley Apple
Autumn Spring
There are more, but a rotation of these lovely women would make me die a happy man!
Hayden Hightower's Avatar
Surge and Carrie Hillcrest
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 06-23-2010, 12:14 PM
Hmm I have a List too

1.Surge I have a tiny crush on him....drooling (can providers say that) ... Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
OMG Lisa! Thank you...never actually had anyone tell me that had a crush!!!

Surge and Carrie Hillcrest Originally Posted by Hayden Hightower
WOW! Hayen, its been a long time since ANYONE has made me blush...

Thank you two have made my YEAR!

SAspursman is awesome!!! and CaNdO01 is on my very short list. Surge has moved off and Am-a-pleasure is up top. Fiero!!!! TONY GAMBINO and Trilobyte!!!!!

& of course jedi!!! <3
TONY GAMBINO <3 Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot
Sorry I couldn't read the rest of your post.....I am flattered!!! You at the top my list!......
The guys that are in the chatroom are always charming.
I am currently taking notes.
I'll compose a list and let you know!

The girls are HOT too.
caliente's Avatar
wow i have to mention mine:

Channel Taylor
Nina HOT-latina moretti
SEXY Devyn
BUTTsman dream... ?San Antonio?