What would you do if you found out your daughter was an escort

oilfieldscum's Avatar
And all this time I thought you were such a sweet guy.

Which fish were you again?Never mind.Now I remember the pilot fish!Under The Great White Sharks (Wakeup) underbelly.This is just a carry over from the mens private room.If it gets me points or banned I don't care but you should be man enough try your dig at me in private.Then again I shouldn't expect anything less from a choir boy like you. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Names don't really bother me on a SHMB but let me expand. You present yourself to the providers as such a sweet guy but you would turn your back on your daughter? That seems kind of two faced to me. How can you turn your back on someone you love..your own flesh and blood no mater what they do? I wouldn't want my stepdaughter to be an escort and would try to get her to quit if she became one but I could never turn my back on her no matter what she did.
An escort "in this economy" can still make bank. Sex Sells, Spirit. So you lost me there.

Hot girl + Horny men = Lots of $$$$$$$

I'm sure the industry is not like it used to be years ago but I know a lot of touring ladies that still make 12-16k every month and that's a lot of money just saying. My biggest problem with the majority of the ladies here is they don't have a plan. They think they'll be hot shit for the rest of their lives. Every escort needs three plans: A 6 month plan, a 3 year plan and a 5 year plan (if they plan on being in the business that long). Escorts bring in a lot of money and the majority of the ladies DO NOT SAVE! Hell I know some that don't even know how to GET a bank account. That's the sad part.

A lot of ladies think this business is just about being a great fuck and it's not. One has to be somewhat intelligent to do the admin work and stay safe. The problem is the industry is filled with too many dumbass chicks thinking "Oh hey I can suck good cock , I might as well get paid for it" and more dumbass chicks are becoming escorts everyday! So yeah I would not let a loved one enter this business. It should be the last resort. I think this business is great for someone with a goal in mind and want to make something out of themselves in the long run not someone that wants to blow the money on booze, drugs, big ticket items and at the end of the day don't even have a pot to piss in.

The best investment is education. I don't care if it's a 3 month course or 10 year course. You can lose everything in one day.. the waterfront home, the benz but no one can take your knowledge. I would want my daughter to reach her full potential and I'll help her get there and if THEN she's not happy and she's set on becoming and hooker then so be it. While it's not the path I want her to go, I would not disown her. Disowning her would be extremely hypocritical.

Spirit, A lot of ladies are here because they didn't have a choice or wanted to make MORE money than their part-time job or whatever else. Show me at least seven that had a choice. Seven that could have stayed with their day job because their day job paid more than escorting income. Seven that was offered free rent, no bills as long as they went to school. If the majority of the ladies here reached their full potential and was giving both options/did what they had to do, I'm sure they would NOT be there. Do NOT tell me that the majority here reached their full potential. I know a few did (just want the freedom that comes with escorting) but read through some of these posts, there are ladies that don't even know how to construct a simple sentence. They have REALLY bad grammar but yet they're making $300 an hour... think about it. Where else in the world can a bunch of airheads make this kinda of money? No where! Fuck the "I love sex" crap! If they loved sex so much they'd be fucking for free at the bar ... right? It's just another marketing scheme.. Let's just keep it real.

Sorry for the long post and forgive me for going so off topic.

Gotta get ready for work now.. end rant Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I agree that parents can't always provide the financial support to get their daughters out of the biz. And guidance and emotional support is definitely a key ingredient, like EA said.

However, I believe the money trail is where the exorcism begins. Many women will admit (and some have admitted it already) that having a couple of thousand dollars every week or month is very enticing, and that is why they are in this biz. A few are in it for the excitement and adrenaline high. And yet others do it cause they have their reasons - no man can truly understand this without investing a huge amount of time with her. But the underlining factor and similarity in all these cases is the finances.

Find a way to unlock the finances, that is like a head wound in an emergency, after that we can deal with flesh wounds.

My second cent...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Everybody likes nice things, security, and autonomy. If a parent provides financial security to their child then it usually comes with rules, conditions and control even if it's just a little bit. Adults don't like to be controlled. Very few parents can pull off providing financial security to their adult children without seeming like they are controlling them. Because the minute they decide they want to do what they want to do, you yank away the security. Escorting allows them to do what they want, when they want while making more money in a month then some do in a year.....
burner2157's Avatar
You would think it would make you more compassionate and more determined to help convince your daughter to stay out of the biz.

By the way not all women in the escort business have such tragic tales as what you described in your personal life. Some of us have had some pretty decent lives and continue to do so. It is not all doom and gloom as some want to portray that it is.

I agree above EA. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Even if my only daughter did choose this business she would have a vast support system still to to go to even without me.I have an adopted family that raised me,my blood family and my close friends that are just like family, I've known for over 23 years would never turn there back on her out of respect for me and love for her.Also her mother would never ever cut the umbilical cord since she can't have anymore(It's her only one) kids.It would be more of a failure on my part as a father therefore I would not just cut ties with her but everyone and just go into seclusion and brand my self a pariah.This ain't a reflection on this hobby but more of a reflection of my only daughter having enough respect for her father.I would give my life for my daughter and I'm sure everyone else would do the same for there children. is the key issue with me.
An escort "in this economy" can still make bank. Sex Sells, Spirit. So you lost me there.

Hot girl + Horny men = Lots of $$$$$$$

I'm sure the industry is not like it used to be years ago but I know a lot of touring ladies that still make 12-16k every month and that's a lot of money just saying. My biggest problem with the majority of the ladies here is they don't have a plan. They think they'll be hot shit for the rest of their lives. Every escort needs three plans: A 6 month plan, a 3 year plan and a 5 year plan (if they plan on being in the business that long). Escorts bring in a lot of money and the majority of the ladies DO NOT SAVE! Hell I know some that don't even know how to GET a bank account. That's the sad part.

A lot of ladies think this business is just about being a great fuck and it's not. One has to be somewhat intelligent to do the admin work and stay safe. The problem is the industry is filled with too many dumbass chicks thinking "Oh hey I can suck good cock , I might as well get paid for it" and more dumbass chicks are becoming escorts everyday! So yeah I would not let a loved one enter this business. It should be the last resort. I think this business is great for someone with a goal in mind and want to make something out of themselves in the long run not someone that wants to blow the money on booze, drugs, big ticket items and at the end of the day don't even have a pot to piss in.

The best investment is education. I don't care if it's a 3 month course or 10 year course. You can lose everything in one day.. the waterfront home, the benz but no one can take your knowledge. I would want my daughter to reach her full potential and I'll help her get there and if THEN she's not happy and she's set on becoming and hooker then so be it. While it's not the path I want her to go, I would not disown her. Disowning her would be extremely hypocritical.

Spirit, A lot of ladies are here because they didn't have a choice or wanted to make MORE money than their part-time job or whatever else. Show me at least seven that had a choice. Seven that could have stayed with their day job because their day job paid more than escorting income. Seven that was offered free rent, no bills as long as they went to school. If the majority of the ladies here reached their full potential and was giving both options/did what they had to do, I'm sure they would NOT be there. Do NOT tell me that the majority here reached their full potential. I know a few did (just want the freedom that comes with escorting) but read through some of these posts, there are ladies that don't even know how to construct a simple sentence. They have REALLY bad grammar but yet they're making $300 an hour... think about it. Where else in the world can a bunch of airheads make this kinda of money? No where! Fuck the "I love sex" crap! If they loved sex so much they'd be fucking for free at the bar ... right? It's just another marketing scheme.. Let's just keep it real.

Sorry for the long post and forgive me for going so off topic.

Gotta get ready for work now.. end rant Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Got a hot date ? hehehe

I agree, some have a plan, most do not....the smart ones (the ones I like) have a plan.. We all like to make money... we all use our talents / skills to do so. I work for a company in their I.T. dept but on the side I do tech jobs that earn me money which is saved.

If you think about it, if a lady has a day job that pays her bills, etc and she has some extra cash afterwards, but she wants to save for the future so she takes up being a part time escort to earn 200+ an hour (say an extra grand a week) which goes into her SAVINGS or retirement account. Few years down the road and that retirement account is looking mighty nice. To this I say BRAVO! That is what I have done.. socked away alot of my money early in life, living a basic lifestyle so that when I retire I can continue to do so.

But this thread is getting side tracked.... its about having your daughter in this line of work. As I mentioned before, I would encourage her to be smart about it..
burner2157's Avatar

Names don't really bother me on a SHMB but let me expand. You present yourself to the providers as such a sweet guy but you would turn your back on your daughter? That seems kind of two faced to me. How can you turn your back on someone you love..your own flesh and blood no mater what they do? I wouldn't want my stepdaughter to be an escort and would try to get her to quit if she became one but I could never turn my back on her no matter what she did. Originally Posted by burner2157
It's called tough love.Even though I've lived in white suburbia for the past 25 years I haven't forgotten where I came from (second ward) and what I learned in the barrio.Some people just don't understand it's a different mentality in the hood,ghetto,and barrio than white suburbia.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I haven't read every post in this thread (yet), but the reality is if your daughter is child bearing age, is hot (doesn't make you a perv to admit what your eyes know), odds are pretty good that she's already sucking and f*cking somebody, be it the high school QB or the high school QBs' dad (the latter meaning she's 18 and ^ and in the business). The hotter she is the greater likelihood this is true. Beautiful girls/women are dick magnets at every level, and some horndawg at the appropriate level is conjuring a scheme to pull down her panties.

If she's lucky, she's getting paid for it to happen.
Eccie Addict's Avatar

It's called tough love.Even though I've lived in white suburbia for the past 25 years I haven't forgotten where I came from (second ward) and what I learned in the barrio.Some people just don't understand it's a different mentality in the hood,ghetto,and barrio than white suburbia. Originally Posted by burner2157 1334210
Turning your back on your daughter because it would devastate you is not tough love.
burner2157's Avatar
[QUOTE=Eccie Addict;1334580]

Turning your back on your daughter because it would devastate you is not tough love. Originally Posted by burner2157
Her knowing the consequences is tough love.I've answered this ? several times already and I don't back down from my principles.
Still Looking's Avatar
You can throw someone a life preserver but you can't make them take it!

Support your local providers, they deserve it! I'm doing my part are you doing yours?
Eccie Addict's Avatar

Her knowing the consequences is tough love.I've answered this ? several times already and I don't back down from my principles. Originally Posted by burner2157
I wasn't asking a question, I was making a statement. I'm also not trying to get you to back down from your principles. You are stating your viewpoint and so am I.

Like I said in an earlier post, that is not tough love. You haven't even gone through with it yet so there's nothing tough about it..... yet.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I don't have a daughter but is this not why providers do this? So their children can get and education and not travel this sometimes dark road?
Naomi4u's Avatar
I don't have a daughter but is this not why providers do this? So their children can get and education and not travel this sometimes dark road? Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Naomi obviously has a damn good education and still chose to go into escorting.....