Socials - Why don't you come?

You've got to remember though, these peeps were popped for doing/or had done something illegal and that's how they came to be under the microscope, so to speak; NOT because of something to do with the event; because of their own illegal activities were they taken down. Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
true, but the question is, how did LE know to separate those people from the rest, and immediately upon entering (according to CK's account)? and how did LE know that these people would be in attendance, or somehow knew they were in attendance prior to entering the premises?

LE intelligence had to have a list of names to go through to determine if someone had warrants prior to entry if the ones with warrants were immediately separated. LE also had to know prior to entry who was in charge of the party (CK), and that they needed to separate those that they were interested in talking to.

i just dont feel like getting my name on a LE shit-list. also to add to Tron's tidbit, some people whose jobs have some sort of security clearance or background check that requires a renewal every so often, so every few years they have to resubmit to a background check. imagine losing your clearance and ultimately your job because of being on a LE shit-list, even if you weren't arrested or questioned?

not good!
Reincarnated's Avatar
AGAIN, lets keep this on topic. I don't appreciate this thread being hijacked to discuss what happened in another city at a co-sponsored event at a time in Houston when it was very lax. It has nothing to do with Austin and the situation here is completely different. How many social events happened before this one bust? How many busts have there been since then? Far as I now this was the only one. I know of none in SA or Austin or Dallas. John_TX do you know of other busts?
ck1942's Avatar
As has been well noted above - if your civilian life simply cannot stand the risk of any activity associated with hobbying or socializing, be sane and refrain.

No one at any event, be it a one-on-one or a one among 130, can ever be totally assured that he or she is 100 percent risk free from anything, be it running into your boss in the parking lot on your way to or from a session or an event, or your spouse's private eye in a strange hotel lobby.

= = = = = =

As for putting the Houston thing to rest, not arrest.

Yes, it happened.

Yes, it happened on my watch.

We (those of us there and those of you not there) have all learned something from it.

As for anyone's personal takeaway, you do what you have to do to maintain your own personal security.

The venue was compromised by LE who obviously had UC-LEOs allowed inside by the venue door guard way before the 8:20 time.

Those UC-LEOs obviously were talking up a storm to live hobbyists and live providers who were there because they were vouched.

LEO did not have any advance "list" before the event (unless they read the board and saw who pre-announced their attendance) and LEO didn't leave the venue with any of the door lists, but they could have made a copy. That I do not know.

The door list, however, contains ONLY hobby handles, never any other data.

However, not a single real hobbyist or provider who was "talked up" ever said anything to the organizers during the event about those "talk ups."

The instruction to all by the organizers is not to talk about those things that can get you in trouble. We also ask all to report to the hosts those who do talk about "stuff that can get someone in trouble."

For example, I instruct all providers if a guest has a potentially compromising question to reply "everything you need is on my website or in my ads."

Never is anyone to talk about anything relating to services or rates.

Running the Houston event numbers....

Out of the more than 130 who were present, 12 persons were transported downtown. 1 for outstanding warrants and tickets - nothing related to the hobby.

The others were misdemeanor charges (the obvious) and of those 11 the 2 illegals from the agency were deported.

Of the 9 remaining, 1 pleaded out and got deferred adjudication and the others have all been dismissed.

Of the remaining folks who were present in the venue at the time of the intrusion, all were obviously inconvenienced, scared, or scared shitless (Depends anyone?) more than a few to the point that they will never attend an event.

= = = = = =

"Meeting and Greeting" obviously isn't for everyone.

And while there are zero guarantees that attending will be enjoyable or profitable, the only way to find out is to try it.

In Austin, the week of Nov. 8 - "no host" happy hour - 4:30 pm to 8 pm - "no host" meaning each person pays for his/her own food and drink. (ck1942 has a standing offer to always buy any lady's first drink)

In San Antonio, the weeks of

Nov. 1 - "no host" luncheon - 11:30 pm to 2 pm - "no host" meaning each person pays for his/her own food and drink. (ck1942 has a standing offer to always buy any lady's first drink)

Nov. 15 - "no host" happy hour - 4:30 pm to 8 pm - meaning each person pays for his/her own food and drink. (ck1942 has a standing offer to always buy any lady's first drink)

= = = = =

Those on the current invite lists will receive e-mail notices, unless they haven't attended an event in the past few months or more or made excuses.

Those not already on the lists who would like to be invited, please PM me or email mail to start the process.

All those asking for an invite (as noted way above) must be vouched by at least two of the opposite genders for sessions from the past 90 days or so.

The vouchers are not asked for anyone's personal data, only a declaration that they know the person well enough to say they believe the person will read, heed and follow the event's rules.
nuglet's Avatar
the topic was/is "WHY DON'T YOU COME?" I don't see where these answers come off as "it's off topic".
Everyone of these folks have stated WHY THEY DON'T COME. They clearly state it's due to risk, poor planning, venues, lack of benefit vs risk, personalities.
Everyone of these guys has clearly stated why they pass on attending socials. Where did those answers get lost on you as the primary reasons?
Whether it's the lack of cohesion, trust in the organizers, guilt by association factor, location, rules, or risks, there's been many many factors offered to explain WHY WE DO NOT COME to socials.
I'm not sure I see where it's off topic at all. You didn't ask why folks don't come to socials in any specific area/town such as : Austin, or SA, or Wimberly, Houston etc etc. The thread wasn't "hijacked" that I see. You asked a question with a broad based answer so you got replies based on each person answering from their own viewpoint. Perhaps you should limit the geographical area you want specific replies to, IE: WHY DON'T WE COME TO SOCIALS IN ..........(FILL IN THE BLANK) Most of these folks will travel to other cities for play or socials or football etc etc.. Whether you "appreciate" people discussing what happened in "another city" at another time, is a mute point. The question has been addressed by many and it appears that a common reason is due to a few common points. THERE'S YOUR ANSWER(S). Trust, backstabbing, Risk, personalities, location, all of which seem to have factors. Maybe it's just coincidence that there is a common individual in all these scenarios, but that's the way the chips fall.
So if you didn't get the answer you were looking for, perhaps honing the point of the question would be in order. Busts, no matter where or when, are just one of the points that are discussed in the replies to "WHY DO YOU COME TO SOCIALS". Central Tx, Dallas to San Antonio, Houston to Austin are all "in this area".
It appears we're a mobile group and every reason stated in this discussion is a straight, viable answer to your question. Summed up, perhaps your simple one line answer is WE DON'T WANT TO!!! RISK, EXPOSURE, SECURITY, BOREDOM, PERSONALITIES, VENUE, COST, VARIETY have all been mentioned as viable reasons. If you don't like the answers, maybe rephrasing the question might help. I think you'll still get the same answers, but if you keep asking long enough, in enough ways, you'll get an answer that may satisfy your interest and curiosity. At this point the simple answer seems to have one, laser focused reason...... reread the replies and you'll see it clearly. That and your personal order to me to: "quit talking about (you know who) kinda clouds the actual reason you even ask.
nuglet's Avatar
[quote=[B]ck1942;686843][/b]= = = = = =

As for putting the Houston thing to rest, not arrest.
Yes, it happened.
Yes, it happened on my watch.
As for anyone's personal takeaway, you do what you have to do to maintain your own personal security.

to expose or make vulnerable to danger, suspicion, scandal, etc.; jeopardize: a military oversight that compromised the nation's defenses.)

Those UC-LEOs obviously were talking up a storm to live hobbyists and live providers who were there because they were vouched.

LEO did not have any advance "list" before the event (unless they read the board and saw who pre-announced their attendance) and LEO didn't leave the venue with any of the door lists, but they could have made a copy. That I do not know.(YOU DON'T KNOW?!?!?! GEEZE!!! AS HOST/ORGANIZER THAT IS YOUR JOB!!

Running the Houston event numbers....

Out of the more than 130 who were present, 12 persons were transported downtown. 1 for outstanding warrants and tickets - nothing related to the hobby. (SO AT LEAST 10% WERE "TRANSPORTED" PRETTY HIGH #'S)

The others were misdemeanor charges (the obvious) and of those 11 the 2 illegals from the agency were deported. (HOW WOULD YOU BE PRIVY TO INS RECORDS?)

Of the 9 remaining, 1 pleaded out and got deferred adjudication and the others have all been dismissed.

Of the remaining folks who were present in the venue at the time of the intrusion, all were obviously inconvenienced, scared, or scared shitless (Depends anyone?) more than a few to the point that they will never attend an event. (so 10% were hauled off and the other 90% were intimidated... great party!!!) And Reincarnation wants to know why people don't come to "socials"!!!!

= = = = = =

And while there are zero guarantees that attending will be enjoyable or profitable, the only way to find out is to try it.

In Austin, the week of Nov. 8 - "no host" happy hour - 4:30 pm to 8 pm - "no host" meaning (meaning NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOU) each person pays for his/her own food and drink. (ck1942 has a standing offer to always buy any lady's first drink)

All those asking for an invite (as noted way above) must be vouched by at least two of the opposite genders for sessions ( FOR SESSIONS.???.. SO YOU WANT VERIFICATION THEY'VE BROKEN THE LAW WITHIN THE LAS 90 DAYS?!?!?!?) from the past 90 days or so.

Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
I gotta get back to Austin soon. Where and when is the next social?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 10-22-2010, 11:41 AM
It's in my pants!

That way I'll be sure to cum!
missi hart's Avatar
It's in my pants!

That way I'll be sure to cum! Originally Posted by Carl

gross, yet funny!
It's in my pants!

That way I'll be sure to cum! Originally Posted by Carl
Reincarnated's Avatar
Nuglet, it is off topic because you have taken a thread that was supposed to be why YOU don't come and changed it to lets slam CK for what happened a couple years ago that may or may not have been his fault. Since you don't know for sure, without ANY doubt, just shut up. We get it. Your not gonna come. Great.
nuglet's Avatar
Nuglet, it is off topic because you have taken a thread that was supposed to be why YOU don't come and changed it to lets slam CK for what happened a couple years ago that may or may not have been his fault. Since you don't know for sure, without ANY doubt, just shut up. We get it. Your not gonna come. Great. Originally Posted by Reincarnated
No sir, you are mistaken. the topic is "why don't you come to socials?"
You were told, not only by me, but others as well, why we don't come. You don't like the answer that's clear, but that's your issue, not ours. Since HE was the one doing socials, the subject can't be discussed without him being involved. HE IS THE ONE THAT GAVE / ORGANIZED / BLEW the socials. if you pay attention, you'll see he's a common thread. I just happen to have more info than most and that's what I offered as to WHY WE DON'T COME TO SOCIALS. I, like others here, would come to socials, (AND HAVE). Didn't see you there... so WHY DON'T "YOU" COME TO SOCIALS?

And for your invitation to SHUT UP.... that could easily be a two way street, no?
Well, I have an easy question for you sir, WHO DIED AND LEFT YOU IN CHARGE?
I know CK is still kicking, and you haven't attempted to organize anything... sooooo, what's your stake in this?

There's no doubt that socials would be attended and enjoyed if they were done correctly, which so far, apparently hasn't happened. I'm NOT the only one that doesn't attend, or did you miss that point?
Have someone with a good reputation, with no strings (or tentacles) attached, throw a social and I'd bet there'd be a good turnout. Whispers events don't seem to be on the short end of attendees. And, I might add, I haven't see a gathering he's had that ended up with 10% of the people having to go to the local lockup to explain things and the rest too intimidated to try it again. Why haven't you been to one of them?
Reincarnated's Avatar
I like socials. I like the people I meet at socials. I think youre a miserable person who loves to start trouble and talk a lot of shit with no facts to back up anything, just what you THINK happened in Houston. If you have proof he did something wrong, post it. You told me you hate CK. If your not willing to post it, shut up, change the channel, go to another board, or start a new thread and talk all the shit you want.

I have no interest in the socials other than I get a chance to see my friends without being BCD and meet new ones.
Whispers's Avatar
Nuglet, it is off topic because you have taken a thread that was supposed to be why YOU don't come and changed it to lets slam CK for what happened a couple years ago that may or may not have been his fault. Since you don't know for sure, without ANY doubt, just shut up. We get it. Your not gonna come. Great. Originally Posted by Reincarnated
Actually it was 10-11 months ago wasn't it?

You sound like one of the ladies now that can't get the answer they wanted and is whining because of the answers that are coming.

Wahh Wahh Wahh.. that's not what I meant when I asked.... Please say it's not because of such and such ladies that won't be there or because this guy or that guy will be there.....

nuglet's Avatar
I like socials. I like the people I meet at socials. I think youre a miserable person who loves to start trouble and talk a lot of shit with no facts to back up anything, just what you THINK happened in Houston. If you have proof he did something wrong, post it. You told me you hate CK. If your not willing to post it, shut up, change the channel, go to another board, or start a new thread and talk all the shit you want.

I have no interest in the socials other than I get a chance to see my friends without being BCD and meet new ones. Originally Posted by Reincarnated
Again, you have a reading/comprehension problem, I NEVER, NOT ONCE said I hated CK. As for being a fan, nope, but that would be a different thread wouldn't it?
As for starting trouble, sorry, not my venue.
I do, in fact, go to socials, on a case by case basis, and enjoy them. I'm kinda glad you think I'm miserable, I won't feel bad about not inviting you anywhere, but again, you are OFF TOPIC sir. That topic would be "Why isn't Reincarnated invited anywhere?
Reincarnated's Avatar
Since none of the socials I have attended in a very long time (2002 was the last one) have been anything like this one, you can not compare the social events and how they are handled now. They have been nothing like this.....