Providers that basically don't screen

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I find this thread to be fascinating on several levels. From my experience in the hobby, I have tended to notice that screening is one of THE most contentious aspects which come between provider and client. There are multiple considerations in play. The ladies want to ensure their safety, weed out undesirables, and avoid LE. Guys want to give out as little information as possible for discretion purposes while making the whole process as painless as possible. Then there are newbies who have little if any hobbying experience. There are clients who are "graduating" up from BP/CL/etc in terms of the class of provider they are seeing and run into the whole screening issue. So, as one can see this is a complex issue. I've also tended to notice that there are some providers who are militantly beholden to their screening process with little room for exception. This approach really hurts b/c a lot of guys think this is the approach of most providers. It puts guys on the defensive which leads to unnecessary confrontation/misunderstanding on the whole screening process. On the other hand, I've found that in actuality most providers really rely more on their gut than on any in-depth screening process. Recently, I have had more than one provider tell me screening was not necessary for me b/c of my reputation on the board. I had never seen these providers before, and they were willing to see me without screening. BTW, I was more than willing to provide the information b/c I am a P411 member. Like I said, this is a dynamic topic which is bound to create a few sparks.
Even though a provider may be verified on ECCIE, I still find it quite disconcerting when a provider's sole method of screening is to ask me via text if I'm LE.

That's it. Nothing else.

Am I overreacting by backpedaling as fast as I can from her? If her screening is as flippant and haphazard as she makes it out to be then I can't help but wonder what else she is sloppy about (and not the good kind of sloppy). Originally Posted by IDMT
The sad part of the whole story is that the girl I originally wrote about is 18. She very likely doesn't have a clue as she only recently became verified.

If any of you ladies would like her name on the outside chance you might want to reach out and give her some gentle education about screening, please PM me. While we should all care about each other's safety, I just think screening tips should come from another provider not from a hobbyist.
Just because you don't see them screen doesn't mean they don't. There are methods of screening which are less obvious than others. It may be that the girl you contacted didn't screen, or it may simply be that you didn't see her do so. I doubt many customers notices me checking them for signs of medical issues, but that doesn't mean I'm not doing it. Half our business is subtlety, so why are men so surprised when we're subtle? Originally Posted by AngelOK
I feel it's extremely important that any hobbyist know that we are screening them even if they don't know the method.

I ask for a name, number, company - company # and how I should ask discreetly for them when calling. Of course I am going to run the email address, name and number as well, but I want to take it as far as I possibly can before relying on spidey feelers.

Some gals actually will ask how they screened the fella for their date if they were a newbie. We need to be as helpful as possible to each other so we can avoid troubles of any kind.

I've seen more and more screen by reading post and the man did X-amount of reviews. Personally I can care less how many reviews a man has done if he's to lazy to send me information on who to request references from. I want to know those reviews are real and not just made up. I will read posts however to get a sense of personality, then spend time talking with them through pm, email, text and phone calls.

Once a guy was in total amazement I asked for references, he said he didn't know if he had ever been screened before. Going with just a feeling I don't think is a good way to conduct the screen process, I've since been VERY leary of a few ladies and their references and screening methods.

Losing $ is not a big deal if it means my life, home, kids, safety and jail time.
The sad part of the whole story is that the girl I originally wrote about is 18. She very likely doesn't have a clue as she only recently became verified.

If any of you ladies would like her name on the outside chance you might want to reach out and give her some gentle education about screening, please PM me. While we should all care about each other's safety, I just think screening tips should come from another provider not from a hobbyist. Originally Posted by IDMT
Send her my way and I'd be glad to help her learn!

A thread back in Feb about LACK OF SCREENING.
Just because you don't see them screen doesn't mean they don't. There are methods of screening which are less obvious than others. It may be that the girl you contacted didn't screen, or it may simply be that you didn't see her do so. I doubt many customers notices me checking them for signs of medical issues, but that doesn't mean I'm not doing it. Half our business is subtlety, so why are men so surprised when we're subtle? Originally Posted by AngelOK
+1 Very often the board has been a tremendous help to me, if the gentleman has reviews, then it's simple....I PM the lady in the review. If he has mentioned that he has seen a certian provider in a post, then I PM or email that provider. More times then not, I have him screened before he has even made up his mind on what day and time! If he asks if I need his references, I tell him I already took care of it.

I've seen more and more screen by reading post and the man did X-amount of reviews. Personally I can care less how many reviews a man has done if he's to lazy to send me information on who to request references from. I want to know those reviews are real and not just made up. I will read posts however to get a sense of personality, then spend time talking with them through pm, email, text and phone calls. Originally Posted by TheHorseTrainer
+1 A long list of reviews don't mean jack to me unless I can contact the ladies in the reviews and get their feedback! I have never taken only reviews and/or board presence as a sole method to screen.
+1 Very often the board has been a tremendous help to me, if the gentleman has reviews, then it's simple....I PM the lady in the review. If he has mentioned that he has seen a certian provider in a post, then I PM or email that provider. More times then not, I have him screened before he has even made up his mind on what day and time! If he asks if I need his references, I tell him I already took care of it.
Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
I take this a bit more serious, I want to know they are serious and SEND ME their information and NOT BE LAZY. I don't have tons of time to research and figure out if the links in reviews are correct etc.

Like many businesses out there they don't have tons of time to research every need or want from their clients, their clients come to them and ask questions, fill out survey's etc. I don't have help screening and booking so if they want to see me they can send me a pm, email or a p411 and then I will take time to see how they post, their personalities, and feel much more comfortable talking about what activities we want to give a whirl.

TO ASSUME is to make a ASS-U-ME ... I personally don't care to come off as thinking someone wants to see me soon and then they don't.

Men do their home work and change their minds constantly.

I will even ask to re-screen if it's been more then 2-3 months since the FIRST time they screened with me just to make sure things are still good.

YES ... I'm a hard nose about somethings. I am tho because when it comes time to meet I can be completely comfortable and ready to jump in their arms like they were my bf/husband I haven't seen in 6 months.

Does that mean I have less clients? Probably so, but the ones I do have know that I am 100% safe 24/7.

I even suggest to the men to check with the ladies that were used as references to make sure they were contacted, even by me if it is the case.


I actually had a case where I was asked if I was going to send XXX a request for a reference, he didn't want me to contact that particular person because she did have a jealous side and didn't want a drama ring to start up .... always better to wait til they send the info.

I used to not screen when I worked BP. I was young and dumb, but thank God I never ran into LE and freaks. Now, I've found eccie, screening is still new to me, but it sure does give me and my client a sense of security. You can never be too safe. Originally Posted by AlexaTheAmazon