OH! I had it all wrong. According to Susan Rice Benghazi is a "false controversy".

I B Hankering's Avatar
Politics IB.

Coulda , shoulda , woulda

Originally Posted by WTF
The point is, the spell of the illusion maintained by the lamestream media throughout the 2012 campaign has been broken, and everyone now knows and admits that Odumbo and Hildabeast lied. That point will be hammered home throughout the 2016 campaign if Hildabeast is a candidate, much like Odumbo's lies pertaining to Odumbocare will be hammered home throughout the 2014 campaign.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't mean to sound insensitive, but do you really think people are going to care about Benghazi in 3 years or whenever Hillary decides to run. I don't know if i would vote for her, but I can't see how going on about some fake conspiracy while she was SOS five years in the past(by then)is really going to bring her down. To many leaps to get the average voter to care. Most can't comprehend past the latest sound bite let alone five years ago and who said what and when... The only ones that truly think this is a conspiracy and was planned by her and Obama and wouldn't vote for her are more than likely, people that wouldn't have voted for her anyway... They are also probably the same people that thinks Obama wasn't born in Hawaii either.

I admit, i am a democrat and frankly I hope you guys keep bringing this stuff up. It makes you look well, "less than sane". You will make the next election a cakewalk for any democrat(even if she is beat out in the primary by someone else). Same with the IRS scandal or any fake scandal from the last couple years. Unless someone has a "smoking gun" or some other direct evidence it won't matter and she can keep saying, "what difference does it make".
Simple fact is that as long as we have people voting from both sides that don't truly know the difference between either side and frankly don't care. They are just voting their way because someone said something about this candidate that sounded bad or they don't like someones hair, then we are stuck with whomever makes the lowest common denominator happy...... Originally Posted by mikeylikesit69
Do you think that people cared that Kerry went to Vietnam 30 years earlier?
Do you think that people cared about a DUI that George W. Bush had 28 years before the election?
Do you think that people cared whether or not Al Gore Jr. invented the Internet?
Do you think that people cared about Bush's National Guard service?
Do you think that people cared whether Clinton dodged the draft?
Do you think that people cared whether or not Obama lied on his transcripts, could not produce a birth certificate, lied to his publisher about his birthplace, lied to his public with biography written by someone else, did nothing as the Harvard Law Review editor, visited Pakistan when it was illegal for US citizens to visit Pakistan, etc.
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  • WTF
  • 12-28-2013, 08:50 AM
The point is, the spell of the illusion maintained by the lamestream media throughout the 2012 campaign has been broken, and everyone now knows and admits that Odumbo and Hildabeast lied. That point will be hammered home throughout the 2016 campaign if Hildabeast is a candidate, much like Odumbo's lies pertaining to Odumbocare will be hammered home throughout the 2014 campaign. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Well at least we have the balls to get on record and state our opinion.

What about you LexusLover?

I still do not think it will be a focal point in the general, maybe the GOP primary. If it is brought up in the Dem's primary, well then, she has a problem!
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  • WTF
  • 12-28-2013, 08:56 AM
Do you think that people cared that Kerry went to Vietnam 30 years earlier? NO
Do you think that people cared about a DUI that George W. Bush had 28 years before the election? NO
Do you think that people cared whether or not Al Gore Jr. invented the Internet? No
Do you think that people cared about Bush's National Guard service? No
Do you think that people cared whether Clinton dodged the draft? No
Do you think that people cared whether or not Obama lied on his transcripts, could not produce a birth certificate, lied to his publisher about his birthplace, lied to his public with biography written by someone else, did nothing as the Harvard Law Review editor, visited Pakistan when it was illegal for US citizens to visit Pakistan, etc.NO Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Not in the context of an national election. That is wtf we are talking about. Not what the cool aide drinkers think. You have to know what the swing voters care about in national elections. Who cares what dick you wanna suck?

Do you think that people cared that Kerry went to Vietnam 30 years earlier?
Do you think that people cared about a DUI that George W. Bush had 28 years before the election?
Do you think that people cared whether or not Al Gore Jr. invented the Internet?
Do you think that people cared about Bush's National Guard service?
Do you think that people cared whether Clinton dodged the draft?
Do you think that people cared whether or not Obama lied on his transcripts, could not produce a birth certificate, lied to his publisher about his birthplace, lied to his public with biography written by someone else, did nothing as the Harvard Law Review editor, visited Pakistan when it was illegal for US citizens to visit Pakistan, etc. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well since bush, clinton, and obama went on to be president, i believe you proved my point.
Well since bush, clinton, and obama went on to be president, i believe you proved my point. Originally Posted by mikeylikesit69
You could be on to something... Do we care about anything?...