Hobbyist Reviews???

DustyHands's Avatar
back to the point of the original post... she wanted to give kudos to someone that made her happy. Rather than hobbyist reviews, i know from college sports message boards that you can set these up to give "karma" or "reputation points" or something... why not set it up so that verified providers only could give "kisses" or "hugs" or "warm fuzzies" whatever to premium access members based on a great visit. (not on just making a good point in the forum) Was it his 8"? his conversation? his tongue used for things other than conversing? his polite manner? his tip? -it would never be said, just that someone liked the visit enough to give him a warm fuzzy.

Any system will have potential for abuses, quid pro quo arrangements, etc.... but that sounds pretty simple to implement and understand, and protects privacy/territorial concerns. No one would know who gave the kisses/hugs/warm fuzzies/whatever except for the recipient. Stepping into the shoes of a a provider, I'd think someone with 5 recent reviews, umpteen bajillion posts, but no warm fuzzies vs. someone with a few warm fuzzies but no reviews and a couple of posts- well it might be informative.

I'm a relative newbie and don't have a dog in this fight, just an idea I think would work.