What are you streaming right now?

Joddxxx's Avatar
On the Pluto channel, I’m watching the entire series, Three’s Company.
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
Last season of Barry on Max( prev HBO max).
Ted Lasso on Apple TV.
TinMan's Avatar
Florida Man on Netflix. 7 episode limited series. Very Elmore Leonard-like (I was a little surprised it wasn’t an adaptation from one of his books). Disgraced ex-cops, hot femme fatale, insecure Jewish mobster, gold coins, all set in a Florida backdrop. A little busy, but I thought the writers did a good job fitting the pieces together in the end.
steverino50's Avatar
Joe Pickett (season 2) on Paramount+
CG2014's Avatar
TinMan's Avatar
Justified is coming back for a one-time limited series based on an Elmore Leonard novel. Early reviews are good.
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
Emily in Paris on Netflix. Roast me I deserve it.
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
I get a pass on Emily in Paris cause Lily Collin’s is true eye candy and I am in love with the hot Asian girl on the show right?
CG2014's Avatar
Never heard of it honestly. But of course I don't have Netflix.
TinMan's Avatar
Season 2 Episode 6 of “The Bear” may be the most intense hour of episodic television I have ever witnessed. Amazing.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 07-29-2023, 02:21 AM
Just finished the 4th and last season of Jack Ryan. Thank God it's over. That was the worst.

Can't wait for the weekly shows to be over on the new Justified series so I can drop back and binge watch them all at once.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 09-28-2023, 11:11 PM
WOW - What a disappointment the new Justified was. Waited almost 2 years for the 2nd series and it was --- to put it mildly --- GODAWFUL. And the first Justified was one of my favorite of all times.

Spoiler alert!

The first show was really slow with bad lines and really bad story line. It got worst on the 2nd show. Worse still on the third with the story getting ridiculous. Then in the 4th, the protagonist Raylon Givens, absolutely ruined it. I turned it off midway through the show and won't go back.

For those of you who watched the first series, Raylon was a cocksman deluxe. Was fucking two outstanding ladies. In this one he end up romancing, and landing in the sack with the OLD UGLY FAT BLACK chick. She was as far on the undesirable end of the scale as the two in the first series were on the OMG end of the scale.

I can't for the life of me understand why they did that! Makes no sense whatsoever.
UncleHulka's Avatar
anyone ever watch Goliath with billy bob thorton? I loved it. Hes a drunken lawyer who helps investigate crimes for his clients.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-01-2023, 11:14 PM
I can't stop watching Ugly Betty.
Love that show.
ahab11's Avatar
Watched a Movie last night called "Hard Eight" as I was in the mood to watch a Gambling Movie. If your a Seinfeld fan you remember Lt Bookman from the NYC Library. He's the main character and kept me laughing thinking about Lt Bookman hassling Jerry over a missing book from 20 years ago.

This movie was made in 96 and Gweneth Paltow plays a waitress/prostitute. One scene involves a Trick gone wrong, her and another guy beat up the trick because he refused to pay.

They call Lt Bookman for help and he shows up telling them they are in a mess and need to get out of the Hotel ASAP. Paltrow refuses to leave until this guy gives her the money. Lt Bookman tells Paltrow.....did'nt the first thing they tell you in Hooker School is get the money first.

It's a serious drama but I found it funny especially since it had Samuel L JAckson in it along with Lt Bookman.