Church's and Violence Tomorrow?

  • oeb11
  • 04-13-2020, 09:52 AM
Excellent post Oeb. I'm not a lawyer. And in the United States of America, our government is of the lawyers, by the lawyers and for the lawyers. We should subjugate ourselves to them and never question them. So probably I should keep my mouth shut, especially since I've never defended peoples' constitutional rights in a court of law.

However, I thought the passage about peyote (above) was enlightening. Was Justice Scalia right? You and I lean libertarian so might disagree. If people smoke peyote and it's part of their religion why stop them. They're not hurting other people. Anyway, given his thinking on peyote, you'd think Scalia wouldn't have a problem restricting religious services, if those services were conducted in a way that violates a law applied also to non-religious meetings and if those services expose society to the transmission of a life-threatening disease. Originally Posted by Tiny

Thank U Tiny - I agree.

While law and the legal profession is like the medical profession - in some ways - both require license to practice - and in medicine it generally is to protect the public. In law - IMHO - it is more a license to divert money into lawyer's pockets.

Medicine is not difficult, generally - just voluminous. same for law.

One can read the statutes and cases - it is not hard - and understand what our legislatures have inflicted upon us as citizens.

I would encourage those interested - go look up the legal area of interest - educate oneself. We still have the right to self-representation in a court of law. Medicine is a bit different - Treating Oneself - not generally a good idea. Operating on Oneself - really not a good idea ( It has been done). Docs have a saying - "The doc who treats himself/herself - or family- has an idiot for a patient."

As a strict Constructionist - I think Scalia would have held that restricting public gatherings - including religious services - is permissible in the event of a significant threat to the Public health posed by gatherings.
I haven't heard or seen any "Church violence" today but the OPs threshold for what constituted a violent incident seemed quite low. Even in these "Peak Corona" times. Originally Posted by gnadfly
So was there any "church" related violence?

And just an aside. I read somewhere yesterday where thanks to Trump's handling of the Whuhan virus threat, overall violent crime has gone down. Thank you POTUS Donald Trump.
None that I saw. In previous Easter church activities several kids were pushed when looking for eggs.
LexusLover's Avatar

While law and the legal profession is like the medical profession - in some ways - both require license to practice - and in medicine it generally is to protect the public. In law - IMHO - it is more a license to divert money into lawyer's pockets. Originally Posted by oeb11
And who "protects" the public from doctors?

And who "protects" the public from the Government?

Critically examine the mean income of both professions.

BLS: 2018: Lawyers average $121,00 and Physicans $300,000. More than double!

The Government subsidizes many in the medical profession with medicare and medicaid. No the case with lawyers. They have to collect their money!

Then, if you are truly honest, re-examine your "money" diversion theory!

It's laughably disgusting to see/hear people ridicule attorneys ... until they get their leg cut off instead of their appendix removed or get arrested and charged with murdering someone when the accused was out of the country! And I use extreme cases to make the point.

Back to the topic of destroying the Bill of Rights to avoid a case of the flu!
  • oeb11
  • 04-13-2020, 12:10 PM
It is a circle - LL
The public protected by State Medical Boards who regulate the medical profession.

These are governmental agencies. State Boards license physicians - who have documented completed approved training in order to protect the public. Boards also consider cases against physicians who are accused of malpractice enough to warrant board discipoine - and can suspend or revoke medical licenses. Nothing new to U, I am sure.

The public is protected from governmental agencies by Law and elections.
As long as the public exercises its right to vote - which the DPST's despise.

"Money" - CEO's make far more than doctors of lawyers.

If U have something more - please write ur opinion.

Or, get arrested, go to court, and appeal the case of "restricting religion" to the SC.

some of the people here just want to argue. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Some of you just want to hate, and some of you do it very well.

I would note that it is fundamentally impossible to "social distance" in pedestrian cities like New York.

The fact that a yahoo would suggest that the rules ought to be the same for cities as very rural counties, just because it is easier to fascize the rules, is illustrative.

If the leftwing fascist thugs were in power now, and they had done essentially the same thing as our current administration, there would be nothing but love frothing through their propagandized mouths.

Hate is a powerful weapon, and your ilk knows how to use it effectively.
Wow ching man/boy. Imo that was an imploring post. If people wanna play they will play...if people wanna pray they will pray. Why does that bother you so much you would start a thread. What country are you in? We have a lot of reds stirring up mucho zhit on here smh. May be you go homeland now
We have a lot of reds stirring up mucho zhit on here smh. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
If you referring to "reds" as in communists sympathizing with the Chinese and wishing destruction on the US, then I absolutely agree, you and several of your comrades are out stirring up mucho shit on here.
That's why the reds got the puppet ELE ted. Maybe you need to give eccie 24/7 a break and take a walk outside. Fill your little head w mucho lead again. Maybe then you can move to Kentucky
Chung Tran's Avatar
don't make so much out of my post.. I considered that there might be one incidence.. the right-wing nut group I would have predicted might get violent, ended up in Rural Oregon with their Church group, well away from civilization. they effectively chickened out, and didn't choose a showdown with authorities.
Redhot1960's Avatar
This fucker above needs to get a life
pfunkdenver's Avatar
This fucker above needs to get a life Originally Posted by Redhot1960
What a well thought out, and wonderfully argued, set of facts and conclusions!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...the right-wing nut group I would have predicted.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Remember all that extreme gun violence that was predicted to happen at the Pro 2nd Amendment rally in - was it Virginia - a couple months ago that didn't actually happen. The Fake as F*** news media clamored about how bad it was going to be a blood bath. The Governor had fences built with a single exit, declared that they should not carry their guns to it - for fear of public safety? And then - NOTHING HAPPENED - and the FaF news forgot to report on the 100% survival rate of the attendees and forgot to mention that the attendees were entirely polite to the cops and picked up their own trash. Maybe the FaF media was chasing another squirrel or having another splody-head TDS tantrum that day. Those were good times...
LexusLover's Avatar
It is a circle - LL Originally Posted by oeb11
The only "circle" is the circle jerk in which you've entangled yourself. ..... when you started bashing lawyers for sticking money in their pocket you were admitting defeat ... unwittingly.

Your tangent of quelling the practice of others' religion is going to go nowhere .... and putting some hair-brain "health care" standard of suspending people's Inalienable Rights is a dead end.

And it reveals my statement is correct in so far as you are concerned .... your personal experience in defending others' basic essential RIGHTS expressed in the Bill of Rights ... amounts to a pimple on a gnats ass .... or you wouldn't even suggest such foolishness.

Just for grins: Do you have any experience with any state "Medical Board" with respect to "monitoring physicians"?
LexusLover's Avatar
One can read the statutes and cases - it is not hard - and understand what our legislatures have inflicted upon us as citizens. Originally Posted by oeb11
Enjoy representing yourself!