OH2 Whores.....

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 09:37 PM
You know blm...

You really don't belong here. You don't actually contribute anything, your attitude is shit and your aggression towards anyone who isn't as vile as you is appalling and embarrassing to the overwhelming majority of males on this planet. And then of course there's the fact that you've not once supported all this talk about simps, wks and the like with anything remotely resembling an example. But with those things being said, you sure do think highly of yourself. And even though you're basically a nobody here (noooo, post count doesn't get you through to the next grade), it's important to maintain a feeling of self worth. So good on you for that one man, good on you.. Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
If this post doesn't scream a broken down woman 😂 then goes to BSC posting insults after that, learn how to stay consistent.. I know I got you worked up right where I want you LMAO
Bald Bryan's Avatar
So like your justification for not supporting these names you throw at me is to just cover it up with new questions? This makes zero sense.

I stand for a lot of stuff in the hobby and on the boards. I stand for integrity, transparency, fairness, etc. I view each and every facet of this scene as a two way street and support the consideration of both sides of any given arrangement. In any situation that has gone less than desirable, I stand for the person who I deem to have taken the better action, be them the trick or the whore. But wtf does any of that even have to do with your complete failure to substantiate your weak ass and inaccurate name calling?

Lol, last chance boy....Examples of simping, wk'ing, protecting, etc or bust..
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 09:55 PM
So like your justification for not supporting these names you throw at me is to just cover it up with new questions? This makes zero sense.

I stand for a lot of stuff in the hobby and on the boards. I stand for integrity, transparency, fairness, etc. I view each and every facet of this scene as a two way street and support the consideration of both sides of any given arrangement. In any situation that has gone less than desirable, I stand for the person who I deem to have taken the better action, be them the trick or the whore. But wtf does any of that even have to do with your complete failure to substantiate your weak ass and inaccurate name calling?

Lol, last chance boy....Examples of simping, wk'ing, protecting, etc or bust.. Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
I stand up for the same things, now go back and read the thread to who I was responding to and for what reason, you put your nose where it didn't belong and start the WK on the granny whore! Read this thread and you'll see the perfect example of a simp. I don't need to point that out to you
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 10:00 PM
And to be clear where I stand at, Fuck OH2 and who ever supports what the drama whores do in there, the RW info posted up, the bs that is allowed on that site, I have no problem with handling their business and staying professional..... And forgot to say fuck CK and his bitch ass mods
Bald Bryan's Avatar
you put your nose where it didn't belong and start the WK on the granny whore! Originally Posted by BLM69

tf that even mean, lol...

Boy, you failed...You need to like maybe bring it in a little bit, you're unhinged with all this nonsense that you let take over your being. Relax, deep breaths....

And to be clear where I stand at, Fuck OH2 and who ever supports what the drama whores do in there, the RW info posted up, the bs that is allowed on that site, I have no problem with handling their business and staying professional..... And forgot to say fuck CK and his bitch ass mods Originally Posted by BLM69

Lol, this dude been carrying around some hurt for a real long time now..Say....Where's your little racoon friend? The dixie whistln' one who thinks anyone who still uses OH2 is either a ck simp or ck himself? Miss that guy, he's fun to laugh at. Not too unlike you in that regard.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 10:12 PM
tf that even mean, lol...

Boy, you failed...You need to like maybe bring it in a little bit, you're unhinged with all this nonsense that you let take over your being. Relax, deep breaths....

Lol, this dude been carrying around some hurt for a real long time now..Say....Where's your little racoon friend? The dixie whistln' one who thinks anyone who still uses OH2 is either a ck simp or ck himself? Miss that guy, he's fun to laugh at. Not too unlike you in that regard. Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
Seems like CK is your boy, you need a example of your simping, read page 2 and once the granny leaves you popped in page 3, let's look at the facts and stop going in circles, you wanted a example, start reading trick
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
".. please stop all this SIMP this WK that BS. We all tricks and it doesn't matter which site we decide to meet them on. Although I find it funny that the once calling people WK's, Simps, or whatever are the ones banned from OH2. Originally Posted by txboi817
For clarification, this does not make txboi a WK, this makes him a decent human being and a gentleman even when the majority participating on the boards these days are not. I also enjoy it when my partner actually likes women, has basic manners, and treats me reflects that, that does not make a man a simp.

I can respectfully have a dick in my mouth and say thank you at the end
Bald Bryan's Avatar
read page 2 and once the granny leaves you popped in page 3, let's look at the facts and stop going in circles, you wanted a example, start reading trick Originally Posted by BLM69

No, that's not how this works. Me participating on the same thread as some "granny" does not make me in any way be a wk or a simp for said "granny." I mean, just how tf stupid is that? I haven't even clicked on page 2 of this thread nor did I realize I came in on page 3. And damn, me and "granny" aren't even on the same page of this thread and this is what you are tryna call "facts"? I saw the title of this thread, read about maybe the first 5 words of this thread, rolled my eyes and called you like I saw you. I mean smh, this is some dumb ass shit right here...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 10:30 PM
For clarification, this does not make txboi a WK, this makes him a decent human being and a gentleman even when the majority participating on the boards these days are not. I also enjoy it when my partner actually likes women, has basic manners, and treats me reflects that, that does not make a man a simp.

I can respectfully have a dick in my mouth and say thank you at the end Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
I didn't call t boy a WK, tell these fine gentle tricks how I treat you! A simp is a trick that protects a problem hooker, at least in my book

For the record, I don't hate women, I've never attacked a positive attitude hooker that handles her business, I will respond when I'm insulted, I believe that happened on this thread
Bald Bryan's Avatar
I also enjoy it when my partner actually likes women, has basic manners, and treats me reflects that, that does not make a man a simp. Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia

This (unfortunately) isn't a concept that everyone is on board with...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 10:33 PM
No, that's not how this works. Me participating on the same thread as some "granny" does not make me in any way be a wk or a simp for said "granny." I mean, just how tf stupid is that? I haven't even clicked on page 2 of this thread nor did I realize I came in on page 3. And damn, me and "granny" aren't even on the same page of this thread and this is what you are tryna call "facts"? I saw the title of this thread, read about maybe the first 5 words of this thread, rolled my eyes and called you like I saw you. I mean smh, this is some dumb ass shit right here... Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
Are you slow or something? you came at me with insults! Why I ask, maybe something you read on this thread? Protecting a drama whore would make you a simp/WK, what's so hard to understand? Get lost clown 🤡
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Are you slow or something? you came at me with insults! Why I ask, maybe something you read on this thread? Originally Posted by BLM69
I called you out because of an accumulation of your posts and rants here on eccie in general, not this thread specifically. I could tell by the first few words that it was "same ole same ole" time...

Protecting a drama whore would make you a simp/WK, what's so hard to understand? Originally Posted by BLM69

But I'm not protecting a "drama whore"? No clue where you're getting that? Perhaps you took some of my words out of context and are just going with it? I haven't read nor supported nor quoted nor agreed with nor etc anything that any "drama whore" has posted on this thread. Boy, you crae...
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Safe to say that this blm fella hates me, and I'm okay with that. Unless some sort of nice meaty bone gets tossed out here, I think my time here on this thread is done. Not really worth dragging this out any further. Toodles, blm.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 10:48 PM
Safe to say that this blm fella hates me, and I'm okay with that. Unless some sort of nice meaty bone gets tossed out here, I think my time here on this thread is done. Not really worth dragging this out any further. Toodles, blm. Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
Toodles? I don't hate you, glad you had enough and tapped out. Maybe the old whore will log in now 😂
I can't imagine how much rejection and getting turned down it must have taken for people to create online personas to talk in ways they wouldn't even think of talking in public.

Claiming to 'run the show' only proves how little you run in your own house.

I knew it had been pretty chill at OH2 lately, and I just realized it was because Vanilla Cinderella and Ball Licking Man were gone. The only two people I've ever seen in my life that scream about other people not having game while the only pussy they get is paid for.