"I'll release my tax returns when ..."

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
So just to make sure I am understanding, these are the reasons why we are no longer a great country? Can you explain in detail why these events caused the demise? At first glance, they seem to relate to racial issues. Do you think Jim Crow laws should still be in place? Do you think we are no longer a great country because we are less white? Originally Posted by EagleEye
Good questions. DSK, please explain in detail why these events caused the demise.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Have you noticed how most of these yahoos don't even live in Austin? They are simply TROLLS from other parts of the country.

I'll tell you this much, the views/opinions expressed by these EXTREMELY loyal trump supporters are completely inconsistent with the views/opinions of the majority of Austinites.

Thank GOD for that!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
These hillbillies are trolling me, Cap'n. I promised not to post in the Political Forum for 90 days if Twitler won. And, unlike them, I'm honoring my bet.

They can't find anybody to argue with in their own forum... it reads like an alt-right circle jerk ... so they're out looking for places where there actually is some back and forth.

I am pretty sure that at least one of them has been smacked and pointed since their appearance here.
lustylad's Avatar
The majority of your posts are of the childish "na na na na na an" I win, you lose" variety. Then, out of character, you pull out the words "flippant and unerudite", trying to appear the intellectual you clearly are not.

Lol! The fact that you would even be impressed by the words "flippant and unerudite" shows everyone how meager your own education is and how stunted your intellectual development has been.

You (and a few others) act like white trash. You try to dress yourselves up to pretend otherwise, but your true colors keep shining through.

There you go... when you can't debate on substance, just resort to name-calling!

I'm not the one claiming to be the intellectual here - you are! Apparently, you're so insecure about your own mental capacity that you have to insult and impugn the faculties of everyone you disagree with. That just broadcasts to everyone that you're too stupid to deal with real arguments on substance.

IMO, the only people would could unilaterally support Trump with our (sic) admitting (sic) anyone his flaws are WHITE TRASH and a complete embarrassment to this country.

Who said Trump has no flaws? I didn't.

Apparently you see nothing BUT flaws. You and assup and other knee-jerk libtards have no credibility. You criticize everything he does, whether he deserves it or not. You can't differentiate. He'll make his share of mistakes, but you can't wait, you were already foaming at the mouth before he was even sworn in.

You're a complete embarrassment to this country and to intellectuals everywhere.
Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
And you still can't cite a single post on eccie (out of 417) that showcases the intellectual qualities you find lacking in others? Very sad!
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Wow, lustylad. Exposing you as white trash really has gotten under your skin!
Cap'n hurt your delicate feelings?

Go on. Continue doing the only thing you are intellectually capable of: gloating like a child and calling people libtards. We are all so impressed with you..
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
I think lustylad is having a little meltdown too!

Thin-skinned lustylad, just like his hero Trump! LOL
lustylad's Avatar
Naaah, it takes a lot more than an intellectually disabled cretin like you to get under my skin.

By the way, I notice you started an outstanding intellectual discussion over in the National Sandbox. Why didn't you post it here, when I asked you for an example of your perspicacity and brilliance on eccie?

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Yeah lustylad from Pittsburgh, I'm totally under your skin. You are so angry that I called you out. You cannot seem to let it go!

After I lambasted you for being a nitwit and a disgrace to the country, all you could could do was the equivalent of "I know you are but what am I" LOL

It was so funny. But you are too much of a dolt to realize how foolish you look.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
So let's see if lustylad can stay on topic or will he continue to act like an obsessed little school girl who's feelings were hurt.


"Pew Research Center released a poll Jan. 10, on the eve of Trump’s latest press conference, that re-examined how voters felt. The poll showed that close to two-thirds of Americans think the issue (of Trump releasing his tax returns) is important."

Close to two-thirds of Americans! Yes, it is most certainly important to the American people.
  • DSK
  • 01-26-2017, 06:36 PM
So just to make sure I am understanding, these are the reasons why we are no longer a great country? Can you explain in detail why these events caused the demise? At first glance, they seem to relate to racial issues. Do you think Jim Crow laws should still be in place? Do you think we are no longer a great country because we are less white? Originally Posted by EagleEye
I will be happy to answer your questions.

Both of those citations in my previous answer were significant contributors to the divided mess we have today. Separate but equal, when done properly, could lead to less conflict between the races than we have today, and would benefit all races more than our current system.

There is actually only one race in the history of the world that has shown an ability to coexist with other races, blend in, and improve those societies without the friction of our current multicultural disaster. I'm referring of course to the Jewish people. All other races should remain as separated as possible because of the inherent mistrust all races consistently exhibit toward other races, as a group. Individuals of goodwill can get along with individuals of any other race. Unfortunately, the political process lends itself to group politics and fights, leading to inevitable divisions like we have here in the US, and indeed, at this point, all Western democracies.

We are more divided now than at any time in our nation's history. A large portion of that is due to the relentless push for multiculturalism and the government's effort to assuage the tiny bruises and daily inconveniences of life, principally to offset the BS concept of white privilege, and create equality of results and outcomes, which inevitably leads to more and more friction from the unfavored groups. Increasing moralizing occurs, and each side attempts to demonize the other, making cooperation increasingly difficult, and further tearing down the fabric of society.

We are so far gone that Mr. Trump cannot save us, and we would be better served to peacefully sever the the political bands which have connected us and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle us all, of every race.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And this is relevant because...
lustylad's Avatar
So let's see if lustylad can stay on topic... Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Too late for you to pretend you have anything intelligent to say about taxes, crunchygirl... you already fell flat on your face the last time you were given the chance.

You want to talk Trump taxes? Bring it! I'll even toss you a bone. Start here, and be sure to read all 7,643 comments to the NYT story before you go off on it:

https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/02/u...85362:19988902 Originally Posted by lustylad
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Almost three-quarters of Americans think President-elect Donald Trump should release his tax returns according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll.

The combined two polls show that 70% of Americans feel Trump's needs to release his tax returns. The longer he rejects the desire of the masses, the more it will appear he is hiding something, What exactly is he hiding? Worst of all, questions of possible nefarious dealings with foreign countries will continue to grow.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's been two weeks and I'm tired of him telling the world to go fuck itself every day.

Oh yeah, and when does Congress get to discuss any of these fiats?