Debate results

Now there's even more!!! Page after page comment after comment of nothing good about trump. Interesting. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
Trump won the debate…hands down!
lilylivered's Avatar
There was only one person at the debate.......

Regarding Manchin, I’ve always liked the guy and agree he’d be a good middle of the road compromise for both parties....

But as you’ve mentioned elg, neither party is going to allow a level headed centrist to be a solid candidate for Prez. Gawd forbid we use or have any common sense anymore lol
Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Manchin was just a tool of the energy lobbies. And he's back getting paid now, so no way he would do this.

As for your last sentence.. dead on.

They had plan B already to go for a couple years. When your puppet becomes worthless you get rid of him. No telling who they will throw in. My guess would be Michael. That way Obummer can make his return.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
At least spell her name right if you are going to repeat dumb conspiracy theories.

Bill Maher said it best. Originally Posted by R.M.
I'm guessing it was when he said "I would vote for Biden's head in a jar of blue goo before I would vote for Trump." Either that or the MULTIPLE times he said Biden should not run. I agree with both.

Trump won the debate…hands down! Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
It wasn't a win. It was a forfeit.

There was only one person at the debate....... Originally Posted by lilylivered
The only smart thing I have seen you post. But anyone who feels good about his performance is...Naive? Simplistic? Uninformed? Dishonest? Brainwashed? Foolish? I could go on....
lilylivered's Avatar

At least spell her name right if you are going to repeat dumb conspiracy theories. Originally Posted by kockblock
I did spell his name right : )