Intolerance by Gay Liberals in San Fransisco

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  • 04-08-2014, 07:48 AM
You know that doesn't even make sense. Why isn't anyone surprised by that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, if you are stuck in 4th grade math , of course college math does not make sense to your little brain.

If a baker can refuse service to gays, the baker should not be surprised if the gays want to run him outta town. Make sense now junior?

In terms the that JL might understand if you occupy another's land, don't be surprised if they want to blow you up.

Some on here just do not understand human emotion.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JD, if you are stuck in 4th grade math , of course college math does not make sense to your little brain.

If a baker can refuse service to gays, the baker should not be surprised if the gays want to run him outta town. Make sense now junior?

In terms the that JL might understand if you occupy another's land, don't be surprised if they want to blow you up.

Some on here just do not understand human emotion. Originally Posted by WTF
If God gave you the land, then the people trying to blow you up should reconsider. God didn't give it to you to bake cakes for gays, either.
Anyway, baked cakes aren't the most important product around. It isn't the end of the world if someone refuses to bake a cake for you. Can BigLouie force his wife to bake a cake whenever he wants one? She would be baking one every day!! There must be 50 bakeries in Dallas competing for business and I doubt they refuse service to anyone.
I've been refused service before at a black strip club, I just shrugged it off. Has someone refused service to me because I'm Jewish? Probably, who cares - I take my business elsewhere. Some prissy little Maitre' d at some trendy restaurant in Oak Cliff a couple of weeks ago sent me and my wife to the bar and seated a few other people just a few weeks ago, so I just left. It isn't quite the same for a paramedic at a gay bar where some old queen has had a heart attack. He has to hold his nose and do his duty.
I've done business with plenty of gays in the past - but I always felt I had the right to refuse if it wasn't an emergency. They had a choice to use a gay guy, too - I wouldn't have cared if they did. You liberals are just too touchy these days now that you have the power of life and death over the conservatives who made this a great country that you are now destroying.
We should just shut up, pay our taxes, and do what we are told by our superiors, right?
Old-T's Avatar
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  • 04-08-2014, 09:07 AM
The "God gave us this land" only works if both parties agree on which god, and agree on the interpretation of the message.

I don't think that is the case with Jerusalem. Jews, crusaders, muslims--when they all believe "our god wants us to rule here, it's our do nine right", what court resolves that?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
God didn't give you any land, JL.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The "God gave us this land" only works if both parties agree on which god, and agree on the interpretation of the message.

I don't think that is the case with Jerusalem. Jews, crusaders, muslims--when they all believe "our god wants us to rule here, it's our do nine right", what court resolves that? Originally Posted by Old-T
You are of course, correct - there is no way here on earth this will be resolved. Someone is going to find out they are wrong eventually, assuming there is a God at all. I suggest they act kindly toward their neighbors as I do, just in case!!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
God didn't give you any land, JL. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I realize that COG. He gave it to my people.
God didn't give you any land, JL. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We gave it to you. And, you get to keep it because of us. No other reason. The country you love so much would be a Palestinian refugee camp but for the United States.
I realize that COG. He gave it to my people. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
And I suppose God also provided your people with the deed.

Is that correct?

If so, let's put the issue to rest, once and for all.

Please provide!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
And I suppose God also provided your people with the deed.

Is that correct?

If so, let's put the issue to rest, once and for all.

Please provide! Originally Posted by bigtex
The history of the Jewish people begins with Abraham, and the story of Abraham begins when G-d tells him to leave his homeland, promising Abraham and his descendants a new home in the land of Canaan. (Gen. 12). This is the land now known as Israel, named after Abraham's grandson, whose descendants are the Jewish people. The land is often referred to as the Promised Land because of G-d's repeated promise (Gen. 12:7, 13:15, 15:18, 17:8) to give the land to the descendants of Abraham.

As long as deep within the heart
The Jewish soul is warm
And toward the edges of the east
An eye to Zion looks
Our hope is not yet lost,
The hope of two thousand years
To be a free people in our own land
In the land of Zion and Jerusalem.
To be a free people in our own land
In the land of Zion and Jerusalem.

TORAH (The Law): (You can also use the Christian Bible)
Genesis Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Is that the name listed on the title of the automobile?
I B Hankering's Avatar
"God is always on the side of the big battalions." Voltaire
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  • WTF
  • 04-08-2014, 09:46 AM
If God gave you the land, then the people trying to blow you up should reconsider. God didn't give it to you to bake cakes for gays, either. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
News flash....there is no God unless you consider Smith & Wesson a God.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
News flash....there is no God unless you consider Smith & Wesson a God.

Originally Posted by WTF
Take that to your grave and see how it works out for you
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't know. Wesson is an oil, which makes sense for the regional squabble.

I also know what we were taught, JL, but God ain't in charge no more. You're as foolish as the hillbillies.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I am of the opinion that JD Idiot's mother should have refused service to his dad.

I can only imagine a world without JD Idiot, his identical twin brother IB and their defecting Jewish brother. Originally Posted by bigtex
More *stalled* wisdom from BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, but like a fart, he too shall pass.