You guys still say Christians are Peaceful????

Well then you should know the difference between the Old and New Testament and the teachings of Christ supersedes the Old. the first Christians were in fact Christian and formally Jewish, since Jewish is a religion not a race. They became Christian when they began following Christ's teaching which begins in the new testament. Prior to that they followed Jewish law as they followed the teachings of the old testament. Again because your (here's one you fucked up on accident lol)real slow, the word Christian is derived from the word Christ., so its (here too)impossible to be a Christian before the arrival of Christ which comes in the new testament, and it is a history book, it covers religious history. As for the 30 years being wasted, its my opinion that your breathing is a waste of time now go fuck yourself with a toilet plunger fuckwad. Heres a feew typpos for you, as you seem to be real interested in them. Originally Posted by dirty dog
You are well and truly fucked up. No teaching supersedes another, firstly. Judaism is a culture as well as a religion. Not sure what any of this has to do with the existence of god.
But you're the atheistic jackass posting in this forum, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion, and you personify what Hoffer characterizes as the immature "follower" with an innate personal sense of incompleteness who willingly exchanges your personal freedom in order to become one with the "masses" who follow charlatans proffering their intangible and false message of "hope". Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B Hankering's Avatar
HE WAS AN ATHEIST!!! Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Hermosa's Avatar
Go here and read his response to the bible. If you still believe after that, I can't help you. Read it and let it really sink in how fucked up it is. Truly and utterly fucked. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I like your Avatar "Under Construction", that simple truth is that we are all "Under Construction", in other words a continuous work in progress. That's the the journey were on. Having said that, let me say that your reference to "The Thinking Atheist" tells me you till have a long ways to go! It's a sales job buddy! Straw dog arguments, selective data, unwillingness to keep predujices out of discussion and so forth. Now, please don't think I'm implying that the other side is any more honest or reliable, because they do the same thing! Often in dealing with the discussion of religion and politics, it is very difficult to not get caught up in the sales job! But, boy are we convinced that our team is always right! :-)
dirty dog's Avatar
You are well and truly fucked up. No teaching supersedes another, firstly. Judaism is a culture as well as a religion. Not sure what any of this has to do with the existence of god. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I don't believe I am discussing the existence of god, personally I don't give a fuck whether you believe in god or not, Yes actually Christ's teaching did supersede the teaching of old testament and whether or not judaism is a culture or not does not change the stupidity of your statement that the first Christians were jews. When in fact they were middle eastern people who converted from Judaism and became Christians of course after the arrival of Christ. Which is a sticky little fact that shows just how dumb your comment was.
dirty dog's Avatar
I'm not forcing shit. Christians on the other hand, do a good bit of forcing and love to play the victim when it suits them. As for fairytale, it's no different than if I believed winnie the pooh was real. The Bible isn't historical. It's literal when you want, metaphor when you need it and no one can seem to agree which parts are which most of the time. You would think God would make his ONE book more easy to decipher and get his message across. Instead it's a mish mash of parables and a series of gospels that contradict one another. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Sure you are, everytime you make your fairy tale comments and shit like that your forcing your beliefs on others. You don't believe then don't fucking believe, but there is no need to make comments and then hide and say I am not doing anything. As for the one book, its not an instruction manual its a book of faith, it provides you with the information but in a way that you must either put faith in it or not, but it leaves you free will to do that.
Sure you are, everytime you make your fairy tale comments and shit like that your forcing your beliefs on others. You don't believe then don't fucking believe, but there is no need to make comments and then hide and say I am not doing anything. As for the one book, its not an instruction manual its a book of faith, it provides you with the information but in a way that you must either put faith in it or not, but it leaves you free will to do that. Originally Posted by dirty dog
You get to say its a book of faith. I get to say its a fairytale. It's not an instruction manual? You might want to check that. I'm not hiding. I'm right here.
I don't believe I am discussing the existence of god, personally I don't give a fuck whether you believe in god or not, Yes actually Christ's teaching did supersede the teaching of old testament and whether or not judaism is a culture or not does not change the stupidity of your statement that the first Christians were jews. When in fact they were middle eastern people who converted from Judaism and became Christians of course after the arrival of Christ. Which is a sticky little fact that shows just how dumb your comment was. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Ummmmm... Jesus was a Jew. Paul was a Jew. All the apostles were Jews. Judaism IS a culture. That's not up for debate. You really should know what you're talking about before you come with this bullshit.

And if you think the old testament is somehow superseded by the new, go read Matthew 5:18.
  • shanm
  • 03-07-2015, 02:47 PM
Ummmmm... Jesus was a Jew. Paul was a Jew. All the apostles were Jews. Judaism IS a culture. That's not up for debate. You really should know what you're talking about before you come with this bullshit.

And if you think the old testament is somehow superseded by the new, go read Matthew 5:18. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
UC, you should stop.

If their common sense doesn't dictate to them that a book written 2000 years ago about a man who could walk on water is false, then I doubt that someone posting on a hooker forum can.
UC, you should stop.

If their common sense doesn't dictate to them that a book written 2000 years ago about a man who could walk on water is false, then I doubt that someone posting on a hooker forum can. Originally Posted by shanm
Of course you're right but it's frustrating.
dirty dog's Avatar
UC, you should stop.

If their common sense doesn't dictate to them that a book written 2000 years ago about a man who could walk on water is false, then I doubt that someone posting on a hooker forum can. Originally Posted by shanm
Judaism is a religion, its a culture in the same way Methodist is a culture. If you cant understand how stupid you sound when you say there were Christians before the arrival of Christ, (which was your original statement no matter how often you move the goal post) then its fruitless to discuss anything further. Personally as I have said before, I don't care what your beliefs are. And Matthew, was speaking of the law under the new convenient with god as outlined by Christ (otherwise known as the new testament). Its funny how those like you pick and choose scripture, most often using it out of context to try and make a point. You crack me up !
  • shanm
  • 03-07-2015, 07:46 PM
Judaism is a religion, its a culture in the same way Methodist is a culture. If you cant understand how stupid you sound when you say there were Christians before the arrival of Christ, (which was your original statement no matter how often you move the goal post) then its fruitless to discuss anything further. Personally as I have said before, I don't care what your beliefs are. And Matthew, was speaking of the law under the new convenient with god as outlined by Christ (otherwise known as the new testament). Its funny how those like you pick and choose scripture, most often using it out of context to try and make a point. You crack me up ! Originally Posted by dirty dog
Allright idiot, firstly, for the record, I give fuck all about what you believe.

Secondly, you shouldn't call people stupid. You're the one who believe is fairy tales written over 2000 years ago. You are on pretty thin ice to begin with.

Thirdly, mind explaining to me why Jesus, talking about the old testament, said this:

Luke 16:17 But it is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for one dot of the Law to become void.

Or this:
Matthew 22:29: "You are in error, because you do not know the scriptures, or the power of God."(this was before the New testament even existed)

God had condemned massacres both before and after Jesus. Did Jesus ever complain or question the genocides committed by his father OR in his father's name?

And somehow, we're the ones who are nitpicking and choosing. You are a classA DOLT, that puts you right in IB category.

Believe what you want to believe. But never again call someone stupid when your own shit stinks to high heaven.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am NOT an atheist. I'm simply anti-religion. Religion is a control mechanism. The Bible, while having a lot of great truth in it, was compiled on behalf of Constantine in order to increase and maintain control over his empire. In fact, the Bible was probably the worst thing to happen to Christianity. There are a lot more writings out there detailing Jesus' life and teachings. There are others with valid points of view. The Bible is not the only book.

Now we have people debating whether Jesus would be a Republican or Democrat. Really? He wouldn't care. He would ignore all that crap and take His message to individuals, regardless of what the government was doing.

My point is, if you say you follow the man, act like it. Don't tell me about how great it is to be "saved" in one breath, and then tell me about the great blow job you just got from a 19 year old hooker in the next. Those people are rightly called "hypocrites". Don't even begin to tell me that you're going to Heaven after doing all that, and I'm not, just because you recited the prayer in the back of a little booklet. You have no credibility on the topic. I think Jesus said something like "you will know my followers by what they do".
Awesome!!! Arguing about religious tenets and touting what should be positive responses of human nature.on a board set up for getting hookers, and started by a guy with 4800 posts and 77 reviews!?!?!?! I'm gonna go stock up on the popcorn.
dirty dog's Avatar
Allright idiot, firstly, for the record, I give fuck all about what you believe.

Secondly, you shouldn't call people stupid. You're the one who believe is fairy tales written over 2000 years ago. You are on pretty thin ice to begin with.

Thirdly, mind explaining to me why Jesus, talking about the old testament, said this:

Luke 16:17 But it is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for one dot of the Law to become void.

Or this:
Matthew 22:29: "You are in error, because you do not know the scriptures, or the power of God."(this was before the New testament even existed)

God had condemned massacres both before and after Jesus. Did Jesus ever complain or question the genocides committed by his father OR in his father's name?

And somehow, we're the ones who are nitpicking and choosing. You are a classA DOLT, that puts you right in IB category.

Believe what you want to believe. But never again call someone stupid when your own shit stinks to high heaven. Originally Posted by shanm
Stupid, but I digress, he is stupid not because he believes or he doesn't believe, nor have I stated what I believe. He made a stupid incorrect comment and instead of just acknowledging that he then tried to save face and argue out of it. As for your scriptures, they are written in parable for a reason. What you get out of them changes as your faith grows or weakens. They are designed to guide you to what Jesus was saying as your faith grows, which is why believers are instructed to read and re-read and study the bible.

But I kind of look at this whole thing as a gambling expedition. On one hand you can believe and there is a possibility of a jackpot, on the other hand you cannot believe and there is nothing. It does not cost me a thing to believe, the teachings of Christ are a pretty good way to live ones life. If it turns out its a fairytale I gain nothing as my fate will be what it would have always been, if it turns out that there is something out there and I didn't believe then well I gain nothing , but if it turns out there is something out there and I believe well hell I hit the jackpot. In all seriousness though I am a sinner and have done many things in my younger life and occupation that I am sure that I will never enter the pearly gates, I have always been a high stakes gambler. By the way sham, I was not the first name thrower in this discussion.