Just asking for a name should not be that hard.

I think sexist is closer to the right word over womanizing. THAT SAID. Men and women DO communicate differently on the whole.

There is some (much?) truth in BMan's comment. Women tend to want to vent and many times that makes them feel better, especially in a situation with no obvious solution. Men tend to want to solve problems, so when their chick wants to vent, they may go into problem solving mode, even when the woman really isn't ask them to solve the problem. Originally Posted by B Three
Ha! Yes thank you BThree… I totally agree. But, this is a great topic to further discuss in another thread. The Op's thread has brought about a variety of opinions and interesting to say the least.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
I think sexist is closer to the right word over womanizing. THAT SAID. Men and women DO communicate differently on the whole. Originally Posted by B Three
Yes I believe that is the appropriate word choice.
Yes I believe that is the appropriate word choice. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
Me too !
boardman's Avatar
Ha! Yes thank you BThree… I totally agree. But, this is a great topic to further discuss in another thread. The Op's thread has brought about a variety of opinions and interesting to say the least. Originally Posted by TexasJess
So I post information supported by science and research and I'm the bad guy. B3 posts that I'm basically correct in my assessment regarding communication differences between the sexes and the thread all of a sudden becomes acceptable and interesting in its variety of opinion worthy of further discussion? Makes me wonder who is really being sexist...IJS.
So I post information supported by science and research and I'm the bad guy. B3 posts that I'm basically correct in my assessment regarding communication differences between the sexes and the thread all of a sudden becomes acceptable and interesting in its variety of opinion worthy of further discussion? Makes me wonder who is really being sexist...IJS. Originally Posted by boardman
Hey BM this is what makes life great. Difference of opinion NEVER has to be a argument. It's a learning tool. Oh & sorry I worded it wrong, sexist instead of womanizing ! She is correct about that.

On that note Jess is tapping out on this thread if it's not positive !

The names Dorian, but people usually call me, “Ah fuck, it’s this asshole again”

I typically reply to either Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

Nazi Scarlett Johansson was sexy as fuck! Robert Downey jr.? Fix that shit.

I simply dont understand the point of the thread.... Originally Posted by boardman


You may already know this, I don't know....

(And I haven't read any of the previous post in the thread really, just a bit of the skim , something about something about somebody wanted to call themselves Atila..or not.... who gives a fuck?..
This is a tcb rant thread - stay away - no offense op, do what you need to do)

... but I'm going to state this anyway. Anytime a female asks a question out loud, she is not looking for a man to give her the answer and solve her problem. She is processing outloud. She will work out the answer herself. With that understanding, she does respect input but only when she's really ready to receive it. And as mentioned in the previous post, processes and processing is difference between the genders. Men want to hit shit with a hammer and be done. The women not so much. A guy should never get offended when a woman tells him to shush when he tells her how to fix her problem. He should just let her process, relax and fill her with his dick when she ia ready.

Walk away sir, all's well that happy ends well.
Bankshot's Avatar
All this over an obvious threAD. SMH
Nazi Scarlett Johansson was sexy as fuck! Robert Downey jr.? Fix that shit.


You may already know this, I don't know....

(And I haven't read any of the previous post in the thread really, just a bit of the skim , something about something about somebody wanted to call themselves Atila..or not.... who gives a fuck?..
This is a tcb rant thread - stay away - no offense op, do what you need to do)

... but I'm going to state this anyway. Anytime a female asks a question out loud, she is not looking for a man to give her the answer and solve her problem. She is processing outloud. She will work out the answer herself. With that understanding, she does respect input but only when she's really ready to receive it. And as mentioned in the previous post, processes and processing is difference between the genders. Men want to hit shit with a hammer and be done. The women not so much. A guy should never get offended when a woman tells him to shush when he tells her how to fix her problem. He should just let her process, relax and fill her with his dick when she ia ready.

Walk away sir, all's well that happy ends well. Originally Posted by Eidolon
CurvyKatie's Avatar
All this over an obvious threAD. SMH Originally Posted by Bankshot
Well the thread would have ended long ago and been long forgotten if it weren't for the ego-driven ramblings that have kept it alive.

I mean, what is it that I keep hearing?

Is it that, "If you don't like a thread then keep scrolling?"
GDI. This is like a train wreak and I can’t stop looking at it ! FML
boardman's Avatar

... but I'm going to state this anyway. Anytime a female asks a question out loud, she is not looking for a man to give her the answer and solve her problem. She is processing outloud. She will work out the answer herself. With that understanding, she does respect input but only when she's really ready to receive it. And as mentioned in the previous post, processes and processing is difference between the genders. Men want to hit shit with a hammer and be done. The women not so much. A guy should never get offended when a woman tells him to shush when he tells her how to fix her problem. He should just let her process, relax and fill her with his dick when she ia ready. Originally Posted by Eidolon
Well shit, wish I had said that. E, you're a fucking genius. LMAO.

What's funny is I did exactly what guys do. I try to fix it. I'm basically told to STFU because I dont have a pussy. I then say " you're right and here is what I did wrong and why. Now I'm a sexist and/or a womanizer driven by a large ego.

Should've just called it a threAD.
Well shit, wish I had said that. E, you're a fucking genius. LMAO.

What's funny is I did exactly what guys do. I try to fix it. I'm basically told to STFU because I dont have a pussy. I then say " you're right and here is what I did wrong and why. Now I'm a sexist and/or a womanizer driven by a large ego.

Should've just called it a threAD. Originally Posted by boardman
Hmmmm. I felt that way not too long ago. Was basically told to STFU because I have a vagina and I should be seen and not have an opinion. Feels good huh ?
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Hmmmm. I felt that way not too long ago. Was basically told to STFU because I have a vagina and I should be seen and not have an opinion. Feels good huh ? Originally Posted by ZantannaParella
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Well shit, wish I had said that. E, you're a fucking genius. LMAO.

What's funny is I did exactly what guys do. I try to fix it. I'm basically told to STFU because I dont have a pussy. I then say " you're right and here is what I did wrong and why. Now I'm a sexist and/or a womanizer driven by a large ego.

Should've just called it a threAD. Originally Posted by boardman

Take heart...Listen to the great words a wise man once said. May these words of mature empathy bring you great comfort as they so perfectly describe the situation at hand....

I'm trying to give you a perspective that you obviously dont want to hear. Thats it.
Then you get butt hurt over it.... Originally Posted by boardman
Alright girls. Enough please. Get off the soggycat's dick unless he brought to proper donation. Logic and feels will never mix. Just walk away please.

Wow, sure looks like a warm summer huh?