Why the Taliban are better than Democrats.

bambino's Avatar
Just replace the Bible with a quaran. Both condemn homosexuality, both view women as second class citizens, both want to shove their ideology down people's throats, both don't believe in democracy, both don't believe in freedom of the press, both don't believe in freedom of protest.

But by all means do wtf you want. Originally Posted by Little Monster
If you say so.
  • Tiny
  • 08-17-2021, 06:21 PM
The Bible condemns homosexuality, but it also condemns adultery and sexual intercourse in general. Jesus H I M said that if you look at a female with lust, you have committed adultery. So, we are all adulterers and worthy of hell. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Would it have been OK if I'd said Republicans and the Taliban are more godly than Democrats? Or how about if I'd said Democrats will rot in hell while the Taliban will enjoy 21 virgins and the Republicans will enjoy everlasting life in the hereafter? Would Bambino still have something to complain about? Geez.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Just replace the Bible with a quaran ... both want to shove their ideology down people's throats, both don't believe in democracy, both don't believe in freedom of the press, both don't believe in freedom of protest.

But by all means do wtf you want. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Where in the Bible does it even mention things like systems of government, a press or protests???

You're just making stuff up.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
If you say so. Originally Posted by bambino
I love this well thought out, and thoroughly detailed argument.

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Would it have been OK if I'd said Republicans and the Taliban are more godly than Democrats? Or how about if I'd said Democrats will rot in hell while the Taliban will enjoy 21 virgins and the Republicans will enjoy everlasting life in the hereafter? Would Bambino still have something to complain about? Geez. Originally Posted by Tiny
I don't think politics and religion are connected. I think Christians tend to be against abortion and gay marriage, so maybe they'll be somewhat right leaning, but there are atheist republicans and spiritual people who are probably complete fags. I don't know. There's more to life than a two party system.

All I can do is enjoy in The One Who Enjoys.

We all share something in common with Hitler. That doesn't make everyone a Nazi

... or does it????????

Heck. I was a lockdown lover at the start of all this bullshit. I was like "fuck yea!" All excited to sit on my ass, jerk my ding dong and collect a pay check. But, my views on that have changed.
Little Monster's Avatar
Where in the Bible does it even mention things like systems of government, a press or protests???

You're just making stuff up. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Good point it doesn't, however the religious right does their best to write laws according to their religious beliefs. You want an example, abortion.
  • Tiny
  • 08-17-2021, 06:33 PM
I don't think politics and religion are connected. I think Christians tend to be against abortion and gay marriage, so maybe they'll be somewhat right leaning, but there are atheist republicans and spiritual people who are probably complete fags. I don't know. There's more to life than a two party system. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
I actually agree with that 100%, and you picked the two social issues, gay marriage and abortion, that set apart Republicans and Democrats more than any others. I may have been hasty in making the analogy between Republicans and Taliban who bury women in the ground up to their necks and then stone them to death. Democrats are going wild with the "Me Too" thing, and I believe they may be slightly more likely to go after prostitutes and their clients because of an issue which we are not allowed to discuss here.

Now, how about convincing people that getting vaccinated and wearing N95 masks aren't connected to politics?
  • Tiny
  • 08-17-2021, 06:36 PM
We all share something in common with Hitler. That doesn't make everyone a Nazi

... or does it???????? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
I'm calling bull shit on that. There aren't many of us out there who just have one testicle.
bambino's Avatar
I love this well thought out, and thoroughly detailed argument.

{snicker} Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
It’s better than the same memes you post.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Good point it doesn't, however the religious right does their best to write laws according to their religious beliefs. You want an example, abortion. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Abortion is an issue of morality, not religion.
Little Monster's Avatar
I don't think they'll grab 'em by the pussy.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

This is true!!
Little Monster's Avatar
Abortion is an issue of morality, not religion. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Tell that to the religious right
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Morality doesn’t require religion, an atheist can be moral. It’s not just religious people that are anti abortion.
bambino's Avatar
Tell that to the religious right Originally Posted by Little Monster
Tell that to an unborn child. Or a partially born one. It’s murder.
Little Monster's Avatar
Morality doesn’t require religion, an atheist can be moral. It’s not just religious people that are anti abortion. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Never said it did, but it's the religious right who seems adamant about telling women what to do with their bodies. Abortion was just one example.