CNN’s Jake Tapper equates MAGA supporters to terrorists

You should look at previous posts he made! Running your mouth again before knowing wtf youre talking about! Typical!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
I have read his previous posts. I was referring only to the "stop whining" post that you quoted in your stop the insults reply. Again that is hardly an insult.

Take your own advice and think about what you are reading before you start typically running off at the mouth.

One "stop the insults" post should be enough for you to influence the mods as much as you possibly can.
winn dixie's Avatar
I have read his previous posts. I was referring only to the "stop whining" post that you quoted in your stop the insults reply. Again that is hardly an insult.

Take your own advice and think about what you are reading before you start typically running off at the mouth.

One "stop the insults" post should be enough for you to influence the mods as much as you possibly can. Originally Posted by Jam3768
Yet you post again! smdh
Why not just stick to the issue instead of a silly analogy, a "whataboutism".

The issue is, did Trump, as charged, incite an insurrection and give your opinion, legal or otherwise, as to why you believe he did.

Another poster tried to make the point ( and failed ) that if this were a court of law ) Trump would easily be found guilty but 99% of what Democrat Managers presented couldn't be presented in a court of law because it didn't speak to the statutory language of incitement to insurrection. Evidence of a "bad man" prior to the day of the insurrection, most likely, wouldn't be allowed.

Yes, we all know you don't have to prove a crime to impeach but I and many other people including many Senator's, believe you do have to prove a High crime or Misdemeanor, both legal terms.

It is my understanding, I'm sure you'll correct me if you think I'm wrong, "if" this were a legal proceeding, Democrats would have to use statutory language, which in this case would basically limit their argument to, did his speech that day lead to and cause an insurrection since "imminent" is a part of the statutory language.

Or as Democrat would like you to believe, Donald Trump should have been impeached the day he took office before he ever said a word as President. That's what several members of the jury believed and some were honest enough to admit it, some weren't. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I’m not sure what the DC incitement statute requires but it likely sets out the elements required to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. That standard would make it a difficult case. Not impossible but difficult.

As to whether I believe Trump incited the riot. Taking his actions as a whole I believe that he did. He’s the president and his duty is to uphold the law. I believe he violated his oath of office. I think it’s disingenuous to state that he was somehow unaware that complaining day in and day out that his election was stolen (which it wasn’t). Riling people up over and over set the stage for his crazy followers to believe they had no option but to go to war for him. Inviting people to the capital as a bully tactic to try to get legislators to act against their constitutional duty set the stage for violence. Continuing the big lie over snd over only continued to rile the people up. And then with him failing to act quickly to end the insurrection only further shows that he was ok with the insurrectionists actions.

Could he be criminally charged - yes. I suspect it would get through a grand jury. Would a jury find him guilty - I have my doubts but juries or fickle so there is that.

Are his acts impeachable, yes. Will he be convicted, no - mainly because his jury are people that he’s intimidated or rather his supporters have intimidated. A high crime or misdemeanor are not statutory crimes though it could include them. It’s a general term to describe violations of trust. The federalist papers go into detail on what is meant and they never limit it to actual crimes.

I’ve only said he should have been impeached the two times he actually was. The attempt to have Ukraine interfere in the election. I believe is a violation of his oath. And instigating people to assault another branch of government to attempt to stop them from doing their constitutional duty.

Every time this president has been allowed to get away with the most terrible behavior it becomes more difficult to reign that behavior in. Look back to my examples (which you mischaracterize as Whataboutism because you still don’t know what it means evidently). If a president can pressure another country to interfere in our elections without recourse then why wouldn’t they do it. Or better yet, if a president can file up crowds to assault the congress or the Supreme Court without recourse why wouldn’t they. What’s to stop the next totalitarian or authoritarian from taking it a step further. The President controls the military and law enforcement. The only defense congress and the SC have to a out of control president is the hope that he will not use the military and DOJ against them. That’s it. All they have is the hope that he will do what’s right.

We have seen with Trump a president not limited by norms. The congress was essentially defenseless against the mob he sent to their door and they came minutes and less than 20 yards from being subject to real violence against them. Is that how we want our government to operate.
A strange collection of posts and posters. Lots of claims that have been disproved andlots of claims that never had any evidence at all.
No evidence of large scale election fraud. Anyone who believes there was throws doubt on any other conspiracy claims.

And what's with the guy who can't spell the word 'the'?
He says a lot of words but he doesn't make much sense.
Oh well, it's an open forum.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-12-2021, 11:46 AM
There may have been a few there to kick shit off. Chaos seems to be their thing, I am not going to rule it out entirely. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I guess you can't rule out Jesus Christ himself rioting but for the most part we'll rule that out too.
  • oeb11
  • 02-12-2021, 11:57 AM
This statement borders on being ridiculously stupid and sticks to being just stupid.

It I kept saying Wimp Dixie is a rapist to people and told them Wimp Dixie won’t get prosecuted and he’ll get away with it. And told those people where Wimp Dixie lived. And told them Wimp Dixie is going to rape again and they should go have a talk with Wimp Dixie to keep him from raping someone else. And those people went and killed Wimp Dixie.

By you asinine ignorant stupid dumb logic, I have zero responsibility because I never told them to kill Wimp Dixie.

Wimp Dixie’s logic and critical thinking seems lacking. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Quote - J - I have read his previous posts. I was referring only to the "stop whining" post that you quoted in your stop the insults reply. Again that is hardly an insult.

Take your own advice and think about what you are reading before you start typically running off at the mouth.

One "stop the insults" post should be enough for you to influence the mods as much as you possibly can.

Comment - 1b1 and j - any conservative caucasian who posted towards you as does 1b1 in his insulting, degrading, language of Violence - would be immediately RTMed by you - both of you - with expectation of a 'ban'.

yet neither of you see your language and insults = deliberate and knowing - as anything other than ' - 'Your rights of freedom of speech". And - under teh First amendment of teh Constitution - you are reasonably protected. IMHO

and - in that - you do have a POV that i must support your 'Right' to state - something neither of you would do for anyone who disagrees with you.

Is it the protection of language of violence inherent in your writings , offered by the DPST party of 'diversity' and 'minority identity politics" ?? - Likely

you have that person 'Hannah-Jones" for protection - who defines property damage a 'not violence " - unless, of course - it is her property - or yours, 1b1 and J.

The first Amendment may protect One in the papers and LSM, however, there are rules of this forum.

I urge you both to retract your violence inciting statements - and apologize to the posters who are the recipients of deliberate , knowing, and 'minority identity politics" based insults.
i would also urge both of you, and all Conservative and DPST/ccp posters - to elevate your discourse beyond that of 'whining, violence, insults, scatology, adn name-calling.

And - please do consider taking responsibility for yourselves - your posts, and your ideology.

Thank you - valued posters!
winn dixie's Avatar
A strange collection of posts and posters. Lots of claims that have been disproved andlots of claims that never had any evidence at all.
No evidence of large scale election fraud. Anyone who believes there was throws doubt on any other conspiracy claims.

And what's with the guy who can't spell the word 'the'?
He says a lot of words but he doesn't make much sense.
Oh well, it's an open forum.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Better check this ones IP address!
I guess you can't rule out Jesus Christ himself rioting but for the most part we'll rule that out too. Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah I can rule that out. I'll also rule out any level of common sense you have too.
Yeah I can rule that out. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I guess you can because it’d be very out of place for a Jew to be there along with the Nazis racists and loons carrying confederate flags.
  • oeb11
  • 02-12-2021, 02:13 PM
Violence inciting and 'Racist' language

Please clean up your hateful act - 1b1
you would not want to join the 'band'.
Please see my post above.
I guess you can because it’d be very out of place for a Jew to be there along with the Nazis racists and loons carrying confederate flags. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Do you look for Racism in everything. I think that would be a self defeating attitude.
Stated a fact. Something you are very unfamiliar with.
HedonistForever's Avatar
A strange collection of posts and posters. Lots of claims that have been disproved andlots of claims that never had any evidence at all.
No evidence of large scale election fraud. Anyone who believes there was throws doubt on any other conspiracy claims.

And what's with the guy who can't spell the word 'the'?
He says a lot of words but he doesn't make much sense.
Oh well, it's an open forum. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

Did you watch the trial today? No? But you felt the need to comment on what you didn't watch and didn't hear?

You'll fit right in here. Welcome aboard!
winn dixie's Avatar
I guess you can because it’d be very out of place for a Jew to be there along with the Nazis racists and loons carrying confederate flags. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
racist and insulting!
Lapdog's Avatar
Why is that racist and insulting, WD? does it apply to you?