Syracuse guys - Saige birthday party

im working out the details now. Thanks sweets Originally Posted by Saige
If possible, I'd love to be a part of it as well
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-19-2014, 05:57 AM
Doove, I'm sure your gullible ass did pay VL extra, others did not. Originally Posted by ScrewOnFirstDate
If i were into greek, and that was her quoted rate, yeah, my gullible ass would pay it. Gladly.

That being said, I've called a truce with VL and I'll stick to it, and won't say word one more.
But thanks for letting us know she can be negotiated down.

I never said I had ANY tact or couth, in fact, I'll yell it out, I HAVE NONE!
And if you made up for it in brains, we'd let ya slide. Too bad, really.

Saige, Doove is NOT your best ally, ijs
And your word is gospel!
MountainGoat's Avatar
nope, just have a drastically different opinion than your agenda driven comments

apparently, there are quite a few others who differ from yours as well.

MG have a crush on Saigey pooh?
gaijin1969's Avatar
nope, just have a drastically different opinion than your agenda driven comments

apparently, there are quite a few others who differ from yours as well. Originally Posted by MountainGoat
Personally there are times I just like to play devil's advocate... tho I try to play fair

However, having never met Saige or VL I have no skin in the game so to say. I did try to play both sides of the argument. Gals can set their price, guys can choose who they like based on a multitude of factors.... price being only one.
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  • Doove
  • 01-19-2014, 08:28 AM
Gals can set their price, guys can choose who they like based on a multitude of factors.... price being only one. Originally Posted by gaijin1969
Exactly, and when a guy singles out one girl with respect to her rates, rates that are well within the norm i might add, one can only wonder where he's truly coming from.
MountainGoat's Avatar
Personally there are times I just like to play devil's advocate... tho I try to play fair

However, having never met Saige or VL I have no skin in the game so to say. I did try to play both sides of the argument. Gals can set their price, guys can choose who they like based on a multitude of factors.... price being only one. Originally Posted by gaijin1969
as do I

and I agree that everyone is entitled to their personal opinion. IJS if that is neutral to negative, isn't it in the best interests of all parties to keep that to yourself. Why do a meh or negative review of a provider if things just didn't "click" between you. It happens. It's human nature. On the other hand, if a provider scams or misrepresents services offered or if she is otherwise out of sync with reality - then you need to provide the community with the relevant info.

I've only done 1 negative review (not on this site) due to the provider's lack of a grip on reality. However feel it inappropriate to trash a provider for her requested donation just because, based on whomever's humble opinion, she is not worth that donation. If you don't want to pay, walk away. its thats simple. this is all about personal choices and preferences

Exactly, and when a guy singles out one girl with respect to her rates, rates that are well within the norm i might add, one can only wonder where he's truly coming from.
what he said
gaijin1969's Avatar
If you don't want to pay, walk away. Originally Posted by MountainGoat
I'm torn between wanting the above on a T-shirt, as well as the classic line from the movie Used Cars:


Damn. Now I gotta dig out that movie....
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  • GP
  • 01-19-2014, 08:49 AM
Closed at OP's request