Adultery and Open relationships...Thoughts?

So catholic monogamy assured that the finances did not go into many numerous wives and many numerous offspring but the people invested their money in the church to be at good stand. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Now all the money goes to legal bills and payoffs from the horrific abuse perpetuated by morally bankrupt clergymen.
This reminds me of a interesting experience. I was at a function where a man got a little too drunk, and started openly flirting with me in front of his wife and all the company. I did my best to politely "not notice" and avoid him without raising a huff. The wife was of course seething with rage towards him, but remained distantly polite to me.

What was interesting: after this nearly every married woman in the room became defensive of her husband talking to me. There was an air of "If that guy will flirt with you, then maybe my husband finds you attractive too."

And though I had done no wrong, I was soon painted a danger. An awkward dinner from which I excused myself at the first given opportunity. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Loved that experience! Its so typical of a patriarchal world we live in. However wife number 1 was extraordinary non patriarchal. Maybe she was a feminist ? She released her aggressions at her husband and not at you. That is indeed progress :-).

Usually wives (the patriarchal dependent ones) behave like the other ones. Instead of sticking together with the women they underline the "holy virgin/whore " dilemma created by patriarchy (solve et coagula) which means that women work against each other and are always protective of the one that REALLY deserves the rage, which is the man.
Ever known a mistress or a wife of a married man? No wife ever will state that her husband loves the mistress (no he is only with her because of sex and she is a whore) and no wife will ever divorce. No mistress will ever state that the husband loves his wife (no he is only with her because she needs him - and he is a saint ...;-)..but she - the mistress is what he REALLY needs.)

Its the typical portrayal of dependent women. Women who NEED men for whatever reasons. Be it for jobs, self esteem or money. I think - for that matter - we as escorts have it easier. We also are available for money and under circumstances support patriarchy, but we also exploit said patriarchy and lead it to an absurd joke. That is interesting indeed :-)
I heard a cynical feminist once say that why women are not in power is because they are busy working against each other and betraying each other and supporting patriarchal norms that way. What do you think?
Definite double standard on this one; as a single male I have no such issues. I seem to be useful to fill out a dinner party, but not seen as a threat. Originally Posted by discreetgent
right, that is indeed right : the term "holy virgin/whore" does not apply for male counterparts...or anyone ideas? manwhore? Manvirgin?
DG is a virgin?!?
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Definite double standard on this one; as a single male I have no such issues. I seem to be useful to fill out a dinner party, but not seen as a threat. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Yeah, but look at you!
There is no difference between the intensity of love and hate. It is the same emotion. If you loved intensely, you will, in divorce, hate intensely. There does not seem to be any middle ground. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I'd agree with the premise Charles, but I'm not sure I'd go for use of the word "hate." I'll go with "repel" and very strongly too. And the killer is that you KNOW that sex in that climate is off the charts.

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right, that is indeed right : the term "holy virgin/whore" does not apply for male counterparts...or anyone ideas? manwhore? Manvirgin? Originally Posted by ninasastri
I always enjoyed being called a manslut
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  • 01-24-2011, 06:59 PM

Love and hate are intimately linked within the human brain, according to a study that has discovered the biological basis for the two most intense emotions.

Scientists studying the physical nature of hate have found that some of the nervous circuits in the brain responsible for it are the same as those that are used during the feeling of romantic love – although love and hate appear to be polar opposites.
A study using a brain scanner to investigate the neural circuits that become active when people look at a photograph of someone they say they hate has found that the "hate circuit" shares something in common with the love circuit.
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WTF, can you please get your formatting quotes right?
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  • 01-24-2011, 07:10 PM
WTF, can you please get your formatting quotes right? Originally Posted by discreetgent

I'll do my best dg.... PM me any suggestions!

Love and hate are intimately linked within the human brain, according to a study that has discovered the biological basis for the two most intense emotions.

Scientists studying the physical nature of hate have found that some of the nervous circuits in the brain responsible for it are the same as those that are used during the feeling of romantic love – although love and hate appear to be polar opposites.
A study using a brain scanner to investigate the neural circuits that become active when people look at a photograph of someone they say they hate has found that the "hate circuit" shares something in common with the love circuit.
Originally Posted by WTF
thanks for that study :-) interesting to know hate retains rationality .... how relieving :-)
Adultery and Open Relationships are not the same thing. Wtf kind of thread is this? A compare and contrast? A fucking 9th grade Lit assignment?
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Adultery and Open Relationships are not the same thing. Wtf kind of thread is this? A compare and contrast? A fucking 9th grade Lit assignment? Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
We already covered the 9th grade Lit assignment with Huckleberry Finn
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  • 01-24-2011, 08:04 PM
thanks for that study :-) interesting to know hate retains rationality .... how relieving :-) Originally Posted by ninasastri
Explains why a smart golddigger can take a rich lovestruck oldie for all he is worth before a cat can lick it's ass!

-One major difference between love and hate appears to be in the fact that large parts of the cerebral cortex – associated with judgement and reasoning – become de-activated during love, whereas only a small area is deactivated in hate.-

We already covered the 9th grade Lit assignment with Huckleberry Finn Originally Posted by discreetgent
We already covered the 9th grade Lit assignment with Huckleberry Finn Originally Posted by discreetgent
Around here we (me included) just don't let go of things, do we?