Tasting your own cum?

i wish analisa lived closer to me, she is very hot and oh so sexy. Hmm I guess I will keep dreaming about her and the things I would do that beautiful body.
Analisa - I will PM you and we will set up a time...I will be happy to share my pussy worshipping skills with you (they are addictive though gotta warn you)..
SlowHand49's Avatar
vitamen e can produce large loads of the yummy stuff!!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
*heading off to Walgreens to stock up on Vitamin E*
lilsmurf's Avatar
Yeah me too, lol.
Vitamin E causes you to produce more red blood cells which leads to better blood flow which leads to a better erection which leads to a happy
take large amounts of omega 3's- good for your heart and good for your libido. I take 4 grms/day. Lecithin will also increase your load amount-porn stars used to take it and probably still do solely for that purpose
SlowHand49's Avatar
*back from walgreens . . . just gobbled a handful of Vitamin E* . . . gee, I wonder what the "E" stands for???
LOL, slowhand!
Analisa, I drink a quart of pineapple juice a day.
DallasRain's Avatar
mmmm yall are toooo funny!!!
A long time ago in a far away galaxy..... There was this girl and she recommended that I eat Werther's Butterscotch as she loved the way that it made jizz taste. Now I keep a jar of them on my desk at the office!!!!
This thread me of my general rule with women, I won't ask you to do anything that I won't let you do to me. That includes eating my own cum and taking it in the arse.
DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks Thirty!!Thats a great man!!!
Absolutely no problem at all! It's hot as hell! I had a girlfriend who also loved to taste herself on my fingers and lips. We enjoyed the mixing too. Mmmmmm, such great scents and flavors. Add in a nice oil, and.... oh man, it's going to be hard to focus on work now.
SlowHand49's Avatar
I've heard cinnamon improves the flavor . . .