The Lubed Ass solution.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Talking about ignorance, if you or your loved one(s) were falsely accused with sexual assaults, would you like Hillary to defend you or your loved ones. I know what the exact asinine reply your ignorant ass will give: Anyone as competent as Hillary, but not Hillary. Now preach this crap to them.

Jeffrey Modahl
Patrick Montgomery
Sheldon Mosley
A. Jabir Nash
Roger Norton
Dominic Okongwu
Matthew Parker
Michael Parker
Kenneth Pavel
Kevin Peterson
Alberto Ramos
Jesse Ramos
Grant Self
Harold Grant Snowden
Clyde Ray Spencer
John Stoll
Ruth Taylor
Jesus Torres
Howard Weimer
Joy Wosu Originally Posted by andymarksman

well well, our fav Nazi andy stops by. we like the new "Hitler Youth" avatar .. it suits you better. ahahahahaahhaaaaaa

you realize, don't you little andy nazi, that not ONE of these cases have anything directly to do with Clinton's time as an Attorney,, in ArkySaw nowhere else.

so what was your point here Herr Andy Nazi? what??

did Clinton make wrongful convictions a priority on her platform? is it on her platform at all??? ahahahahaha

don't bother to reply with claims of "Criminal Justice Reform" old bitch runs her yap about, first that has nada dodo with the appeals process and possible wrongful convictions, and second it was her hustard Slick Willie Blythe that passed most of the prior "reform" which was really a a "get tough" on sentencing stance. Rare for a Demmytard. guess what happened?
a bunch of mostly minorities got sent to jail.

that's what the dems do to their loyal lemmings when they need to be "tough" and "centrist" against crime to get Republican votes in Congress, they throw their "pet" minority under the bus. latinos are figuring out they are next. and them lato's ain't be likin' it so much these days.