
fun2come's Avatar
I'm so happy!

Can't wait to read the review! How about some action pictures?! You guys will make a cute couple! I just love it when a plan comes together! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Happy: You're sooooo easy .... yeah right Man Whore. KEWL

Review = yes

Pics, sorry I do not allow pics

Cute Couple - you stating this based on what?

Plan - working on it, will be tricky due to my upcoming schedule. You may have to keep your anticipation and excitement in check for a while. In the meantime you can work on your free session with Scarlett, I'd offer you a race to it, but you'd be at a big advantage and I don't like to lose.
And back around to kittens/assholes and bullies... From my personal experience, all of the people guys/girls in this thread, that I have met in person, have always ALL been sweet as pie to me You never really know how a person really feels or who they are, in this world.
There seems to be a few disagreements about the semantics of "bullying." I'm not too interested in that term specifically as it hasn't applied to me specifically (which doesn't mean that it hasn't happened to anyone), but I think it's irrefutable to say that some of the men that qualify as the most vocal in this place are often disrespectful to the women here. I'm not being tenderhearted and butt-hurt when I say this, I'm just making an observation. Some men routinely put down the women here in several ways as some fucked up power trip that I haven't quite figured out. Examples? Sure.

In one thread providers are given grief over charging too much (well, in plenty of threads) because we aren't worth the donation. We're not as hot as other girls who give it up for much less. Two threads later, our low prices are used to point out that we aren't part of the A-Team. Um, OK. This isn't a good discussion of how a woman determines rates for herself but in both instances it's used to pin specific girls down as being less than others.

When women are active in discussions, we're often laughed at for our opinions. If I say x and you say "well no, b/c you're wrong," I'm going to be a bit more pointed in my reply. Not because I'm mean, but because you weren't providing a valid argument to counter mine. If I said x and you said not x, but y, that would be a productive discussion, debate, disagreement, whatever. And the latter does happen, it's simply a rare occurrence. Just saying "hahaha, whatever" is both disrespectful and shitty argumentation. Virtual high-fives are handed out "oh, you sure showed her!"

Women are given shit for not doing enough to better our businesses, not taking hobbyists' needs into account, or not being sincere. When we actively participate in these forums to figure out what the other side of the fence is thinking or just to participate, we're shot down and told our posts are just threADs, we're just in it for the money anyway so what we're saying is just a marketing ploy, and if we were any good at what we do, we'd be too busy sucking dick to spend time participating in discussions.

The jokes or assumptions about how we all have daddy issues, are only here to fatten our wallets but are so terrible with money that we have to stick around, only waiting for a rich man to sweep us off our feet and be our forever sugar daddy, and many others are tiring. We women can say "well...actually" only so many times before we just feel obligated to shut-up all together. Or we get pissed off and speak up with just an ounce of the vitriol we were confronted with in the first place and reamed twice as hard for it.

Hell, even the topic of "could you ever date a provider" makes me laugh. I'm a sex worker, sure...but I'm many other things. 80% of the men always say no, and it makes me think of the men I've dated who have had no fucking clue as to my provider persona. I'm sure those guys would have wigged out, too. But just the clarification of "I hobby" and that meaning you have a better character of someone who says "I provide your hobby tools" makes me roll my eyes and laugh.

At the end of the day, it just gets old. The main reason many (not all, maybe not even most) women turn to this place is because we're sick of dealing with the bullshit required to get laid. It's hard to be a sexually open woman in this society without being shamed on many fronts, so it just sucks that at times this is simply another place to get some tossed our way.

And pick apart my arguments or pick me apart if you're shitty at arguing, I don't really care. I'm beyond interested in sex and all of the things associated with it so I spend time in this place to discuss it, put on my provider hat from time to time to experience it, and post on my blog a bit to dissect it, but when this place goes sour I peace out for a bit and take myself elsewhere.
Most people are smart enough not to start slap fights , because everyone knows how they always end . One person (or persons) is perceived to slap the other harder , then the slapped person (or persons) hits back harder . Then it's a real fight ! For this reason most will not say " hey let's slap fight " .
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Most people are smart enough not to start slap fights , because everyone knows how they always end . One person (or persons) is perceived to slap the other harder , then the slapped person (or persons) hits back harder . Then it's a real fight ! For this reason most will not say " hey let's slap fight " . Originally Posted by rockerrick
Slap fights can be fun until someone gets poked in the eye.

Still Looking's Avatar
Happy: You're sooooo easy .... yeah right Man Whore. KEWL

Review = yes

Pics, sorry I do not allow pics

Cute Couple - you stating this based on what?

Plan - working on it, will be tricky due to my upcoming schedule. You may have to keep your anticipation and excitement in check for a while. In the meantime you can work on your free session with Scarlett, I'd offer you a race to it, but you'd be at a big advantage and I don't like to lose. Originally Posted by fun2come
YES I am easy. No pics. Hummmm I'm sure you have your reasons. Hope you have a great session. Why NOT a cute couple? FREE session with Scarlett? Well your the only one who voiced an option on that. You voted NO! Thanks for all your help even after I told you I was working here!? But you cut one from the herd good for you. Now let's see if you follow through. We'll be waiting as will Stefany I'm sure. Now back to the FREE session with Scarlett. First off I've never allowed or taken a free session. Second why would she owe me one? And if she did I certainly shouldn't have to ask for it....right? See I was being a "nice" guy and giving Scarlett another opportunity to tell me to go FUCK MYSELF! He'll that would have been the right thing to say LOL But instead she choose to ignore me. We know she didn't miss the post!? She addressed Whispers? So why did she ignore me? There is a LOT more to MS SCARLETT than what your reading here.
Whispers's Avatar
But she choose to ignore me. We know she didn't miss the post!? She addressed Whispers? So why did she ignore me? There is a LOT more to MS SCARLETT than what your reading here. Originally Posted by Still Looking
LOL!..... Well... Maybe it's because she is a lady that HAS actually met me and knows I'm a pretty decent guy off the boards and we have some mutual friends and she is not getting that "Still Looking is a Teddy Bear" Vibe from you.

You should schedule a photo shoot and get yourself photographed in a more vulnerable setting than some of the glimpses in the many pics you post. Let her see that when you walked away from the keyboard being rejected by her that you had a glimmer of moisture in your eyes.
One thing I have always learned (THE HARD WAY) is to pick your battles. I only posted in this thread because I wanted to hear straight from the horse's mouth what exactly is provoking Miss Claire to start this thread.

I may seem clueless, but with all the different threads here in Co-Ed lately, don't you think it would confuse some of us who don't log on and post that much? The only "battle" I have to pick here is what I stated in my first post, and that is only from personal experience. I'm sure my fellow hobbyists have shared this same experience with me as well. This has not been a recent experience but has happened among all the years that I have been a hobbyist.

I am also reminded of Chris Cooper's character in American Beauty. He had a hatred for a certain "lifestyle" of people, only because he shared the same "lifestyle" and was in denial about it. Are the ones who are being the most vocal about the topic of bullying the actual bullies and in denial of it?

In my opinion this seems like bait to a trap, and as some others have pointed out: a threAD. I have no beef with Miss Claire, nor with ANYONE who has posted in this thread. So, after this post, I think I will be backing out only because I have no dog in this hunt.
There seems to be a few disagreements about the semantics of "bullying." I'm not too interested in that term specifically as it hasn't applied to me specifically (which doesn't mean that it hasn't happened to anyone), but I think it's irrefutable to say that some of the men that qualify as the most vocal in this place are often disrespectful to the women here. I'm not being tenderhearted and butt-hurt when I say this, I'm just making an observation. Some men routinely put down the women here in several ways as some fucked up power trip that I haven't quite figured out. Examples? Sure.

In one thread providers are given grief over charging too much (well, in plenty of threads) because we aren't worth the donation. We're not as hot as other girls who give it up for much less. Two threads later, our low prices are used to point out that we aren't part of the A-Team. Um, OK. This isn't a good discussion of how a woman determines rates for herself but in both instances it's used to pin specific girls down as being less than others.

When women are active in discussions, we're often laughed at for our opinions. If I say x and you say "well no, b/c you're wrong," I'm going to be a bit more pointed in my reply. Not because I'm mean, but because you weren't providing a valid argument to counter mine. If I said x and you said not x, but y, that would be a productive discussion, debate, disagreement, whatever. And the latter does happen, it's simply a rare occurrence. Just saying "hahaha, whatever" is both disrespectful and shitty argumentation. Virtual high-fives are handed out "oh, you sure showed her!"

Women are given shit for not doing enough to better our businesses, not taking hobbyists' needs into account, or not being sincere. When we actively participate in these forums to figure out what the other side of the fence is thinking or just to participate, we're shot down and told our posts are just threADs, we're just in it for the money anyway so what we're saying is just a marketing ploy, and if we were any good at what we do, we'd be too busy sucking dick to spend time participating in discussions.

The jokes or assumptions about how we all have daddy issues, are only here to fatten our wallets but are so terrible with money that we have to stick around, only waiting for a rich man to sweep us off our feet and be our forever sugar daddy, and many others are tiring. We women can say "well...actually" only so many times before we just feel obligated to shut-up all together. Or we get pissed off and speak up with just an ounce of the vitriol we were confronted with in the first place and reamed twice as hard for it.

Hell, even the topic of "could you ever date a provider" makes me laugh. I'm a sex worker, sure...but I'm many other things. 80% of the men always say no, and it makes me think of the men I've dated who have had no fucking clue as to my provider persona. I'm sure those guys would have wigged out, too. But just the clarification of "I hobby" and that meaning you have a better character of someone who says "I provide your hobby tools" makes me roll my eyes and laugh.

At the end of the day, it just gets old. The main reason many (not all, maybe not even most) women turn to this place is because we're sick of dealing with the bullshit required to get laid. It's hard to be a sexually open woman in this society without being shamed on many fronts, so it just sucks that at times this is simply another place to get some tossed our way.

And pick apart my arguments or pick me apart if you're shitty at arguing, I don't really care. I'm beyond interested in sex and all of the things associated with it so I spend time in this place to discuss it, put on my provider hat from time to time to experience it, and post on my blog a bit to dissect it, but when this place goes sour I peace out for a bit and take myself elsewhere. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
Whispers's Avatar
There seems to be a few disagreements about the semantics of "bullying." I'm not too interested in that term specifically as it hasn't applied to me specifically (which doesn't mean that it hasn't happened to anyone), but I think it's irrefutable to say that some of the men that qualify as the most vocal in this place are often disrespectful to the women here.

As one that has been accused far more times than the average guy that posts as being "disrespectful to women here" I disagree. Which is what MANY women here tend to think is disrespectful. I have in the neighborhood of 20,000 posts over the years here, the old ASPD and a couple of other boards and never banned and pointed only a couple of times for disrespect of any kind.

I'm not being tenderhearted and butt-hurt when I say this, I'm just making an observation. Some men routinely put down the women here in several ways as some fucked up power trip that I haven't quite figured out. Examples? Sure.

In one thread providers are given grief over charging too much (well, in plenty of threads) because we aren't worth the donation. We're not as hot as other girls who give it up for much less. Two threads later, our low prices are used to point out that we aren't part of the A-Team. Um, OK. This isn't a good discussion of how a woman determines rates for herself but in both instances it's used to pin specific girls down as being less than others.

OK. BUT.... in all fairness.... there are most definitely many women on the board that are less than other women on the board. In looks, skills, personality, any variety of ways. This is a "REVIEW" based site when information is exchanged... In the end you are all always reduced down to some formula that ranks you with your peers. That process DOES tend to dehumanize you at times and I know MANY ladies that simply avoid this place outside of their ads because they do not wish to experience it.

When women are active in discussions, we're often laughed at for our opinions. If it happens "often" then the ladies are PROBABLY posting opinions that others find hilarious....

If I say x and you say "well no, b/c you're wrong," I'm going to be a bit more pointed in my reply. Not because I'm mean, but because you weren't providing a valid argument to counter mine. If I said x and you said not x, but y, that would be a productive discussion, debate, disagreement, whatever. And the latter does happen, it's simply a rare occurrence.

Actually it occurs a lot but in many cases the lady experiencing the counter points comes to feel she is losing the debate and gets "butt hurt" and crys out.. BUT I AM A LADY! BE NICE" and it goes downhill from there.

Just saying "hahaha, whatever" is both disrespectful and shitty argumentation. Virtual high-fives are handed out "oh, you sure showed her!"

There comes a point on these sites where ANY member that has posted up one ludicrous thing after another and argued and lost points in discussions loses credibility and is not work more than those kind of comments to the ones making them....

Women are given shit for not doing enough to better our businesses, not taking hobbyists' needs into account, or not being sincere. When we actively participate in these forums to figure out what the other side of the fence is thinking or just to participate, we're shot down and told our posts are just threADs,

I'm interested in seeing some examples of legitimate searches for answers on how to better your (or others) business that go that negative route as you describe.

we're just in it for the money anyway Well. You are.... I see no free hookup section here that ladies are participating in,

so what we're saying is just a marketing ploy, and if we were any good at what we do, we'd be too busy sucking dick to spend time participating in discussions.

Well.... It seems logical that if you WERE busy that you would not take much time for this place.

The jokes or assumptions about how we all have daddy issues, are only here to fatten our wallets but are so terrible with money that we have to stick around, only waiting for a rich man to sweep us off our feet and be our forever sugar daddy, and many others are tiring. We women can say "well...actually" only so many times before we just feel obligated to shut-up all together. Or we get pissed off and speak up with just an ounce of the vitriol we were confronted with in the first place and reamed twice as hard for it.

Actually... Having just popped back in... I see far more venom coming from ladies... Just an opinion....

Hell, even the topic of "could you ever date a provider" makes me laugh. I'm a sex worker, sure...but I'm many other things. 80% of the men always say no, and it makes me think of the men I've dated who have had no fucking clue as to my provider persona. I'm sure those guys would have wigged out, too. But just the clarification of "I hobby" and that meaning you have a better character of someone who says "I provide your hobby tools" makes me roll my eyes and laugh.

It really is different....... Can you take a successful business man home to Daddy and Mommy and present him as a guy that at some point in his life had some money and hired a hooker to suck his dick? Would it be incredibly shocking to the average set of parents to hear that a guy may have pounded some hooker at some time?

I'm sure for some it might.....

But how many parents would want to hear their son announce that the gal he is marrying was a hooker for a couple of years and sucked 300 or so cocks over those years and was pounded by 300 different guys?

Anyone who REMOTELY thinks that one's character is not more socially acceptable than the other's is very naive in my opinion.

At the end of the day, it just gets old. It is. It's been around for the 13+ years I have..... never changes.

The main reason many (not all, maybe not even most) women turn to this place is because we're sick of dealing with the bullshit required to get laid. It's hard to be a sexually open woman in this society without being shamed on many fronts, so it just sucks that at times this is simply another place to get some tossed our way.

Really? You need to turn to THIS place to get laid? I owned and operated clubs for a lot of years and just about ANY gal that WANTS to get laid can pop into a bar and before the night is over SOME guy is willing to give her a pounding....

And pick apart my arguments or pick me apart if you're shitty at arguing,

Am I shitty at arguing? Is that why I pick these apart at times? I disagree. I think I make my points fairly well.

I don't really care. I'm beyond interested in sex and all of the things associated with it so I spend time in this place to discuss it, put on my provider hat from time to time to experience it, and post on my blog a bit to dissect it, but when this place goes sour I peace out for a bit and take myself elsewhere. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
You say "I'm beyond interested in sex and all of the things associated with it " here on a board where MOST of the guys that would book with you want the ILLUSION that you are sincerely interested in them.... This is a point I try to make with many of the guys that discuss this vary thing and they refuse to believe it.

THEY want to believe that you ENJOY the sex and want it and want them and although money is involved that it matters to you and you appreciate the 30 orgasms they give you.....

Thank-you for honestly stating your position on the matter. I'm sure there are guys that will WANT to see you as a result of that honesty.
Still Looking's Avatar
LOL!..... Well... Maybe it's because she is a lady that HAS actually met me and knows I'm a pretty decent guy off the boards and we have some mutual friends and she is not getting that "Still Looking is a Teddy Bear" Vibe from you.

You should schedule a photo shoot and get yourself photographed in a more vulnerable setting than some of the glimpses in the many pics you post. Let her see that when you walked away from the keyboard being rejected by her that you had a glimmer of moisture in your eyes. Originally Posted by Whispers
I've been crying between sessions😔
Do unto others.
governmentguru's Avatar
And six pages of this...?? smh
I find it interesting when most recently I had an ALERT posted about me I acted in a certain way and was not thought of as a "bully". But if I simply state my preferences I'm. Bully!

Let me try it again and we'll see what happens and who might react! I'm NOT a fan of spinners (under 110)and I'm NOT a fan of BBW'S (200+) but I am a fan of big tits! I just don't want them man made or attached to a water buffalo.

So in my little pea brain the only one who should be offended is the provider who might have big tits and one or both of her parents are a water buffalo! So who is going to be the First Lady to give me shit for my preferences? Originally Posted by Still Looking
Meeeee, now your picking on my native people lol.... Just giving you shit lol
Theres someone for everyone, and lets be honest, some of you guys that say you like one thing or not another, but yet you contact the girl that wouldnt be your type because why... flavor, people go through moods, and not to mention I am sure there are guys that see people that they dont write reviews cause its not the norm or there ashamed or there just private people and maybe there was nothing that wowed them in the session. Who the hell cares about who sees who and how much a provider can make in a day, theres days I get excited and go and go and go but then I get burned out and dont want to work the next day, then theres days where I just want to see 1-2 people, or I might choose not to work that whole week, thats the great benefit of being self employeed.
I do think there are guys on here that get off with being a butt head, but we shouldnt let them get to us, there doing it cause the reaction is what there looking for, if no body says shit then they will get board and stop cause its no fun talking to your self, well sometimes lol...
I think we should all just be adults and nice jeez, theres guys on here that I though were total douches until I met them and now I think there just cute and well there not so douchey when there in our faces.
Men are babys ladys, they never grow up, they love attention, and mothering, and well when a child doesnt get enough attention and they feel left out what do they do, through a tantrum and get negitive attention cause thats better then nothing. Just look at them with a smile on your face cause you know one day they will be in your bed and you will have them screaming like a baby, and they will give in to ya lol