Some good movies in theatre right now.

CG2014's Avatar
September 14th can't get here fast enough!

This is a Red Band trailer (i.e foul language, scenes of violence and among other things not suitable for everyone)
Just saw Tag tonight. Loved it
CG2014's Avatar
Thoroughbreds (2017)

Amanda (Olivia Cooke of Ready Player One)) is a social outcast. Lily (Anya Taylor-Joy of Morgan) is an upper class teenager. They are childhood friends who have just been reunited after being some time apart. Together they plan the murder of the Lily's oppressive stepfather.

I've watched many a teenage girls vengeance/black comedies/thrillers in my lifetime.

Some great ones like Heathers, The Craft, Heavenly Creatures, Carrie, Happy Birthday to Me, Jawbreaker and some not so great ones like The Loved Ones, All the Boys Love Mandy Lane, The Crush and All Cheerleaders Die.

This one sort of falls in between the great and the not so great.

There is a long slow set up punctuated by very well written intelligent dialogue between the two very talented young actresses.

But once the act of murder arrives after all the build up and anticipation:

I felt like a diner who has just left a fine dining restaurant after eating a 5 course meal of gourmet soup, appetizer, salad and dessert but the main course was very lacking and disappointing.



p.s. This is Anton Yelchin's (Chekov in the new Star Trek movies) final film appearance. He passed away in a tragic accident 14 days after principal photography was completed.

You guys really need to look into getting an Amazon Firestick and then adding Kodi to it. There's probably more movies and shows available on it than Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, Showtime and Redbox combined. Plus it's all free.
dallasfan's Avatar
I have one. Video and sound quality not always that great If it’s not hd, I can’t see it. I’m a movie snob and still hit the theatres.

Forget the D-box crap though. $10 more to shake your seat. Who thought up this stupid stuff. I hate 3-d also.
Yeah, I usually wait until the movie is available on 720p before I will watch it. Haven't been to the theater in years since I can't deal with the kids these days kicking my seat or constantly looking at their bright ass phones.
Has anyone seen the new Jurassic World movie
CG2014's Avatar
Has anyone seen the new Jurassic World movie Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Previous page:
Saw it last night. I will rate 6/10. Started very well with building a nice plot and felt it fizzled away with so many twists and turns.
CG2014's Avatar
I didn't like the first one.

The only part in the first one was the 'sudden' scene in the first act at the 'stash house' (won't say what, don't want to spoil it for those who hadn't seen it).

I didn't expect that.

It almost made me jump out of my seat and I swore my heart stopped beating for a few seconds and I am sure I wasn't the only one in the theater that had the same reaction.
Saw it last night. I will rate 6/10. Started very well with building a nice plot and felt it fizzled away with so many twists and turns. Originally Posted by krazr5
Thanks for the info
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Ive been wanting to see this one.

Den of Theives 1-10. It was a 6 Originally Posted by PeterBota
redhot11's Avatar
+1 for 3 billboards ....
CG2014's Avatar
This looks fun!

This is a Red Band trailer (i.e foul language, scenes of violence and among other things not suitable for everyone)
CG2014's Avatar
Incident In A Ghostland (2018) (On Screen Title) aka Ghostland

A mother and her two daughters, ages approximate 12-15, are traveling on the road on their way to their new home in the country.

Along the way, a truck passes them by and one of the girls flips her finger at its occupants.

That night while they were still moving into their new home, the occupants of the truck shows up at their home and attack them.

Both girls and their mother survive the brutal and violent attack.

Years pass and one of the daughter, the youngest one, has moved to Chicago where she has become a national best selling author of horror books.

Her mother and oldest sister are still living in their country home.

She returns home to reunite with them and strange happenings begin as soon as she arrives.

Are these occurrences supernatural or is there something else at play here?

The first part of the movie, the brutal attack scene had me on the edge of my seat and I jumped a few times.

The second part of the movie when the youngest sister returns home to find strange things are happening in the house around her, there was an eerie sense of terror and tension which had my attention.

Then the screenwriters and director decide to ruin the mood by revealing the whole cause of the story just a few minutes after the sister has returned home, with the movie not even halfway played through.

Once the truth was revealed, the movie turned into a standard mechanical horror movie.

Loud noises, things jumping out at you, lots of screaming and sobbing from the two sisters, lots of running in the house trying to escape unseen attackers, up the stairs, down the stairs, in one room, out of another room, doors to rooms slamming, locked doors not opening and the sisters banging on the doors while screaming help help please, open the door, etc etc.

If the screenwriters and director had let the movie played through all the way to the end and waited until then for the big twist reveal, this horror film would had been great and it would had worked better.

But nope! Too eager to let the cat out of the bag thus ruining what was an otherwise promising good start.

By the way, this is the same movie where actress Taylor Hickson, one of the young actress who played one of the sisters at age 15, was hurt in an on set accident.

I don't know the outcome of the lawsuit but I hope she wins. It looks like they used real glass and not sugar glass. Really what were they thinking? The director and the stunt coordinator and the set builders were all at fault!

Finally, this is one of half a dozen films I've seen in recent years where characters in them flipped their fingers at someone and the result is bringing violence and mayhem to themselves.

This is not confined to fictional movies. This has also happened in real life.

Don't go flipping your fingers at people even if they do something to piss you off!! You may think it's cool and funny and it gives you a sense of superiority and satisfaction when you do it but you don't know who it is you are being rude to.

There are a lot of crazy people out there and it doesn't take much to set them off and turn them into violent murderous animals.
