there will never ever be a clean break change to another system of taxation
there will only be additional streams of taxation
there may be a waning of one system in favor of another but the system of the income tax would remain to always be re-imposed in force or in part as desired
you can preach a consumption tax and its merits only to find you have been hoist with your own petard
some one here has wished social security and medicare done away with and then in the next breath wants forced withholding from paychecks for retirement savings and insurance and housing
I find that very curious
a dim bulb in here pronounces social security and medicare regressive when the opposite is true. the benefits under social security are skewed dramatically toward the lower wage earner as is, in practice, the "disability" portion. and medicare tax is on every dollar of earnings, that tax has no cap, and the medicare premiums once in the plan are increased with income, all the while the benefits under medicare are equal for all
there is no question higher earners pay into the plans for the benefit of lower earners