CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What say I?

You're Donald trump with no money. No one cares when you make an ass of yourself over and over and over again like they do trump. He (and you) is just sarah palin except she has a bigger dick than y'all. He is guaranteeing a democrat victory for the whitehouse. Just like sarah palin did.

As far as your question in your cry for help goes let me say this.

I bitch slapped you twice for being trusting of your boy friend and his "information".
Let's just leave it at that. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Unbelievably, I must agree at least in part. I've said for months now that the only reason Trump is in the race is to insure Hillary's election.
I like that ticket too. Fiorina can be like a rodeo clown to Hillary. Age instead of gender would then be the issue and it would be the cat fight of the century and worth paying money to see. Meanwhile Rubio stays above the fray..

Hillary looked really puffy in the eyes and face on her last interview. I think the years of heavy drinking have taken their toll on her.. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I expressed my preference, not a prediction, but of course a jizzbrain like you doesn't know the difference.

My thoughts too. Carly has a sharp biting tongue. Rubio is strong on foreign policy and will rip Madame Secretary's record to shreds. They both know how to avoid gaffes. Both have names that end in a vowel - they're not WASPY establishment types. Pairing a Hispanic and a woman will blow up the dimocrat strategy of playing identity politics.... Lots to like!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You two might be right about Rubio, he's a a closet Democrat that supports Obama on almost every issue and the first Repub to come out every time there is a chance to spend more money and vote yes. He has a chance.
Rubio/Fiorina is the winning ticket.... if Carly is #2 on the ticket no one cares about her business record, and she will be a huge and constant pain in the ass for the Hildabeast.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I expressed my preference, not a prediction, but of course a jizzbrain like you doesn't know the difference.

You said it IS the winning ticket. That's a prediction, shitbird. Don't squirm out of it now.

My thoughts too. Carly has a sharp biting tongue. Rubio is strong on foreign policy and will rip Madame Secretary's record to shreds. They both know how to avoid gaffes. Both have names that end in a vowel - they're not WASPY establishment types. Pairing a Hispanic and a woman will blow up the dimocrat strategy of playing identity politics.... Lots to like!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Depends on what your definition is 'is' is, jizzbrain. Maybe you better get your sidekick to explain it to you, slicky willy style.
lustylad's Avatar
You two might be right about Rubio, he's a closet Democrat that supports Obama on almost every issue and the first Repub to come out every time there is a chance to spend more money and vote yes. He has a chance. Originally Posted by nwarounder
A "closet Democrat"? You must be confusing him with another Florida pol named Charlie Christ.

You say he "supports Obama on almost every issue"? That's bullshit. The Heritage Foundation gives him a rating of 94%:


If he supported Obama on almost every issue, his score would be closer to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who has a Heritage rating of 9%.

Look, there is no perfect conservative candidate. But let's not distort the truth about the ones who are out there.
lustylad's Avatar
Depends on what your definition is 'is' is, jizzbrain. Maybe you better get your sidekick to explain it to you, slicky willy style. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yes, I am predicting that a (hypothetical) Rubio-Fiorina ticket would be a winner in November 2016.

No, I'm NOT predicting they will be the eventual GOP nominees. But I would PREFER it to happen.

Get it now, jizzface?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Yes, I am predicting that a (hypothetical) Rubio-Fiorina ticket would be a winner in November 2016.
Originally Posted by lustylad
that match looks awfully calculated, but I agree that it's a winning ticket.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jokes on you, asshole - I read his shit - he is kinda funny!!! A bit too partial to Israel for my taste, though. Originally Posted by DSK
OH! Are you posting as JL again, Sybill?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You idiots are like rats fleeing a sinking ship! Or would it be better to call it a Trump dump?

You idiots are like rats fleeing a sinking ship! Or would it be better to call it a Trump dump?


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I read on CNN today that Trump is considering an independent run again, if he doesn't get the nomination. He's in this for Hillary.
Trump is a leading by leaps and bounds for a reason.. America is TIRED of all the lies that are bring fed to us.. Now it is time FOR A REAL CHANGE
If Trump does run independent, it's going to totally fuck it up for everybody… But I still think he will everyone's ass.. As far as Hillary goes… That is just a bunch of bullshit that liberals are talking..
Yes, I am predicting that a (hypothetical) Rubio-Fiorina ticket would be a winner in November 2016.

No, I'm NOT predicting they will be the eventual GOP nominees. But I would PREFER it to happen.

Get it now, jizzface?
. Originally Posted by lustylad
I had it the first time, you're the one who had to clarify.

Ain't happening. Apparently Rubio is banging some DC lobbyist and his financial situation is shit. Go check it out.
I read on CNN today that Trump is considering an independent run again, if he doesn't get the nomination. He's in this for Hillary. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Please. He's perpetuating the biggest ruse on you idiots. He wants her to win. He's handing it to her.