JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually the claim is a given (yes, the bar is pretty low when talking about politicians) as conservatives have a ethical code. Sometimes they fail to live up to their code but they have one. Liberals by their very value system don't believe in ethical codes. Look at ANY liberal cause and it will conflict with another liberal value. Their values make no sense. You do need to separate politicians from the general public. Also note that "everyone does it" has been a defensive postion going back to Bill Clinton. When they can get you to accept that everyone does it then they win. You will lump all people together with the slimy even if that person is above reproach. Don't buy into the liberal line.

About ten years ago the liberal Kansas City Star did a report on the graft and corruption in the Missouri state house. They listed the politicians in order of the amount of money or gifts they had recieved. Dead last on the list (meaning the least corrupt) was a republican representative who had accepted a dinner from a supporter and then reported said "contribution" to the ways and means committee! Was he talked about for being 100% correct? Nope, he was still included in the corruption list as was everyone else. The Star did not even consider that some people were not corrupt. According to the Star, they were all guilty to different degrees. By the way, his meal was a small salad worth about ten dollars.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Funny, after a life time of military service I can not recall ANY time that I was ordered not to listen or read certain news. During the Iranian hostage crisis I had a small radio that picked up two short wave bands. We would hang out on the fantail and listen to either the BBC or Radio Moscow. That was all we could get unless you wanted to listen to the wailing coming from Tehran. No one was concerned.
I was part of a survey that resulted in Armed Forces Radio carrying the Rush Limbaugh show. Since only three people on my command were part of the survey I think it was influencial. Big difference that you can't see. We got to listen to Rush and today they are being told that they can't read the WSJ if it is about an Obama scandal.

Don't you just love the way that SSOB just accepts what someone writes without checking it out.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Their are going to have to have a Bush-Cheney wing on Obama foreign policy which will show the original Bush decision and next to will be Obama saying "ditto".
Uncle Han's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now the Army is going all out against this conserative, christian soldier. Article 15 charges have been lodged.
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Uncle Han's Avatar
Uncle Han's Avatar
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  • CJ7
  • 06-10-2013, 01:09 PM
whats it like to have shit in your bloodline?
Uncle Han's Avatar
whats it like to have shit in your bloodline? Originally Posted by CJ7
I don't know, tell me...................
Still no reviews, little pussy?
Uncle Han's Avatar
Still no reviews, little pussy? Originally Posted by ExNYer

This from the guy who lied about having sex with a woman?! You'd lie about not having sex with a man!!!!!!!!!!


random dude in soup kitchen men's room----> <----exNYer just didn't read your story closely enough, or are not familiar with nipr. The nipr is the official unclassified internet used for official purposes. The story was incorrect in saying that nipr is the only way to get internet access. nipr is NOT the internet version of AFN, it is the dod network. So the injunction was against accessing the story on the AF server, because it could lead to potential classified information on an unclassified server, which means everyone would have to get their computers yanked, scrubbed, re-imaged, and cause a lot of ass pain. This may not be something that you would have had to worry about during the late 70s, but is a real concern post-wikileaks. This is most likely emotional masturbation from me, because ODS sufferers are somewhat irrational. For the record, the ACTUAL Verizon story makes me upset, like it made everyone who protested against the Patriot Act and was disheartened when Obama renewed it. But none of the people complaining about the Patriot Act were Republicans. Libertarians probably were pissed at it....still voted for the party that pushed it so that's less than helpful. But the AF story is stupid, and the OP's story is pushing an agenda chock full of BS.
You will be banned momentarily, Marshall. You are pathetic.