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  • 11-19-2014, 06:57 AM
I don't doubt that Keystone oil may not be needed for domestic consumption. I also think the left has a reasonable argument to make when they ask "why bring Canada oil across the lower 48" !

. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That at least is a start.

We need a multifaceted approach to energy consumption.

We need to drill to bridge the gap while we invest in green energy technology.

You do understand that we have more oil now than we know what to do with. I oppose being able to sell that oil on the global market because if we do so , we might just be right back where we were pre fracking.

I think on this we just may agree.
boardman's Avatar
Accelerated depreciation is a Generally Accepted Accounting Principle.
Let's say I buy a widget that has a 5 year life expectancy. The cost to maintain and repair that widget will be low in the first couple of years and higher in the last. Accelerated depreciation allows me to offset some of that cost of repair and maintenance in the later years by depreciating more of the asset in the early years so my actual expense ie. depreciation expense + repair expense is a more even number over the 5 year life.
It's got nothing to do with subsidizing anything.
boardman's Avatar
That at least is a start.

We need a multifaceted approach to energy consumption.

We need to drill to bridge the gap while we invest in green energy technology.

You do understand that we have more oil now than we know what to do with. I oppose being able to sell that oil on the global market because if we do so , we might just be right back where we were pre fracking.

I think on this we just may agree. Originally Posted by WTF
Green energy will become self sufficient when it's cost to produce is equal to the cost to produce energy from oil.

So who is going to invest the kind of money to develop green energy that can compete with oil especially when oil companies are spending the kind of money they are developing new drilling techniques such as fracking that is increasing global supply?

Do we really want government stepping in, controlling supply to increase the price of a gallon of gasoline AND subsidizing research on green technology to close that gap. A lot of our taxpayer dollars went down the tubes on ventures like Solyndra?
lustylad's Avatar
What you failed to understand then and now is that Medicare/SS Taxes are paying for your parents care....not a fucking savings for yours', you dumb fuck. So it is a present value asset, paying for a present value liability!

Fucking things I have to teach you Tea Billies! Originally Posted by WTF

Keep digging, moron. You're in the hole again so it's time to reach for the fagboy defense - dig deeper. Double down on stupid. Toss out terms you don't understand ("present value asset/liability", lol). Then posture and rant about "teaching" Tea Billies....

We're not just paying for our parents' care. We're paying over and above that and letting the SS administrators invest the excess for our own retirement. That's why the SS Trust Fund holds trillions of dollars in assets yielding a positive return and keeping the system more solvent than it would otherwise be. Just like you said, fagboy, "time is money". A dollar invested at 5% will grow to $4.32 over 30 years. So stop making an ass out of yourself. You can't have it both ways. You can't reject the time value of money when it refutes you, then turn around and embrace it when you think it helps you. You got it right in this thread, fagboy. Time is money. A dollar now is worth more than a dollar 20 years from now. And that means a dollar I paid into Social Security 20 years ago will entitle me to more than a dollar when I retire. Too bad you were too stubborn or stupid or both to admit it 3 months ago:


You're busted, fagboy. Now let's get back to the Keystone Pipeline and not hijack this thread or triple down on stupid.

LexusLover's Avatar
Keep digging, moron. Originally Posted by lustylad
He was not good at predicting the verdict in the Zimmerman case either.

I think he is one of the "voters" Guber was discussing in regard to the "ACA."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-19-2014, 02:47 PM
He was not good at predicting the verdict in the Zimmerman case either.

I think he is one of the "voters" Guber was discussing in regard to the "ACA." Originally Posted by LexusLover
Holy Shit LL , you're still alive from the Ebola epidemic!
lustylad's Avatar
He was not good at predicting the verdict in the Zimmerman case either.

I think he is one of the "voters" Guber was discussing in regard to the "ACA." Originally Posted by LexusLover

I wouldn't bust him for making a bad prediction. Hell, if I predict the Steelers will win the Super Bowl it doesn't make me an inconsistent hypocrite or liar if they don't. But when WTFagboy talks out of both sides of his mouth from one thread to the next (like Harry Reid does as Senate majority vs. minority leader) you gotta call bullshit on him.
lustylad's Avatar
Actually I have in two other threads dealing with the pipeline. And in both you did not want to believe what is written because it goes against what you believe. Why should I try a third time to provide you with links to stories on how it is obsolete. Originally Posted by BigLouie

LittlePhooey Translation: I'm a lazy fuck and the links don't say what I claimed.
LexusLover's Avatar
I wouldn't bust him for making a bad prediction. Hell, if I predict the Steelers will win the Super Bowl it doesn't make me an inconsistent hypocrite or liar if they don't. Originally Posted by lustylad
Apples and oranges.

His self-perceived expertise in criminal trial work is only surpassed by his economic analysis and taxing-income analysis. The former is pure ignorance and the later is a math skill deficiency.... like thinking 1+1=5.

That's why he keeps changing the subject and what people post. He is judging them by his own standards ... he thinks they can't remember what they posted .... just like he can't! So he just makes up some shit and claims they posted it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-19-2014, 06:14 PM
Accelerated depreciation is a Generally Accepted Accounting Principle.
Let's say I buy a widget that has a 5 year life expectancy. The cost to maintain and repair that widget will be low in the first couple of years and higher in the last. Accelerated depreciation allows me to offset some of that cost of repair and maintenance in the later years by depreciating more of the asset in the early years so my actual expense ie. depreciation expense + repair expense is a more even number over the 5 year life.
It's got nothing to do with subsidizing anything. Originally Posted by boardman
I know it is accepted by the Accounting Profession.

Just as any other tax break is accepted by the Accounting Profession.

I was talking about Congress passing special breaks to a given industry. That is wtf this was. No matter how you spin it, you are sounding like Gruber.
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  • WTF
  • 11-19-2014, 06:28 PM

We're not just paying for our parents' care. We're paying over and above that and letting the SS administrators invest the excess for our own retirement. That's why the SS Trust Fund holds trillions of dollars in assets yielding a positive return and keeping the system more solvent than it would otherwise be.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Social Security's trust fund reaches insolvency in 2033 while Medicare will be insolvent by 2026 unless the U.S. Congress acts, the trustees' report said.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2013/...#ixzz3JZEytNig

Why are we borrowing money from other countries if SS has a 2.7 Trillion dollar surplus?

This would not be such a serious problem if Social Security was still running annual surpluses. But Social Security ran it last annual surplus in 2009, and began running permanent annual deficits in 2010. The cost of paying full Social Security benefits for 2010 exceeded Social Security’s total tax revenue by $49 billion. So how did the government pay full Social Security benefits in 2010? They borrowed $49 billion from China, or one of our other creditors. And the amount that will have to be borrowed in future years will become larger and larger. If the trust fund had not been looted, there would be $2.7 trillion of marketable U.S. Treasury bonds in the fund that could be sold in the open market for cash. But the trust fund doesn’t hold a dime’s worth of marketable real assets of any kind.http://dissidentvoice.org/2013/09/ro...ecurity-heist/

Some of you folks are easily fooled by accounting tricks. You've been Grubered.
Masturbate much; you keep re=affirming what we already know....................WTF is your solution?

With a declining workforce relative to a aging population. How long do you think it will last dicksmoker? You do understand that the huge babyboomer population inflated these programs to make them seem solvent when in fact we are now taking more out than we are putting in. How do you think that will effect our National Debt?

Social Security's trust fund reaches insolvency in 2033 while Medicare will be insolvent by 2026 unless the U.S. Congress acts, the trustees' report said.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2013/...#ixzz3JZEytNig Originally Posted by WTF
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  • WTF
  • 11-19-2014, 06:56 PM
Masturbate much; you keep re=affirming what we already know....................WTF is your solution? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Save your money, invest wisely.

lustylad's Avatar
I know it is accepted by the Accounting Profession.

Just as any other tax break is accepted by the Accounting Profession.

I was talking about Congress passing special breaks to a given industry. That is wtf this was. No matter how you spin it, you are sounding like Gruber. Originally Posted by WTF

Oh yeah, our resident CPA fagboy knows his GAAP, doesn't he? Hahahahaha... Quick fagboy - how many FASB standards are there? Huh? You don't know what FASB is? Then I guess you don't know which standard covers accounting for taxes, do you? But hey, we'll let you speak for the "Accounting Profession". Oh, and I didn't know this Accounting Profession has to vote on whether to "accept" changes in tax law enacted by Congress. When did that start?

Hahahahaha! Fagboy is a CPA! Hahahahaha!

lustylad's Avatar
Social Security's trust fund reaches insolvency in 2033 while Medicare will be insolvent by 2026 unless the U.S. Congress acts, the trustees' report said.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2013/...#ixzz3JZEytNig

Why are we borrowing money from other countries if SS has a 2.7 Trillion dollar surplus?

This would not be such a serious problem if Social Security was still running annual surpluses. But Social Security ran it last annual surplus in 2009, and began running permanent annual deficits in 2010. The cost of paying full Social Security benefits for 2010 exceeded Social Security’s total tax revenue by $49 billion. So how did the government pay full Social Security benefits in 2010? They borrowed $49 billion from China, or one of our other creditors. And the amount that will have to be borrowed in future years will become larger and larger. If the trust fund had not been looted, there would be $2.7 trillion of marketable U.S. Treasury bonds in the fund that could be sold in the open market for cash. But the trust fund doesn’t hold a dime’s worth of marketable real assets of any kind.http://dissidentvoice.org/2013/09/ro...ecurity-heist/

Some of you folks are easily fooled by accounting tricks. You've been Grubered. Originally Posted by WTF

I already shot down your link author 3 months ago in my previous thread (#80), you pathetic dumbfuck! I told you not to hijack this thread. All we care about right now is you finally accepted the time value of money and have thrown in the towel on the other thread. Done. Surrender accepted. Now bow out gracefully and stay on topic, fagboy. We're talking about the Keystone pipeline.
