Take the Mensa workout test.

At least you had the sense to back off your original claim that I "cherry picked" the easy questions; you now fall back to Attack Plan #2 = the unprovable position that I merely lied.

Get your attack story straight old man.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me help out the idiot squad, you're looking for something like I am in the top .02 percent which I never said.
At least you had the sense to back off your original claim that I "cherry picked" the easy questions; you now fall back to Attack Plan #2 = the unprovable position that I merely lied. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I didn't "back off" from anything, ignoramus. My essential point was simply that no one in this forum is likely to believe that you're remotely capable of achieving any sort of reasonably decent score on something resembling a proxy IQ test. It's painfully clear that you're very slow on the uptake and not exactly one of the brighter porch lights on the block, and that's putting it mildly.

Let me help out the idiot squad, you're looking for something like I am in the top .02 percent which I never said. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What you said was that your test scores place you in the 99.8th percentile. For your next act, perhaps you can explain how that differs significantly from claiming that they place you in the top 0.2 percent. Go ahead, professor. You can now put that mathematical prowess you mentioned in post #46 to good use!

I am more mathematical which would explain why I didn't even do two of the questions on the test. They didn't interest me. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
("More mathematical" than what, professor? The mind reels!)

And if you're really interested in helping out the "idiot squad," you can start by going back to school and then follow up by urging your pal Whirlaway to do the same. But you two dim-witted buffoons need to make an effort to learn something this time around.

Carry on, guys. After all ...

But I hope you guys continue to let your combination of stupidity and impetuousness write checks that your low-wattage brains can't cash. It's fun to watch you two clowns continually embarrass yourselves! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
JCM800's Avatar
Yep, as I wrote, that is what the tests say. I don't necessarily believe them and I don't say it. So find out where I said that I believe it rather than say the test results indicate that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

so let me get this straight ....you want someone to find a post of you believing something that you yourself posted?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually I really want you to waste your time looking for something that doesn't exist but is merely the fantasy of a few people on this site. Kind of like unicorns or a pegasus for EVA.
Actually I really want you to waste your time looking for something that doesn't exist but is merely the fantasy of a few people on this site. Kind of like unicorns or a pegasus for EVA. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
One thing that DOESN'T EXIST is a bona fide test score confirming that you're not as dumb as a stack of bricks.

The same is obviously true of the buffoonish Whirlaway, who was cut from the same cloth.

If you two annoying cretins are secretly progressives engaged in a quest to make conservatives look as obnoxious and as stupid as possible, you're doing a damned fine job.
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  • CJ7
  • 02-26-2014, 09:00 AM
Actually I really want you to waste your time looking for something that doesn't exist but is merely the fantasy of a few people on this site. Kind of like unicorns or a pegasus for EVA. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

do you honestly think anyone will take the time to prove you're a lying pos when you prove yourself on a daily basis?

you intellectual indigent,YOU
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
One can only hope...
Like I said; I took part of the test; correctly answered 15 of the first 17 questions; then stopped.....Do the math, that is a score of 88%.

Bloviate all you want CM........you are a complete moron for trying to make a federal case otherwise.

You first claimed I must have "cherry picked" the easy questions; failing that point, you go to your fallback - crying liar..the refuge of idiots !

Now you walk out on the limb farther and opine we maybe "progressives" in disguise.....

You are going senile old geezer !

One thing that DOESN'T EXIST is a bona fide test score confirming that you're not as dumb as a stack of bricks.

The same is obviously true of the buffoonish Whirlaway, who was cut from the same cloth.

If you two annoying cretins are secretly progressives engaged in a quest to make conservatives look as obnoxious and as stupid as possible, you're doing a damned fine job. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I'm gonna take it again bc I remember the correct answers and do EXACTLY what whirlaway just described and see what I get. Stay tuned.
Whirlaway doubled his actual score which was 44%
No THN; I didn't say Mensa scored me 88%........

The math goes like this: 15 divided by 17 = 88%.

Whirlaway doubled his actual score which was 44% Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Like I said; I took part of the test; correctly answered 15 of the first 17 questions; then stopped.....Do the math, that is a score of 88%.

Bloviate all you want CM........you are a complete moron for trying to make a federal case otherwise.

You first claimed I must have "cherry picked" the easy questions; failing that point, you go to your fallback - crying liar..the refuge of idiots !

Now you walk out on the limb farther and opine we maybe "progressives" in disguise.....

You are going senile old geezer !

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Sure thing, Whirlaway! I have no doubt that virtually everyone reading this thread believes that.

Your intellectual prowess is continually placed on display for all to see. No one doubts your capabilities.
No THN; I didn't say Mensa scored me 88%........

The math goes like this: 15 divided by 17 = 88%. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Are you fcuking kidding me??

Would you tell a cop who stopped you for speeding that you don't deserve the ticket bc by your calculations (whatever bass akwards shit that is) you were not speeding. I mean really. I think ur the only dumbass who took an an objectively measured quiz and posted a subjectively calculated score. That is, by far, the dumbest shit i've heard since I was married to my first husband.
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  • CJ7
  • 02-26-2014, 12:11 PM
Are you fcuking kidding me?? Originally Posted by thathottnurse
no, the boy is seriously THAT stupid