Why do we Play the way we do? Independent Providers vs Agency Girls vs Dancers that P4P vs Civiliains that P4P vs Sugarbabies

sixxbach's Avatar
damn and i just wanted to check out the thread before i head back to work lol

i should call in the rest of the afternoon to see how this plays out
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Sorry... I needed a moment....

it's unfortunate but I believe ladies would fear reprisals.....

I doubt we would see much response.....

But I'm game.....

Ask for names of guys that No Showed and Ladies that refused to provide references or simply did not return requests..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Awesome. I don't think any lady should fear retaliation since it's anonymous. The only people who will know who said what are you, me, and some impartial observer. I think I have a good reputation for being low drama and very friendly with other girls. I challenge anyone to find a provider who says I have "retaliated" for anything. I did once have one small conflict with a well known shit stirrer because of the way she treated my sister, but that conflict was mediated by an admin and we are now on good terms. I really do think these out of town girls can trust that I will keep this confidential. I rely on them for references when I tour. We rely on each other.

We can tally the results where ever you want -- but I think a public place with free wifi would be best -- assuming you have a laptop. As far as impartial observers, I nominate Down41. Last I checked, he respects both of us -- though he did once call you sleazy so if you'd like to suggest someone else, I'm open to ideas.

I think we should leave it open for 2 weeks to get as many responses as possible.

Should we include any other markets? San Antonio, RG Valley or Corpus for instance?

Once we have the results, should we post the people's handles in alerts so people know who to avoid?

Also, I think we should exclude hobbyists who responded to an ad on backpage or CL and did not provide any board handle. I have always heard that there are a lot of NC/NS jerks in general on those sites, regardless of the city -- also we'd have no way of knowing who they are. But again, I'm open to negotiation on that point.

I really do not like to see the reputation of my favorite Texas city sullied by a few bad apples.
Sophia, I remember when I was the new flavor in town and how overwhelming it was. You invited me to meet up over dinner and drinks, which I thought was beyond awesome. I've seen you make that same offer to just about every new local gal (well, at least those that come across as intelligent and seem to enjoy their chosen vocation). The only ulterior motive you had was a genuine interest in meeting a new (possibly) cool like-minded lady. Well, that and you're extremely sociable, a trait I'm envious of. There are certainly ladies who have no problem asking for references but refuse to return the favor (you can add CarlyGFE right below Tina Latina). This visiting provider NCNS phenomenon however, I've never heard of until now. If it's true, I almost feel sorry for those participating in such practices. Shame on them. If your business is so threatened by a visiting provider every other week, you are probably in the wrong business.

I hope you get some genuine responses from the lovelies who have visited Austin, only to be maliciously toyed with. I don't like to see our good city sullied either.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
This visiting provider NCNS phenomenon however, I've never heard of until now. If it's true, I almost feel sorry for those participating in such practices. Shame on them. If your business is so threatened by a visiting provider every other week, you are probably in the wrong business.

I hope you get some genuine responses from the lovelies who have visited Austin, only to be maliciously toyed with. I don't like to see our good city sullied either. Originally Posted by Austin Liv
Thanks for your kind words Liv. And damn right. If you are afraid of traveling girls you need to step up your game or find a new profession.
sixxbach's Avatar
and well... how about this ladies..... what about the practice of welcoming a lady to the city and telling her that her rates are too low??? what is the feeling on that?

can i get someone to agree that no one should tell someone to raise their rates, etc b/c one fears to lose biz?
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Geez.... Girls w/ pimps don't give refs i.e. TL & C/GFE. Where have you been?

Sixx, almost all of the gals w/ PPS or who post or appear to be know-it-all's advocate raising rates to anyone who'll ask. Personally, I look at the world around me, listen to what topic comes up most/common threads, and market survey others w/ similar age, looks & offerings *which is not many imo* and determine a fair rate from that. I know I'm WORTH more, but I enjoy the clientele I attract. They're easy-going, relatable, mature men. As long as I can make ends meet, I'm cool. I watched a thread where many ladies from diff cities made this recommendation to one of our younger, newer shining stars in town. Amazes me. No common sense at all. We're all just people needing to find a like mind, have a good time & move on w/ our lives. What's w/ all the bullshit???

Quit watching TV *Ralphey, not pointing my finger at you for the DOOL reference above. TFF!* listening to the radio, reading the publications and start listening to PEOPLE. The hobby is about a base human need: intimacy. For some it's just sex & others require a mental connection, too. Who gives a fuck about the lazy or greedy bitches who don't return ref requests? They will never change. Move on.
Whispers's Avatar
Geez.... Girls w/ pimps don't give refs i.e. TL & C/GFE. Where have you been?

Sixx, almost all of the gals w/ PPS or who post or appear to be know-it-all's advocate raising rates to anyone who'll ask
. Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat

This has long been thought, rumored, gossiped about, back channeled etc.... in regard to a group that referred to themselves as the "Atta Girls".....

It's a shame what a handful of strong willed ladies can do to their "sisters" in the long run....
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Geez.... Girls w/ pimps don't give refs i.e. TL & C/GFE. Where have you been? Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
Wow. I'm really surprised by your hostility as of late. They don't have pimps anymore.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
and well... how about this ladies..... what about the practice of welcoming a lady to the city and telling her that her rates are too low??? what is the feeling on that?

can i get someone to agree that no one should tell someone to raise their rates, etc b/c one fears to lose biz? Originally Posted by sixxbach
I agree. I don't think people should tell others what to charge. I have seen several guys try to tell girls to lower their rates -- in fact, that was a frequent topic of conversation on ASPD and gets occasionally mentioned on this board as well.

Most girls figure it out on their own -- if they're sick of the high volume, they'll raise their rates. If they like the high volume, or the market has spoken and they aren't getting any calls, they'll lower it.

I DON'T KNOW WHY PEOPLE ON EITHER SIDE INSIST ON DISCUSSING RATES SO MUCH. The market decides. End of story. To call someone "PPS" because they have a rate that is higher than you like to pay, or if a provider, higher than your own, is ridiculous. Each provider decides how many clients they want to take per month and has come up with a rate that works for her. There are a lot of girls I know who charge A LOT more than me. That's fine. Some of them have demanding schedules and can't see more than a couple of clients a week. Others are absolutely stunning and would be swamped with appointment requests if they didn't keep their rates high. Others are extremely well educated, well spoken, and charismatic. They make excellent travel companions for wealthy gentleman with discriminating tastes as they can fit in and pass as his girlfriend in various scenarios. Others just provide such a mind blowing experience that they would be booked up all day long and exhausted if they didn't require multi-hours or have a higher base rate. Most of the girls in Texas that charge above $$$ an hour have several of these qualities. The ones that charge over $$$$$ an hour, I assume, have all of these qualities, or are a porn star, though I've never met a real life HDH.

So yes, we shouldn't be telling others to raise their rates -- ironically I remember Kat insinuating that once to a provider from SA who was doing blowpops for around $50. She didn't tell her to raise her rates but commented that she'd never seen a rate so low -- which to me, sounds like an implication that she should raise it.

So can the pots stop calling the kettle black?
and well... how about this ladies..... what about the practice of welcoming a lady to the city and telling her that her rates are too low??? what is the feeling on that?

can i get someone to agree that no one should tell someone to raise their rates, etc b/c one fears to lose biz? Originally Posted by sixxbach

I am from Missouri, show me the facts behind your statement? If you can prove this then I will be behind you. Every lady should be able to establish her own rate. New ladies may start out low to get established but after seeing what others are charging (just have to look at the ads) may change theirs.

This has long been thought, rumored, gossiped about, back channeled etc.... in regard to a group that referred to themselves as the "Atta Girls".....

It's a shame what a handful of strong willed ladies can do to their "sisters" in the long run.... Originally Posted by Whispers
This from someone who obviously has no idea about Atta Girls, but just accepts the rumors as a convenient way of attacking them. The statement above is totally off base and false. Come on Whispers talk is cheap, back up what you say! Prove to the board what you say is correct or don't say it!

KosherCowboy's Avatar

They add way too many details to their story.

Overreacting by immediately acting angry and defensive, perhaps to try to force a change of subject or to make the person submit to their story.

The accused becomes the accuser by pointing the finger and projecting the misdeed elsewhere.

Interesting replies. The behavioral patterns above are what I am noticing in many posts as some ladies defend themselves, but the above patterns tell us much.

I noticed on a BP ad and some ladies ads as well where a lady will honor a lesser rate if the girl is in the group, but not all ladies are included in the group. ' $240 for one hour but $200 if you have seen a girl in my group and are friends with her' ; in doing so, it cuts the feet off of non group girls who charge less than $240-$260 because the gent also invited/included in the group can see the $240/$260 girl for the same price as the non group girl he might otherwise have seen. This has been going on all around the country for years, is an old ' trick' ; it ensures guys book within the group and ensures ladies a well screened gent who is not a creep or LE. Nothing new, I was in a group like that years ago in another city. It ensures hundreds of appointments stay within the group, and that is the reason not all girls are included.

Exclusionary? Fair? You decide? Blame Whispers, blame me, blame Kat, point the fingers at Carlie and Tina Latina, anything to create a distraction. This is textbook market manipulation, look at all the posts in several threads and those behavioral patterns, there is the proof..

Old, old, old trick, almost as old as tricks themselves.

Doesn't apply to the hobby, but the Sherman Anti-Trust act was instituted for many reasons, some unrelated. "The purpose of the [Sherman] Act is not to protect businesses from the working of the market; it is to protect the public from the failure of the market. The law directs itself not against conduct which is competitive, even severely so, but against conduct which unfairly tends to destroy competition itself."

' The purpose of the act was to oppose the combination of entities that could potentially harm competition'

Wk's fire away, ladies should play fair.

Hobbie, all you say about that group would jive but it is missing one ingredient, an invitation to all providers, there is the proof. Accept it or not, I don't give a sh$t because I've seen this scheme before. It is lucrative and strictly from a business aspect brilliant. Honest? hell no.

Like I always said as a Mod, and sure enough it works, give them the rope to hang themselves, and see how they use that rope.

Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar

They add way too many details to their story.

Overreacting by immediately acting angry and defensive, perhaps to try to force a change of subject or to make the person submit to their story.

The accused becomes the accuser by pointing the finger and projecting the misdeed elsewhere.

Interesting replies. The behavioral patterns above are what I am noticing in many posts as some ladies defend themselves, but the above patterns tell us much.

I noticed on a BP ad and some ladies ads as well where a lady will honor a lesser rate if the girl is in the group, but not all ladies are included in the group. ' $240 for one hour but $200 if you have seen a girl in my group and are friends with her' ; in doing so, it cuts the feet off of non group girls who charge less than $240-$260 because the gent also invited/included in the group can see the $240/$260 girl for the same price as the non group girl he might otherwise have seen. This has been going on all around the country for years, is an old ' trick' ; it ensures guys book within the group and ensures ladies a well screened gent who is not a creep or LE. Nothing new, I was in a group like that years ago in another city. It ensures hundreds of appointments stay within the group, and that is the reason not all girls are included.

Exclusionary? Fair? You decide? Blame Whispers, blame me, blame Kat, point the fingers at Carlie and Tina Latina, anything to create a distraction. This is textbook market manipulation, look at all the posts in several threads and those behavioral patterns, there is the proof..

Old, old, old trick, almost as old as tricks themselves.

Doesn't apply to the hobby, but the Sherman Anti-Trust act was instituted for many reasons, some unrelated. "The purpose of the [Sherman] Act is not to protect businesses from the working of the market; it is to protect the public from the failure of the market. The law directs itself not against conduct which is competitive, even severely so, but against conduct which unfairly tends to destroy competition itself."

' The purpose of the act was to oppose the combination of entities that could potentially harm competition'

Wk's fire away, ladies should play fair.

Hobbie, all you say about that group would jive but it is missing one ingredient, an invitation to all providers, there is the proof. Accept it or not, I don't give a sh$t because I've seen this scheme before. It is lucrative and strictly from a business aspect brilliant. Honest? hell no.

Like I always said as a Mod, and sure enough it works, give them the rope to hang themselves, and see how they use that rope.

Originally Posted by KosherCowboy
Thanks Kosher! You are awesome finally!!
~Kisses Jen
sportfisherman's Avatar
How bout those Cowboys ! You know it seems like they should have a really good year this year.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I noticed on a BP ad and some ladies ads as well where a lady will honor a lesser rate if the girl is in the group, but not all ladies are included in the group. ' $240 for one hour but $200 if you have seen a girl in my group and are friends with her' ; in doing so, it cuts the feet off of non group girls who charge less than $240-$260 because the gent also invited/included in the group can see the $240/$260 girl for the same price as the non group girl he might otherwise have seen. This has been going on all around the country for years, is an old ' trick' ; it ensures guys book within the group and ensures ladies a well screened gent who is not a creep or LE. Nothing new, I was in a group like that years ago in another city. It ensures hundreds of appointments stay within the group, and that is the reason not all girls are included.

Exclusionary? Fair? You decide? Originally Posted by KosherCowboy
Does that mean that girls who give P411 discounts or ECCIE discounts are playing dirty? It was MY ad that stated a discount for an atta girl memeber. I treated a member of the group like a returning client due to the lack of work needed to screen him. Seeing a prescreened gentleman because he accepted an invitation to a yahoo group means that I don't have to wait on a provider to get back to me to vouch him.