CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am a God-fearing Christian and I have never seen so much hypocrisy coming from people like you who are supposed to be conservative religious people- at times I am embarrassed to call any of you my Christian brethren. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Seriously? A "God Fearing Christian" with 78 reviews is complaining about Christian hypocrisy on a Hooker board? You have good reason to fear your God.

Seriously? A "God Fearing Christian" with 78 reviews is complaining about Christian hypocrisy on a Hooker board? You have good reason to fear your God.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He's at it again. I don't know why he doesn't just renounce god and bang the whoooores guilt free. Much better quality of life.
lustylad's Avatar
Do you realize Iran is a Theocracy and that they follow Sharia Law? If Sharia Law states to stone a woman if she commits adultery than it is what it is- how are you going to criticize them if they follow their own laws?
When Iran stars executing "INNOCENT" people than complain- all I saw from your site was people getting executed for drug charges- if the law of Iran says not to use or engage in illegal substances thamif Iranians choose to do otherwise they know the risk. Heck Blacks in this country get executed with shots in the back for simply running away from the police- your link is totally bias.
I am a God-fearing Christian and I have never seen so much hypocrisy coming from people like you who are supposed to be conservative religious people- at times I am embarrassed to call any of you my Christian brethren. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

So lemme get this straight, WE. You're a God-fearing Christian who believes in sharia law, the stoning of adulterers, and the execution of children and drug users? Wow, you sound rather conflicted. And inhumane. You rail against oppression under the Shah yet keep mum about far worse human rights violations under the Iranian mullahs - until I bring them to your attention, at which point you tell me the mullahs get a pass because Iran is a “theocracy”?

And you say I'm the one guilty of hypocrisy?

Did I get that right, WE?

So is it ok for police to shoot people in the back in a theocracy? That gives them a pass, right? Would you be as meekly uncritical if Iran was a Christian theocracy instead of a Muslim one? Does that make any difference here? I assume you have this all figured out and aren't just making up arguments on the fly.

lustylad's Avatar
If you want me to answer the question- we choose neither- if a country has a brutal dictator- we don't support that country until they treat their citizens with respect. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

So one country likes us, the other hates us, but you see no difference between them. Got it, WE. Next question - if the country that likes us asks for help in fighting al-queda, how should we respond?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Seriously? A "God Fearing Christian" with 78 reviews is complaining about Christian hypocrisy on a Hooker board? You have good reason to fear your God.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
THIS IS MY LAST WARNING TO YOU TO BACK OFF COG!!!!! You don't know my religious background or what I do in my personal life. I am sick of your smart ass one liners and innuendos- you are doing nothing more than trying to expose me. You have already inquired to know who my Pastor is and that is none of your business. You need to get over the fact that exposed you for a liar back in 2012 for your ill advised prediction for Rick Perry. You attack me every chance I get for no reason except to try to tarnish my image. You are a borderline cyberstalker and you bring nothing to these forums, but lies and drama. You try to stir up the Eccie Shit pot every chance you get and I have had enough of your Bullshit.
THIS IS MY LAST WARNING TO YOU TO BACK OFF COG!!!!!.............You try to stir up the Eccie Shit put every chance you get and I have had enough of your Bullshit. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

If I had to choose between COIdiot and LLIdiot, as to which was the most egotistical asshole posting in this forum, I would choose:

wellendowed1911's Avatar
So lemme get this straight, WE. You're a God-fearing Christian who believes in sharia law, the stoning of adulterers, and the execution of children and drug users? Wow, you sound rather conflicted. And inhumane. You rail against oppression under the Shah yet keep mum about far worse human rights violations under the Iranian mullahs - until I bring them to your attention, at which point you tell me the mullahs get a pass because Iran is a “theocracy”?

And you say I'm the one guilty of hypocrisy?

Did I get that right, WE?

So is it ok for police to shoot people in the back in a theocracy? That gives them a pass, right? Would you be as meekly uncritical if Iran was a Christian theocracy instead of a Muslim one? Does that make any difference here? I assume you have this all figured out and aren't just making up arguments on the fly.

. Originally Posted by lustylad


Every sovereign nation has the right to establish laws they see fit even if they don't agree or coincide with our laws. If Iran wants to establish a Theocracy and want to stone people for adultery or cut off thieves hands for stealing than so be it.
Your problem Lusty is that you expect every country in the world to establish and adopt our same laws and ideals. For example, in Russia the police our allowed to shoot first ask questions later- they(Russian police) can pull you over and beat you to a pulp and say oh sorry wrong person and you can't sue them- hey you may not like it but that's the rule/law in THEIR country. I asked you again were those juveniles innocent people or did they commit some type of crime. In the U.S if a 15 year old was to rape a woman he would probably get juvenile detention and a blemish on his record in Iran they hang the bastard. It's not Iran's fault that the U.S is soft on crime. Barring a person being mentally ill do you think a 15 year old doesn't know rape is wrong???? Also, there has been cases where Iran has overturned an execution because the person was deemed mentally ill- stop distorting the truth as if Iranians are cold blooded killers just lusting to execute someone.
Why did Jesus get executed??? Whom did he kill? Whom did he rape?? No one- he was executed for "blasphemy" right? Imagine if that were the case today- how many agnostics/atheist would be executed? Stop using our laws to justify how others are sentenced in their respective countries.
I would like you to apologize for ASSuming I am a muslim and saying I support Sharia law.
lustylad's Avatar


Every sovereign nation has the right to establish laws they see fit even if they don't agree or coincide with our laws. If Iran wants to establish a Theocracy and want to stone people for adultery or cut off thieves hands for stealing than so be it.
Your problem Lusty is that you expect every country in the world to establish and adopt our same laws and ideals. For example, in Russia the police our allowed to shoot first ask questions later- they(Russian police) can pull you over and beat you to a pulp and say oh sorry wrong person and you can't sue them- hey you may not like it but that's the rule/law in THEIR country. I asked you again were those juveniles innocent people or did they commit some type of crime. In the U.S if a 15 year old was to rape a woman he would probably get juvenile detention and a blemish on his record in Iran they hang the bastard. It's not Iran's fault that the U.S is soft on crime. Barring a person being mentally ill do you think a 15 year old doesn't know rape is wrong???? Also, there has been cases where Iran has overturned an execution because the person was deemed mentally ill- stop distorting the truth as if Iranians are cold blooded killers just lusting to execute someone.
Why did Jesus get executed??? Whom did he kill? Whom did he rape?? No one- he was executed for "blasphemy" right? Imagine if that were the case today- how many agnostics/atheist would be executed? Stop using our laws to justify how others are sentenced in their respective countries.
I would like you to apologize for ASSuming I am a muslim and saying I support Sharia law. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

If you don't believe in sharia law, then why are you defending it and arguing that it gives the Iranian mullahs license and immunity to commit atrocities against their own people?

Here's a link to the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Those aren't my “laws and ideals” - they're supposed to be globally shared. That's why they are considered "universal". I fully admit the Shah violated those human rights. Why can't you likewise admit the mullahs are guilty of the same bad behavior? Why do you have to double down on stupid by stretching and straining to find reasons to give them a pass?


WE, are you even aware of how often you contradict yourself? A few posts ago you told me we shouldn't support brutal dictators like the Shah. Now you insist “every sovereign nation has the right to establish laws they see fit even if they don't agree or coincide with our laws”. I am sure when the Shah jailed and suppressed his opponents he did so pursuant to his own laws at the time. So please explain - on what basis do you assert the right to criticize him? Doesn't the same principle you cited for the mullahs also shield the Shah from criticism? And while we're at it, would you care to defend the Nazis using that argument? After all, Germany was a sovereign nation implementing its own laws when it persecuted the Jews, right?

Your attempt to defend Iran's execution of children is even more preposterous. According to Human Rights Watch, Iran accounted for over 80% (26 of 32) of all the children executed by governments world-wide since 2005. Incredibly, you defend that by saying “It's not Iran's fault that the US is soft on crime.” Wow, really? Look at the numbers again – over 80%! Iran is the one with the problem. It's out of sync with the rest of the world, including other Muslim nations. When it comes to not killing juveniles, the US has it right.

P.S. Sorry WE, no apology is due. I never called you a Muslim or suggested you are anything other than a very confused and conflicted Christian.

Who likes to bang whooooores.
wewee is losing it... if he ever had it... LOL
lustylad's Avatar
Who likes to bang whooooores. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Go fuck yourself, undercunt - you phony jackass. You're an even bigger apologist for Iran than WE is. That could be YOUR ass being handed to you. Bend over punk, you're next.
  • shanm
  • 04-26-2015, 03:09 PM
Go fuck yourself, undercunt - you phony jackass. You're an even bigger apologist for Iran than WE is. That could be YOUR ass being handed to you. Bend over punk, you're next. Originally Posted by lustylad
Don't delude yourself, you extra-chromosome having motherfucker. You couldn't hand someone his ass if it was lying on the floor.

You talk the big talk, I've yet to see you actually do something. Just calling yourself Chuck Norris won't make you Chuck Norris. Your only tactic is claiming yourself a winner even after your has has been handed to you repeatedly. You might be a bigger pathetic loser than even IBDipshit.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If you don't believe in sharia law, then why are you defending it and arguing that it gives the Iranian mullahs license and immunity to commit atrocities against their own people?

Here's a link to the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Those aren't my “laws and ideals” - they're supposed to be globally shared. That's why they are considered "universal". I fully admit the Shah violated those human rights. Why can't you likewise admit the mullahs are guilty of the same bad behavior? Why do you have to double down on stupid by stretching and straining to find reasons to give them a pass?


WE, are you even aware of how often you contradict yourself? A few posts ago you told me we shouldn't support brutal dictators like the Shah. Now you insist “every sovereign nation has the right to establish laws they see fit even if they don't agree or coincide with our laws”. I am sure when the Shah jailed and suppressed his opponents he did so pursuant to his own laws at the time. So please explain - on what basis do you assert the right to criticize him? Doesn't the same principle you cited for the mullahs also shield the Shah from criticism? And while we're at it, would you care to defend the Nazis using that argument? After all, Germany was a sovereign nation implementing its own laws when it persecuted the Jews, right?

Your attempt to defend Iran's execution of children is even more preposterous. According to Human Rights Watch, Iran accounted for over 80% (26 of 32) of all the children executed by governments world-wide since 2005. Incredibly, you defend that by saying “It's not Iran's fault that the US is soft on crime.” Wow, really? Look at the numbers again – over 80%! Iran is the one with the problem. It's out of sync with the rest of the world, including other Muslim nations. When it comes to not killing juveniles, the US has it right.

P.S. Sorry WE, no apology is due. I never called you a Muslim or suggested you are anything other than a very confused and conflicted Christian.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Sir I am not defending Sharia law, but I do understand that some Theocracies have that in place. I however will defend the aggression and discrimination that you and others have against people who happened to be muslim.
Did you speak out against your party when they constantly referred to Obama as a muslim??? Even if he were a muslim does that make him automatically evil? Did Jesus teach us to hate other religions?

Why are you so biased against muslims- ever since 19 idiots committed and act of terror we now blame a population of 1.6 billion on the actions of 19.
In terms of the Shah- he was making his own laws- just as most dictators tend to do when they get power hungry- he was a despicable and you should feel ashamed vouching for him- as a God-fearing Christian it's my Christian duty to defend the rights of all people- and in case you didn't know- muslims are people too.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Why are you so biased against muslims- ever since 19 idiots committed and act of terror we now blame a population of 1.6 billion on the actions of 19. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Do you mean like how Christians committed atrocities in 1095 in RESPONSE to the invasion of Muslims, Obama now blames all Christians today for those actions?

Funny how you support double standards so often.
  • shanm
  • 04-26-2015, 03:58 PM
Do you mean like how Christians committed atrocities in 1095 in RESPONSE to the invasion of Muslims, Obama now blames all Christians today for those actions?

Funny how you support double standards so often. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
He didn't "blame" any Christians. He is a Christian himself, I don't give a fuck what you retards think.
All he was doing is reminding us that the actions of a few bad religious nuts do not set the stage for the majority following the same religion. He's not saying that christians are bad, but actually he's saying essentially the opposite. I don't give a fuck how you see it.