No make up - what do you think?

plove35's Avatar
I hate make up...I know some women NEED it and some use it to make themselves feel mor confident. I personally find no make up just ur natural face sexy...

In request is always tshirt and panties (perferably boy cut panties to show off that ass) and minimal makeup
Zaphod's Avatar
I've always loved the natural look myself. I'll just put it this way... If I can tell that you're wearing makeup, it's too much. The best makeup is so subtle that we can't tell you're wearing any.
Hobbyman's Avatar
Simple.I expect the lady to look like her pictures in all aspects.
Simple.I expect the lady to look like her pictures in all aspects. Originally Posted by Hobbyman
I think this is key. I don't sugar coat that I don't have a lot to dress up in, this has not been a full time gig for me in many years.

I did get the hair done, I feel totally refreshed, and I adjusted my makeup in a couple of pictures to reflect how I look and feel now.

And as an added bonus, the weight is continuing to come off! (Thank goodness!)
KittyLamour's Avatar
Skin care is very important to me and I am constantly in the salon taking care of myself.
I just recently changed up my look again, so I am not wearing much at all during the summer months. However, if I am going out on the town, I will wear an appropriate amount of heavier makeup depending on the place that evening.

Originally Posted by berkleigh
I agree Berkleigh, we are alike in this department. I took a peek at your showcase to see your new look... I love it! You are looking more fabulous than ever before and the new pics are stunning. You go Rock Star!
I wear minimal make up, but I think that my having super long eye lashes makes me look like I spent more time than I really did. I do like a pretty bold lip color to bring everything together. Too much make up just ends up getting everywhere and we look like clowns.
micktoz's Avatar
I wear minimal make up, but I think that my having super long eye lashes makes me look like I spent more time than I really did. I do like a pretty bold lip color to bring everything together. Too much make up just ends up getting everywhere and we look like clowns. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
You are just stunningly beautiful. Minimal make up is perfect on you.
Mascara and some lip gloss is all I need really.

What she said
If ever a guest were to request for me to wear full coverage (which hasn't happened so far), I'd happily do so. Besides that, I wear light makeup or sometimes none at all. Actually, now that I think about it, I get the most compliments about my complexion when I go sans makeup.
eye makeup revs guys up......cant explain why but.....its sexy as hell.......guys love smokey eyes!!
It depends on race and your genetics. Black women age very gracefully. White women age most quickly via bad wrinkles and crows feet. Asian women age by getting nasty brown spots.

Makeup covers these problems.
FunInDFW's Avatar
RufusXavier's Avatar
I know I'm late to this discussion, and have probably missed a lot of good comments by ignoring what's come before. But here's my thing. I know that a lot of providers rely on makeup to bring out their best features. I appreciate them doing so. It certainly makes a great first impression on me and and on JR, who is ready to play. But for me, if I'm doing my job as a client right, by the end of a date the provider's makeup should be a complete mess. Not because of abusive or kinky stuff, but just because we got the hell down. Some providers absolutely hate *that*, and I understand; they have to redo their makeup for the next client. But I believe that a provider should look *basically* good without makeup, or with minimal makeup. I am not turned on by a provider who has to lay it on thick.

My ATF always tells me how her hair and makeup are destroyed after we meet. I don't want to make her life harder; she's my ATF. But the goal is to have a good time. In my view, it's to have a good time on both ends. If providers know how to keep makeup intact, more power to them. But providers who feel they have to lay it on thick, ask yourself why? My ATF uses minimal makeup, and it works.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-25-2017, 11:36 PM
I know how much *good* makeup costs... and the time it takes to apply it well.

If I spent that much on makeup and you ruined it, client after you or not... ugh.

I would much rather skip the makeup, get sweaty, and have one less thing to worry about distracting me from my fuckery.

Has anyone noticed me NOT on my soapbox... this thread really shows how beautiful some are, and some aren't. Makeup or not.
I almost always have to wear makeup.

I wasn't genetically gifted with good skin (I'm scar easily and I'm super sensitive to sunlight) and it would bother me to endure a session without having my face on.