Random Thoughts

In case you were wondering: boxer briefs are the most comfortable men's underwear. Best of both worlds.
In case you were wondering: boxer briefs are the most comfortable men's underwear. Best of both worlds. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
I already know. I wear them with a tank top for pj's.
I already know. I wear them with a tank top for pj's. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Yay, confirmation!
Favorite Led Zeppelin song today: "The Ocean"

Tomorrow, probably something else.

Anger is a negative emotion and never helps anything, usually making things worse instead. Therefore, I choose not to be angry.
Random thought for the day: I wish to hell my wife had told me she was going shopping for several hours ahead of time rather than 2 minutes before she left the house.
Random thought for the day: I wish to hell my wife had told me she was going shopping for several hours ahead of time rather than 2 minutes before she left the house. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
You can still make it happen. Life is about embracing spontaneity!
Random thought for the day: I wish to hell my wife had told me she was going shopping for several hours ahead of time rather than 2 minutes before she left the house. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Those darned wives have a way of making things difficult, don't they?
I can embrace being spontaneous huh?

LOL! I am still lounging around in my old sweat suit, unshowered and unshaven since yesterday. What time may I expect you?
Yes Spanky, they sure can get in the way.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Random thought for the day: I wish to hell my wife had told me she was going shopping for several hours ahead of time rather than 2 minutes before she left the house. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
You just can't win for losing
Vannah's Avatar
LOL! I am still lounging around in my old sweat suit, unshowered and unshaven since yesterday. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
What a coincidence, me too! We're just like the French! *insert French laugh here*
Very early wake ups previous two days and worked my ass off. Motivation is elusive today - but some things motivate me more than others.
I can embrace being spontaneous huh?

LOL! I am still lounging around in my old sweat suit, unshowered and unshaven since yesterday. What time may I expect you? Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Well, I'm all about being spontaneous... but proximity would screw us, I'm afraid. And not the good kind of screwing, either. Lol!
Dammit, my duck won't get sucked today.