What White America Doesn't Want to Know

Uhh... the Spanish brought black slaves to South America way before whites bought them from spaniards. Idiot. I am poor, white, in Texas. Am I white america, you racist? Hispanics hate whitey as much as blacks., Why is that? Reconquista? Originally Posted by Noid
Another equivocator. We are talking about America.
  • Noid
  • 05-13-2015, 05:16 PM
Another equivocator. We are talking about America. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Are we talking about the USA, or the americas? Equivocator?... The spaniards brought slaves to the americas. Answer up about brown pride. Are you hispanic or latino? EITHER WAY, i DON'T CARE. VIVA LA RAZA BLANCO!
I B Hankering's Avatar
You're the idiot trying to negate the entire role that whites played in slavery by pointing out that blacks enslaved their own. I'm talking about America. Blacks didn't enslave blacks in American. That was white people. I know that blacks enslaved other blacks in Africa. I accept that fact. That's not what I'm talking about. You are the one who refuses to move off that position. Your position is weak. Equivocation is the weakest of arguments and it's what you turn to when you have no real leg to stand on. Originally Posted by WombRaider
It's obvious your hypocritical ass negates and excuses the black man's role in slavery when you don't even mention it in the same breath that you use to condemn "whitey", you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Just to clarify your argument: the evil done by the black slavers in Africa absolves the white plantation owner of any responsibility.

You pathetic confederate apologist: they were both morally evil. But you just can't bring yourself to say anything bad about the confederacy, can you. In your mind being a murderous treasonous collection of people--not all southerners of course--is acceptable because you will always pointed to someone else who did wrong, thus in your sick mind absolve Massa' of any blame.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Just to clarify your bias and hypocrisy, Old-THUMPER, it's obvious your hypocritical ass didn't mention the red and black slave owners or the New York Yankees that traveled to Africa to buy, transport across the Atlantic and deliver the black man into bondage in the United States.
It's obvious your hypocritical ass negates and excuses the black man's role in slavery when you don't even mention it in the same breath that you use to condemn "whitey", you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Just to clarify your bias and hypocrisy, Old-THUMPER, it's obvious your hypocritical ass didn't mention the red and black slave owners or the New York Yankees that traveled to Africa to buy, transport across the Atlantic and deliver the black man into bondage in the United States.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I'm not excusing anything. That's not what we're talking about. This is the modus operandi of you and your alter ego Lusty Tard. You can't win the argument as it is framed, so you try and switch it to something else. We are talking about racism in America. What blacks did to other blacks in Africa is irrelevant to this particular conversation. It would be relevant to a larger conversation about slavery in particular, but again, that's not the conversation we're having here. I don't expect you to stay on topic though. You never do.
Are we talking about the USA, or the americas? Equivocator?... The spaniards brought slaves to the americas. Answer up about brown pride. Are you hispanic or latino? EITHER WAY, i DON'T CARE. VIVA LA RAZA BLANCO! Originally Posted by Noid
This perfectly illustrates your ignorance. Neither Hispanic or Latino is meant to denote a particular race. A Brazilian, for instance, can be Latino, but not necessarily Hispanic.

Hispanic refers mostly to language. If you come from, or your people come from a country that speaks spanish, you can refer to yourself as Hispanic. Latino refers more to geography. People from Latin America, South America and the Hispanic countries in the Caribbean, are Latino.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm not excusing anything. That's not what we're talking about. This is the modus operandi of you and your alter ego Lusty Tard. You can't win the argument as it is rigged, so you try and switch it to something else. We are talking about racism in America. What blacks did to other blacks in Africa is irrelevant to this particular conversation. It would be relevant to a larger conversation about slavery in particular, but again, that's not the conversation we're having here. I don't expect you to stay on topic though. You never do. Originally Posted by WombRaider
FTFY, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Lib-retards like you, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and Chomsky love to take historical facts out of context to manipulate them to support your lying POVs, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. African slavery could never have happened on the scale it did without African complicity, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
FTFY, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Lib-retards like you, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and Chomsky love to take historical facts out of context to manipulate them to support your lying POVs, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. African slavery could never have happened on the scale it did without African complicity, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oh this just got good. So now, it's black people's own fault they were enslaved? That's bold. Even for an idiot of your caliber. I'm not taking anything out of context. White people in the American South enslaved almost 500K blacks. That's what we are talking about. Not the slave trade in general. Not the more than 5 million that went to Brazil alone. Not the millions that went to the Caribbean. We're talking about here in America. How hard is that for you to understand?
Well, this thread was shorter than I thought. Figured it would take me half a day to get caught up.

Wombraider, you are a brilliant man and have made many excellent points throughout the thread. Seems almost all those points have been countered by mostly BS and drivel from others.

Yes, white privilege in America has been 400 odd years in the making. To deny it is ridiculously absent-minded. I actually think some pretend not to know any better, but behind the computer screen they have the biggest shit eating grin acknowledging how wonderful it is to be white. There's just NO WAY that you can't know it.

A few laws beneficial to blacks here or there over the last 40 years just isn't enough. And yes, some of the black plight IS on black people themselves. We've got to do better. However, that does NOT excuse or vindicate white people from blame. There's still an audience out there that doesn't want things to change, and they know who they are. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I don't know what you find so brilliant about this thread, you must have a vision problem. The OP posted an article written by a guy named Tim Wise. Let me introduce you to Tim Wise. Wise makes his living as an Anti-Racism activist and writer. This guy is nothing more than a hypocritical loser that gives lip service to race problems we face in this country. He speaks about "White Privilege" he himself is lily white, comes from a wealthy Jewish family and lives in an exclusive upscale neighborhood with 97% white residence. This douchebag has never in his life ever seen the plight of the so called Negro in this country, but yet he'll write about it and cast guilt upon white America. Wise is just another self righteous liberal who thinks he has the game whipped.


Oh this just got good. So now, it's black people's own fault they were enslaved? That's bold. Even for an idiot of your caliber. I'm not taking anything out of context. White people in the American South enslaved almost 500K blacks. That's what we are talking about. Not the slave trade in general. Not the more than 5 million that went to Brazil alone. Not the millions that went to the Caribbean. We're talking about here in America. How hard is that for you to understand? Originally Posted by WombRaider
ZaniRaider Special... after you watch this we will discuss the Irish slaves who preceded black slaves and the Free blacks who owned WHITE IRISH slaves, here in AMERICA. K?

Free blacks who owned slaves

  • shanm
  • 05-13-2015, 06:35 PM
Oh this just got good. So now, it's black people's own fault they were enslaved? That's bold. Even for an idiot of your caliber. I'm not taking anything out of context. White people in the American South enslaved almost 500K blacks. That's what we are talking about. Not the slave trade in general. Not the more than 5 million that went to Brazil alone. Not the millions that went to the Caribbean. We're talking about here in America. How hard is that for you to understand? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Oh I guess you don't know the half of it.

IBretard has had his ass handed to him repeatedly on this subject more than a million times by pretty much everyone who passes through here.

Yet he still drones on like the moronic broken record we all know he is. As the patriarch of the Idiot Klan says: "Carry on!"
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh this just got good. So now, it's black people's own fault they were enslaved? That's bold. Even for an idiot of your caliber. I'm not taking anything out of context. White people in the American South enslaved almost 500K blacks. That's what we are talking about. Not the slave trade in general. Not the more than 5 million that went to Brazil alone. Not the millions that went to the Caribbean. We're talking about here in America. How hard is that for you to understand? Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're lying and wrong again, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Per Odumbo's drinking buddy, Dr. Henry Louis "Beer Summit" Gates Jr., and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Data base: out of 12.5 million Africans in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, "only about 388,000 were shipped directly to North America," and that includes New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts; not just the South. BTW, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, as you noted millions of African slaves were shipped elsewhere and not to the 13 colonies or United States. In fact, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, only 1.6% of the African slaves taken in Africa ever found themselves in what is today the U.S. The other 98.4% were sent elsewhere, but your whiny ass wants to ignore the 98.4% and harp about the 1.6%, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and browbeat 21st century "whities" for something that happened 150 years ago. So you can go fuck your supercilious self, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Oh I guess you don't know the half of it.

IBretard has had his ass handed to him repeatedly on this subject more than a million times by pretty much everyone who passes through here.

Yet he still drones on like the moronic broken record we all know he is. As the patriarch of the Idiot Klan says: "Carry on!"
Originally Posted by shanm
The one who has had their ass handed to them repeated times is you, shamman.

ZaniRaider Special... after you watch this we will discuss the Irish slaves who preceded black slaves and the Free blacks who owned WHITE IRISH slaves, here in AMERICA. K?

Free blacks who owned slaves

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Qtk_7G2xMI Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Notice how Old-THUMPER and the "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas always want to ignore the people of color who owned slaves: it's not PC to denigrate -- or even acknowledge the existence of -- people of color who owned slaves.
Oh I guess you don't know the half of it.

IBretard has had his ass handed to him repeatedly on this subject more than a million times by pretty much everyone who passes through here.

Yet he still drones on like the moronic broken record we all know he is. As the patriarch of the Idiot Klan says: "Carry on!" Originally Posted by shanm
Chancre, you're irrelevant... That's all.
Oh this just got good. So now, it's black people's own fault they were enslaved? That's bold. Even for an idiot of your caliber. I'm not taking anything out of context. White people in the American South enslaved almost 500K blacks. That's what we are talking about. Not the slave trade in general. Not the more than 5 million that went to Brazil alone. Not the millions that went to the Caribbean. We're talking about here in America. How hard is that for you to understand? Originally Posted by WombRaider
ZaniRaider, have you researched where the word "slave" came from?

I have read your thread. Every word. There are several facts stated and also some assumptions. But I WILL tell you. I think you are incredibly rude and disrespectful. It seems as though you posted this thread NOT in attempt to truly raise awareness or take any action, but to but to argue over and use as a base for your cruel responses. Do you truly realize these are REAL PEOPLE YOURE ASSAULTING WITH YOUR WORDS?

I, for one don't care if you're white black purple or green. You're one of those sad souls behind a computer screen with a halfway educated view of racial issues.

FYI-you get more w sugar than salt. If this were truly important to you, why discredit yourself by showing such immaturity? Originally Posted by belleAmore
Wombraider is a troll. He is not interested your arguments no matter how valid they may be. He's here to provoke. That's what gets him off. Simply put him on ignore.

Internet Troll
A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others.
The best thing you can do to fight an internet troll is to not answer..or report them.
"God, Jeremy won't stop posting about Larry's bad spelling in that conversation."

"Yeah, I know, what a Internet Troll."
I don't know what you find so brilliant about this thread, you must have a vision problem. The OP posted an article written by a guy named Tim Wise. Let me introduce you to Tim Wise. Wise makes his living as an Anti-Racism activist and writer. This guy is nothing more than a hypocritical loser that gives lip service to race problems we face in this country. He speaks about "White Privilege" he himself is lily white, comes from a wealthy Jewish family and lives in an exclusive upscale neighborhood with 97% white residence. This douchebag has never in his life ever seen the plight of the so called Negro in this country, but yet he'll write about it and cast guilt upon white America. Wise is just another self righteous liberal who thinks he has the game whipped.


https://right.orain.org/wiki/Tim_Wise Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
This has got to take the cake. A white man who dares to speak out about racism in America. How awful. I wonder why other white people, like you, would want to shout him down and call him into question. It couldn't possibly be because it makes you uncomfortable, could it? Do you wish he would be like you and just shut his mouth and be content with the status quo? Fuck you and your status quo. So-called Negro? Who the fuck even talks like that? You're just another confused republitard who thinks he knows what he's talking about, but looks dumber than a bag of hammered shit, every time he opens his mouth. Hypocritical loser? He's a succesfull person. I guess that rubs you the wrong way too, huh? Yes, he's white. No, he's not wrong about what he says.