Why Trump will win in 2020 and it won't even be close

There has been a tiny upward bump in the number of workers in the coal mining industry. When Trump took office the number was 50,800. February 2019 it was 52,800. So yes, there has been a modest increase in mining jobs in 2 years. An additional 2,000 mining jobs. Obama had a similar increase of 2,000 mining jobs in his last 6 months in office according to BLS figures. So you tell me why both Obama and Trump had similar results in increasing mining jobs? Probably factors totally unrelated to the actions of either POTUS.


No, I don't expect the number of mining jobs to significantly decrease as they did earlier in this decade. But the point remains that there are approximately 33,800 less mining jobs today than in 2009 and Trump promised miners he would "bring back the dying coal industry".

"At a May 2016 campaign rally in Charleston, W.Va., Trump told the crowd: “If I win, we’re going to bring those miners back. You’re going to be so proud of your president.”

“For those miners, get ready, because you’re going to be working your asses off,” candidate Trump told the crowd at the end of the rally.

At a November 2018 rally in West Virginia, President Trump told the state’s coal miners: “You’re back in business.”

But the following month, the federal Energy Information Administration released projections that showed coal consumption by utilities had dropped to its lowest levels since 1979. The use of coal by the U.S. power sector dropped 4 percent in 2018, to levels not seen since Jimmy Carter was president. And the EIA predicts that decline will double to 8 percent in 2019.

The rapid decline of the coal industry as the leading electricity source in the U.S. is not triggered by federal regulations but by economics. Coal, as well as nuclear power, simply can’t compete with cheaper, cleaner and safer renewable energy from solar and wind.

Instead of false promises, Art Sullivan told CNN, “What you need to say to coal miners is ‘We’re going to figure out a way to give you better, safer, healthier jobs.’”"

https://www.ewg.org/release/mining-i...oal-he-s-lying Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So now that your mis-statement about the industry continuing to decline has been even debunked by you, it's now about ginning up faux outrage regarding Trump not delivering completely on an uptick in the industry.

Sounds like desperation in denigrating Trump to me.

Has the industry majorly faltered during the Trump administration? No.

Were major job losses recorded in the industry during the Obama administration? Yes.

Is Trump still working on delivering a further increase to the industry via de-regulation/etc? Yes.
LexusLover's Avatar
Same regarding your opinion ... Speed.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So now that your mis-statement about the industry continuing to decline has been even debunked by you, it's now about ginning up faux outrage regarding Trump not delivering completely on an uptick in the industry.

Sounds like desperation in denigrating Trump to me.

Has the industry majorly faltered during the Trump administration? No.

Were major job losses recorded in the industry during the Obama administration? Yes.

Is Trump still working on delivering a further increase to the industry via de-regulation/etc? Yes. Originally Posted by eccielover
There was a minor uptick in mining employment in Trump's 2 years in office. I looked over my posts and I can't find where I said jobs in the mining industry have continued to decline.

My first post on the subject was post #61. In post #65 I stated "But the number of people working in the coal mining industry is holding steady, at best, and is predicted to continue its decline." I posted a link to an article which stated that. BLS numbers also support that statement. A 2,000 job increase during Trump's tenure with a projected 200 job loss in the next 2 months. If you can find any reliable source that states the employment in the U.S. coal mining industry will grow, please cite it.

As far as me "denigrating" Trump. Please re-read my post #73 and review the promises made by Trump regarding jobs in the coal mining industry and give me your HONEST opinion as to whether or not Trump has fulfilled those promises.

Former Coal Miners Challenge Donald Trump's Ability to Bring Back Declining Industry Jobs: 'He's Lying to Them

During his campaign for office, the president regularly touted his ability to restore coal jobs. But more coal power plants have been shuttered during Trump's presidency than Obama's first four years, CNN reported.

With his term nearly halfway finished—and the significant job increases not yet apparent—some powerful voices have expressed doubt that Trump will be able to follow through on his promises.
"I don’t know if it’s going to happen. I don’t know. It’s the government," Murray Energy CEO Bob Murray told Axios in November. "They are still studying that."

About 2,000 coal jobs had been created during Trump's time in office, CNBC reported in August, citing data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But these figures were based on estimations, and the government could not say that these jobs had actually been created..


Trump Promised to Bring Back Coal. It’s Declining Again

Trump’s “impact on the coal sector has been extremely minimal in nature despite his rhetoric,” said Andrew Cosgrove, a Bloomberg Intelligence senior analyst. “Power plant retirements are still happening and set to continue looking out through the end of his term.”

In fact, government analysts expect continuing declines, with U.S. coal production, consumption and exports all projected to decrease in 2019, according to the Energy Information Administration.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Same regarding your opinion ... Speed. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not a problem.
There was a minor uptick in mining employment in Trump's 2 years in office. I looked over my posts and I can't find where I said jobs in the mining industry have continued to decline.

My first post on the subject was post #61. In post #65 I stated "But the number of people working in the coal mining industry is holding steady, at best, and is predicted to continue its decline." I posted a link to an article which stated that. BLS numbers also support that statement. A 2,000 job increase during Trump's tenure with a projected 200 job loss in the next 2 months. If you can find any reliable source that states the employment in the U.S. coal mining industry will grow, please cite it.

As far as me "denigrating" Trump. Please re-read my post #73 and review the promises made by Trump regarding jobs in the coal mining industry and give me your HONEST opinion as to whether or not Trump has fulfilled those promises.

Former Coal Miners Challenge Donald Trump's Ability to Bring Back Declining Industry Jobs: 'He's Lying to Them

During his campaign for office, the president regularly touted his ability to restore coal jobs. But more coal power plants have been shuttered during Trump's presidency than Obama's first four years, CNN reported.

With his term nearly halfway finished—and the significant job increases not yet apparent—some powerful voices have expressed doubt that Trump will be able to follow through on his promises.
"I don’t know if it’s going to happen. I don’t know. It’s the government," Murray Energy CEO Bob Murray told Axios in November. "They are still studying that."

About 2,000 coal jobs had been created during Trump's time in office, CNBC reported in August, citing data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But these figures were based on estimations, and the government could not say that these jobs had actually been created..


Trump Promised to Bring Back Coal. It’s Declining Again

Trump’s “impact on the coal sector has been extremely minimal in nature despite his rhetoric,” said Andrew Cosgrove, a Bloomberg Intelligence senior analyst. “Power plant retirements are still happening and set to continue looking out through the end of his term.”

In fact, government analysts expect continuing declines, with U.S. coal production, consumption and exports all projected to decrease in 2019, according to the Energy Information Administration.

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...eclining-again Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You missed your post #69 which most certainly alluded to a continued decline in the industry and as it primarily discussed jobs, the normal assumption is that is what you meant.

Again, irrelevant. What is relevant is that the coal mining industry continues its decline. Trump removing restrictions put in place by Obama has had no impact on the number of coal mining jobs. Of course coal miners, past and present, supported Trump in 2016. He told them what they wanted to hear -- he would revive the coal mining industry and bring back their jobs. Didn't happen. I'll let you decide whether Trump was lying to gain their votes or simply misleading them.
You cited an industry continuing to decline while under Trump maybe not a major revival, but certainly an uptick, even if a small one, not a "continues do decline".
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You missed your post #69 which most certainly alluded to a continued decline in the industry and as it primarily discussed jobs, the normal assumption is that is what you meant.

You cited an industry continuing to decline while under Trump maybe not a major revival, but certainly an uptick, even if a small one, not a "continues do decline". Originally Posted by eccielover
You are correct. Just as the decline in coal mining jobs stopped in the last 6 months under Obama (2,000 jobs added) the decline stopped in the 28 months under Trump (2,000 jobs added).
We both know the jobs added under Obama were more a fluke than anything else.

But you did not respond to my request:

"As far as me "denigrating" Trump. Please re-read my post #73 and review the promises made by Trump regarding jobs in the coal mining industry and give me your HONEST opinion as to whether or not Trump has fulfilled those promises."

And I have provided you with several links quoting rather knowledgeable people in the mining industry stating that jobs in the mining industry will decrease in the near future in all likelihood. I'm waiting for you to come up with someone, outside the Trump inner circle, who disagrees with that.
But you did not respond to my request:

"As far as me "denigrating" Trump. Please re-read my post #73 and review the promises made by Trump regarding jobs in the coal mining industry and give me your HONEST opinion as to whether or not Trump has fulfilled those promises." Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Last I checked Trump has not left office yet nor completed his term. It's more faux outrage to claim unfulfilled promises.

My honest opinion then is in process. He continues to remove Obama era obstacles and has as you noted presided over 28 months of no real decline.

And in comparison to what anyone the left would have put up had he not been elected, I honestly think the coal mining industry is certainly better off as a result.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Last I checked Trump has not left office yet nor completed his term. It's more faux outrage to claim unfulfilled promises.

My honest opinion then is in process. He continues to remove Obama era obstacles and has as you noted presided over 28 months of no real decline.

And in comparison to what anyone the left would have put up had he not been elected, I honestly think the coal mining industry is certainly better off as a result. Originally Posted by eccielover
Fair enough. I don't consider restoring 2,000 of the approximately 56,000 mining jobs lost since 2008 in 28 months as a success story but if you do, fine. We can both keep an eye on what happens in the near future. If the number of mining jobs, using BLS numbers, increase substantially in the near future, I will admit that Trump's actions have had a positive impact. However, if they go down or remain static . . . .