Trigger Trumptards

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Wall will go up in DeSantis first term.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Wall will go up in DeSantis first term. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Yes, and Fauci will get the boot on day 1 if he doesn't quit first.
I wouldn't mind having Rand Paul as VP. Both DeSantis and Paul are principled, stand their ground, and aren't intimidated by the media or dems.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Rand Paul would take some heat off of President DeSantis as he has the left wing propagandist media machine even more pre-triggered than RD does.
Even if I were president, I think I'd be doing a shit job Originally Posted by Presj22
Dude... I'm SURE of it.....
Willie Wanker's Avatar
he has the left wing propagandist media machine even more pre-triggered than RD does. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
He does it without raising his voice or breaking a sweat. That's confidence.
Presj22's Avatar
Dude... I'm SURE of it..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Especially seeing as you’d be my VP and CrpytKeeper would be the head of the DoD. Offshoredrilling would be my Chief of Staff. If 10inch ever comes back, I’d make him my Sec of State. Dr would be the moderator
winn dixie's Avatar
Especially seeing as you’d be my VP and CrpytKeeper would be the head of the DoD. Offshoredrilling would be my Chief of Staff. If 10inch ever comes back, I’d make him my Sec of State. Dr would be the moderator Originally Posted by Presj22
offshoredrilling's Avatar
hmmmmm????????? Originally Posted by winn dixie
shhhhhhh its Joe's handle, he's on when Jill not looking
Presj22's Avatar Trumpers seem awful quiet today

(looks at calendar)

Oh, shit.....January 6

Hahaha you lost that war
offshoredrilling's Avatar
its only a day vs more than a year of burning
that burning in many States vs rather than just one place Trumpers seem awful quiet today

(looks at calendar)

Oh, shit.....January 6

Hahaha you lost that war Originally Posted by Presj22
Democracy Isn’t Dying
Jan. 6 was a riot, not an insurrection, and U.S. institutions held.

Meanwhile, Portland, Kenosha, Chicago, SF et. al. were being burned and LOOTED all year long.... not just a single day....

So there's that
Presj22's Avatar
Democracy Isn’t Dying
Jan. 6 was a riot, not an insurrection, and U.S. institutions held.

Meanwhile, Portland, Kenosha, Chicago, SF et. al. were being burned and LOOTED all year long.... not just a single day....

So there's that Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

So let's stoop to the other's level? Yeah, that's always the right solution.

Funny how the party of law and order attacked the police isn't it?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So let's stoop to the other's level? Yeah, that's always the right solution.

Funny how the party of law and order attacked the police isn't it? Originally Posted by Presj22
the far far right dips ... had more then a year of training watching the far far left dips ....
elghund's Avatar
the far far right dips ... had more then a year of training watching the far far left dips .... Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
As a refresher of a time that was real bad……

Proceed with justification for your right or left wing extremist views…..

Presj22's Avatar
As a refresher of a time that was real bad……

Proceed with justification for your right or left wing extremist views…..

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
Or...what about the extremist Republicans that killed RFK, MLK & JFK?