Rush Limbaugh acts like a prick, woman recieves call from Obama

Cog is a far right wing whacko? HUH? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Not compared to you, Whirly, Turdfly and IB!

Compared to everyone else! An emphatic, HELL YES!!!!!
Not compared to you, Whirly, Turdfly and IB!

Compared to everyone else! An emphatic, HELL YES!!!!! Originally Posted by bigtex
Damn bro do you know your "RIGHT" from "LEFT"

Oh I get it every thing right of the extreme left makes your panties wet. It's OK COG won't hurt you. We won't either. It's ok brother we love you....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
WTF, that 30 year old woman (not a girl) lost her private citizen status when she volunteered to go on TV and talk about how much sex she was having in law school. I hope that you condemned James Carville when he said that Paula Jones was a prostitute and a slut. Did you? Or how about Kathleen Willey? Monica made her own bed but why destroy her reputation further? After all, she was a 19 year old girl. If any of you were actually listening to what Rush was doing it was called satire based on what this woman said in a public forum. Unlike the "slutty stewardess" called Sarah Palin (see Bill Mahr) or the "slutty" 14 year old (Palin's daughter) that wanted to have sex with Jose Canseco (see David Letterman). Tell me you were outraged (and that includes you Mariposa) when this men made their comments.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-04-2012, 01:19 AM
Yeah. Wouldn't it be awful if Rush was removed from the airwaves due to this. He'd have to retire to his gazillion dollar beachfront home in Florida, be forced to play golf everyday and probably write another book, for which he will make several gazillion dollars.

Yeah, I feel bad for Rush. He really blew it this time. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy


See, the advertisers know what's coming. After El Rushbo reels out enough sturdy rope to hang himself with, this nice little law student is going to get a pack of sharp lawyers who will go have a meeting with the lawyers at Clear Channel, which owns Premiere Radio which syndicates El Rushbo's show on the radio stations that Clear Channel owns upon which Rush Limbaugh owns the AM airwaves from noon to 3 pm Eastern. And these lawyers are going to demand that Rush be summoned before them so the young lady's lawyers can extract as much money as they can from between his flabby, drug-addled hams. And once they've emptied out Rush's hams, they're going to want to have a look at the books of the Clear Channel radio stations and see how much money they have. Then they're going to have a look at the books of Premiere Radio. And then they're going to have a look at the books of Clear Channel Corporation and its radio and TV stations, and its shopping malls and its outdoor advertising and God knows whatever else Clear Channel owns and the lawyers will giggle and high-five each other as the Clear Channel lawyers moisten their dark blue pants and rend their Italian-made suits and Rush is banished from their presence.
Rush's 4th wife will not be happy about this, for sure. Not at all. She won't like having to go back to live in the trailer park that Rush was born in when the lawyers take every scrap of property he owns. No doubt she'll want a quick settlement while Rush still has a couple bucks to pay in alimony.
Then the former head of the Republican party will find himself among the people he mocks every day, his dittoheads who don't have two nickels to rub together.
Please, Rush, when the grand denoument comes, don't do anything stupid. Well, at least not anything rash. You can still get a gig recording voice tracks at a radio station somewhere. It pays by the page, and it isn't much. But it's something.

LexusLover's Avatar
Often a brief call from an important person makes a deep impression on the person in distress and makes a significant difference in their lives. .... Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Hope he hurry's up and makes my call .... doesn't have much longer.
LexusLover's Avatar
Please, Rush, when the grand denoument comes, don't do anything stupid. Well, at least not anything rash. You can still get a gig recording voice tracks at a radio station somewhere. It pays by the page, and it isn't much. But it's something. Originally Posted by CJ7
You think Rush needs the "gig" .... ???

I lost interest in him long ago, but I'm a grain of sand on his beach.

When all this political dialoguing is finished, I trust that the law student will be championing the cause of equal protection and argue that it be mandated that insurance carriers pay for ED med prescriptions, vasectomies, and birthcontrol prescriptions and "materiel" .... for males, all males, irrespective of sexual preferences.

Equal Protection is a bitch, you know. (No reference to the law student.)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2012, 07:01 AM
Really? I think placing herself purposefully in front of Congress causes her to be a public figure. Where was your and your fellow Socialist Dem's outrage when Bill Maher called Palin a "twat?"

/ Originally Posted by gnadfly
Which Palin, the kid or the Mom?

The mom was/is fair game. Public figure.

The kid, not so much.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2012, 07:12 AM
WTF, that 30 year old woman (not a girl) lost her private citizen status when she volunteered to go on TV and talk about how much sex she was having in law school. I hope that you condemned James Carville when he said that Paula Jones was a prostitute and a slut. Did you? Or how about Kathleen Willey? Monica made her own bed but why destroy her reputation further? After all, she was a 19 year old girl. If any of you were actually listening to what Rush was doing it was called satire based on what this woman said in a public forum. Unlike the "slutty stewardess" called Sarah Palin (see Bill Mahr) or the "slutty" 14 year old (Palin's daughter) that wanted to have sex with Jose Canseco (see David Letterman). Tell me you were outraged (and that includes you Mariposa) when this men made their comments. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What you fail to understand is the politics of the comment. That is why Rush finally said he was sorry. I realized it from the jump start. It took Rush a while longer and you will never be smart enough to see nuanced difference. I said he would lose this arguement in the court of public opinion. That is exactly why he said he was sorry. He should not have attacked her, her should have attacked her views. How can you be a teacher at a college, fuc for that matter at a preschool...

Second you are a liar. She never said how much sex she was having. She spoke on the cost of birth control. You can take the pill for many reasons, one of them being birth control.

Palin's daughter should not have been talked about. I said as much when it happened.

As to the Clinton women. That was a lawsuit and you are fair game in that situtation.

So to recap, You are full of shit. You are the one inconsistant in this matter, not me.
Susan fluk never talked about any sex she was having she was testifying on behalf of a friend she knew who had ovarian cysts and needed birthcontrol to stop the cyst formations. Her friend could not afford the 100 a month for it (she was a college student on a shoestring budget) and had to stop taking the birth control that ultimately lead to serious cysts forming and she eventually got cancer and died. By the way her friend was gay. Not once did Susan talk about herself or talk about her personally having sex. Lush Bimbo is a fucking idiot along with all his fans who believe the crap that spews out of his mouth.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2012, 07:47 AM
. Not once did Susan talk about herself or talk about her personally having sex. . Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Not according to JD Barleycorn, our esteemed college professor!....or CuteOldGuy, he thinks she wants us to pay for her to have sex. He see's no dichotomy in people on one hand arguing for subsidies for big oil and on the other arguing arguing against subsides for women health care.

No wonder this country is in the mess it is. And even at that, it is a pretty good place to live.

Not according to JD Barleycorn, our esteemed college professor!....or CuteOldGuy, he thinks she wants us to pay for her to have sex. He see's no dichotomy in people on one hand arguing for subsidies for big oil and on the other arguing arguing against subsides for women health care.

No wonder this country is in the mess it is. And even at that, it is a pretty good place to live.

Originally Posted by WTF
You can't blame JD or COG for believing "she wants us to pay for her to have sex." That is exactly what Rush said and as far as they are concerned Rush is Far Right on every issue! That's what they like, someone (like Rush) who is so Far Right they are Far Wrong!
BigLouie's Avatar
That is exactly why he said he was sorry. . Originally Posted by WTF
He's not really sorry, he is sorry about his advertisers leaving his show.

The thing is Rush is trying to act as if tax payer money is paying for her birth control, no it's not. It is the insurance companies that is covering it in response to the premiums being paid.
  • Laz
  • 03-04-2012, 12:28 PM
He's not really sorry, he is sorry about his advertisers leaving his show.

The thing is Rush is trying to act as if tax payer money is paying for her birth control, no it's not. It is the insurance companies that is covering it in response to the premiums being paid. Originally Posted by BigLouie
But with Obamacare it will eventually be the taxpayors.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-04-2012, 12:45 PM
You think Rush needs the "gig" .... ???

I lost interest in him long ago, but I'm a grain of sand on his beach.

When all this political dialoguing is finished, I trust that the law student will be championing the cause of equal protection and argue that it be mandated that insurance carriers pay for ED med prescriptions, vasectomies, and birthcontrol prescriptions and "materiel" .... for males, all males, irrespective of sexual preferences.

Equal Protection is a bitch, you know. (No reference to the law student.) Originally Posted by LexusLover

need the gig? Of course not, thats not the point. Did Beck need the gig? No, but both he and Lush were/are mouthpieces for the right wing and unless the upper tier republicans openly diss Lush for his statement you can chalk up another black mark for the right side of the aisle. Given the fact Lush didnt have a clue wtf he was yammering about other than stirring the pot doesnt bode well either. Sure Lush said he was sorry in so many words, question is will the GOP follow suit, and make negative comments about the guy they made an honorary congressman back in the mid 90's ...

then theres the legal issues, slander comes to mind, and a guy who has a net worth of $350M makes a sweet target. Fox threw in the towel with Beck and should Clear Channel do the same with Lush, he better like golf.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I drink a lot of Diet Mountain Dew. If I said that I spend $3,000 a year on MD then you can figure $3,000 divided by the cost of a single MD. You then know that I drink about 4 MDs a day. She told us how much it cost for her birth control. Simple math.

What is with the continuous cracks about teaching? Do I criticize the way you put the garbage in the back of the truck?

Letterman was talking Palin's 14 year old daughter and I never heard a peep from you. Why does being Palin make it okay to call her a slut? Give that answer Mr. Sympathy. What did she do that was in anyway slutty? Nothing is the correct answer. Letterman, Carville, and you are just a bunch of pissed (pissed on) guys who resent what Palin stands for.

So it is okay to destroy someone in a lawsuit with false allegations? I never heard that and I don't think our legal system follows that logic. So let me hear you condemn Carville for being a punk. Kathleen Willey was pulled into the sordid affair, she did not volunteer. Elizabeth Gracen was pursued by members of the Clinton brigade and she fled the country rather than testify. WTF, you are the worst kind of person who would accuse a rape victim of enticing the rapist. You must be speaking from your experiences. Who did you rape WTF?

Heaven forbid if any comedian ever said anything about women like calling her a name or suggesting that she was a slut.

Of course I never read one word from anyone saying that this woman was correct. That birth control should be an entitlement and a right (which means government has to provide it).