The truth about Herpes

Mavs fan's Avatar
Chung, Bengay is good at Psy-ops too he will go and stalk your reviews and then tell you that he creampied every girl you have ever seen just to try and fuck with your head. He has done it to me and several others. All because I chimed in on a review several months ago about higher risk groups like IV drug users and gay men. I didn't say mean words like Faggott or Queer. I merely stated that gay men, like Bengay, are at higher risk for STD's and therefore I try to avoid seeing ladies that have seen guys on here that fuck around with Trannies. Bengay didn't like that. And now he comes out and admits that he fucks providers and he knows he has Herpes. Proving my point that Gay men, like Bengay are a high risk group.

Bengay I don't care if you smoke the Baloney pony that's your business. I just think that it is fucked up to have sex with people male or female, provider or civilian when you know that you have an incurable disease. If you have knowingly passed Herpes to one person and you didn't tell them you had it beforehand that is wrong. No amount of statistics will be able to justify or rationalize causing another human being pain and suffering when you knew that it could happen. It is selfish behavior. I know this isn't a good venue to discuss morals but we should draw the line somewhere, shouldn't we? These ladies on here are not just numbers or statistics they are people, many of whom have children depending on them.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
unless you chop your dick off and swear to never have any sexual contact with anyone then that is the lowest risk of catching an std. you can still get raped and get it that way and you can catch some std's via a dirty toliet,so i have heard. so let us relax and get back to doing what it is we do. pay for play and the messed up part. Texas trying to defund and close planned parenthoods which actually come in handy for providers to get medical help when they need it.
Chung, Bengay is good at Psy-ops too he will go and stalk your reviews and then tell you that he creampied every girl you have ever seen just to try and fuck with your head. He has done it to me and several others. All because I chimed in on a review several months ago about higher risk groups like IV drug users and gay men. I didn't say mean words like Faggott or Queer. I merely stated that gay men, like Bengay, are at higher risk for STD's and therefore I try to avoid seeing ladies that have seen guys on here that fuck around with Trannies. Bengay didn't like that. And now he comes out and admits that he fucks providers and he knows he has Herpes. Proving my point that Gay men, like Bengay are a high risk group.

Bengay I don't care if you smoke the Baloney pony that's your business. I just think that it is fucked up to have sex with people male or female, provider or civilian when you know that you have an incurable disease. If you have knowingly passed Herpes to one person and you didn't tell them you had it beforehand that is wrong. No amount of statistics will be able to justify or rationalize causing another human being pain and suffering when you knew that it could happen. It is selfish behavior. I know this isn't a good venue to discuss morals but we should draw the line somewhere, shouldn't we? These ladies on here are not just numbers or statistics they are people, many of whom have children depending on them. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
While I get what you're saying, I think it sounds extremely naive.

First of all, you mention high risk groups. You know another high risk group? Guys that see prostitutes. Oh, yeah, and prostitutes also. Ben doesn't specifically say that he tells every provider what he carries. That said, he said he's mentioned it to at least some and they have mentioned they have it also. Why? Because it is VERY LIKELY that at least half the providers do from a statistical standpoint. In fact, that's probably understating the numbers.

If people did what you are calling for and were responsible, literally over half the providers (and many of the clients), would not be hobbying. I'm not judging, but those are the risks. Everyone determines their own level of risk they are willing to take. Calling Ben to leave, while understandable, does not significantly affect the risks out there or change the fact YOU have personally either been with a provider with H or you have avoided one through lottery type odds (if you have only been with the 40 providers you've reviewed, and there is a very conservative 50% rate of H, chances are one in a trillion you have escaped seeing one). You sound angry over the fact Ben came out and told you what he has. Shouldn't you be angry at the 400 or so providers who have not?
Mavs fan's Avatar
I'm not angry Barry. I know that prostitutes are a high risk group. My point is why double up on risk? I mean would you have a threesome with a girl and a tranny that have track marks up their arms? Didn't think so. My point is I want to minimize risk if at all possible. And tell the truth Would you see a girl on here if you knew she had been with Bengay prior to you? Knowing what you know now.
Chung, Bengay is good at Psy-ops too he will go and stalk your reviews and then tell you that he creampied every girl you have ever seen just to try and fuck with your head. He has done it to me and several others. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Not true dumb ass, you are the only one. And I did not creampie every one of the five of your reviewed girls that I have seen, just a couple of them.

The only reason I brought it up is to point out how stupid your logic is. I have never reviewed a full service female provider on this board and never will. So if you want to avoid every female provider I have seen, how do you plan on doing that?

Do not assume anyone HPV+ knowingly spreads it just because they have sex. If you would do a little research, you would know that it only contagious when it is active. It is different for everyone..for me it has only been very few times. And when it is active, I know it and dont play around. Even when it is not, I medicate if do not know the status of my potential partner. I can tell you right now, that is a hell of a lot more than most providers will do for you.

Oh, and then there are those providers that just dont give a fuck.. you know: the kind with the blank stare, that think of you as a "trick".. Chances are that when they are shedding, they post even more on backpage... just for the chance to give you the gift that keeps on giving.

Do you have any clue how many guys these girls see? Way more people than you or I combined.

Dont ignore the truth and kill the messenger. open your eyes.

If you want to avoid seeing high risk people, stay away from all providers. Play safe, be willing to accept that you may get herpes or get out of the hobby. It is that simple.
GeminiGuy's Avatar
Bengay, can you help me understand your perspective a little better by answering a couple questions?

1. The sessions you've had since contraction, did you use a cover on the providers that you did not inform of your Herpes status?

2. You've commented on here that you will never review a full service female provider on this board. What makes you not want to review them?

3. You stress your point, or statistics, confirming we are all at risk and it's the same risk level. Perhaps we are all at higher risk than the average person because of our "hobbies"; however, do you not believe that amongst us here on the board there are sub categories of folks that are at a higher risk?
BTW, I meant HSV in my last post, not HPV. Left untreated, HPV can cause cancer. HSV however, is nothing more than an over hyped skin rash that flares up every 5 years or so. (or for some, never flares up)

Gemini Guy, here are your answers:
  1. so far: yes.
  2. you*
  3. yes,
*ie: the misinformed who treat HSV like it is a life ending condition and who may panic and flame providers for suspicion of having such a minor but overblown virus. ( again: a virus that they probably already have)
ManSlut's Avatar
Bengay, can you help me understand your perspective a little better by answering a couple questions?

2. You've commented on here that you will never review a full service female provider on this board. What makes you not want to review them? Originally Posted by GeminiGuy
It's because this dude is 100% Gay. He hasn't had any pussy since he passed thru his Mama's vagina!

I anxiously await his response about how much he wants to convert me...Lol
My point is I want to minimize risk if at all possible. And tell the truth Would you see a girl on here if you knew she had been with Bengay prior to you? Knowing what you know now. Originally Posted by Mavs fan

Mavs Fan:
Although you appear to be too dense to get that you will never know who I have been with, why stop there? Why not take action with information that you already have? (BTW: thanks for the psyOps idea, I am about to use it again below)

Since most hobbyists with 40+ reviews have been with at least three times that many providers, they too are a very high risk group. It would be easy to avoid providers who are reviewed by these hobbyists, right?

Do that and there will be nobody left for you to see.

Manslut: Ahhh and now it appears my bottom boy is back begging to get bitch slapped again. They still haven't banned you?

Here is something for you to chew on: Of the eleven providers that you have reviewed, I have seen one. I am sure she must have passed on the gay start prepping that butthole for me. If you pre-stretch with a big fat cucumber, my Turkish battle canon wont hurt so much.
ManSlut's Avatar
Although you appear to be too dense to get that you will never know who I have been with, why stop there? Why not take action with information that you already have?

Since most hobbyists with 40+ reviews have been with at least three times that many providers, they too are a very high risk group. It would be easy to avoid providers who are reviewed by these hobbyists, right?

Do that and there will be nobody left for you to see. Originally Posted by bengay
Semi-Dude, shut up would ya?... Fuck, you're the majorly dense one on this Gay Man threAD! You're the dumbfuk barebackin' other gay dudes with your high risk HIV/AIDS group...You're a mother fucking GENIUS in my book.

I anxiously await hearing more of your GENIUS and how much you wanna fuck me.
ManSlut's Avatar
Well, why don't you have the balls to name her then, that way I can make sure to let her know to get tested? Otherwise, stfu, drama queen gay boy and don't PM me her name, do it here in the open so everyone knows. Otherwise you're just an attention seeking drama queen just like all your TS buttfucking buddies.

Cucumber your own ass organic baby carrot boy?
wow..back to back posts. Manslut, you really must be butthurt. Best that you not be trying to play mind games when you are unarmed.
ManSlut's Avatar
Aww, I hurt your feelings calling you Organic Baby Carrot Dick didn't I?...That must've really hit home.

Come on, name the Lady, otherwise it's EXACTLY like Mavs fan said your lyin' ass Modus Operandi is....Tick tock, tick tock
Here is some published research to further back up my math.

Prevalence of HSV-2+ among normal, non hobbiests:
15% of white men and
20% of white women
35% of black men
55% of black women

In the Sex industry: between 60 and 90% of female commercial sex workers worldwide have antibodies to HSV-2

Either you believe me or you dont. I see no need to further fuel a flame war with a few clueless idiots. This will be my last post to this thread.
chicagoboy's Avatar
This will be my last post to this thread. Originally Posted by bengay
I'll take the 'Under'.