HF - i agree with your point HF - Unfortunately - the PC cancel culture from the IT computer netheworld is driving these re-namings - putting pressure on insecure politicians who do not have the backbone to stand up to anonymous PC howlings of outrage.
Fuck the PC culture - If they name me 'racist" - I beg to differ with their nazi fascist tacitcs to control and destroy history and everything American in the name of marxism.
Fuck them - let them come and try to take my home - as Seattle permitted in capitol Hill-- they will meet my little friend Ac-556!
It is not just the renamings of anything - including Lincoln that some anonymous computer marxist finds 'offensive" - it is the drive to destroy all history, burn America to the ground - and start with fresh marxism - ala chavez and maduro in Venezuela - but -"oh no -we will do it different" - BS, marxists.
To the Marxists and LibDems - do go live in Venezuela if you love Marxism so much. Learn spanish, and also how to speak to national secret police ala Stalin.
My post is not critical of You - HF . You are a point of reason and good sense on this board. IMHO