Biggest Loser 2010

Ok, I found this and laughed my ass completely off! Losing weight is hard work and geez it's nice to have a laugh now and then.
Original link ^

The Public Humiliation Diet: A How-To

I had terrible back pain and I needed to lose weight. I lost sixty pounds in five months. This is how I did it.

I've struggled with my weight for my entire life. I went to hospital fat camp in seventh grade. I have stretch marks all along my sides and gut (fire belly!). I spend the majority of my day thinking about food, and that's unlikely to change anytime soon, even now. I love eating and have a hard time controlling myself when presented with cakes and pies and bags of Doritos. Oh, Doritos. Oh God, how I adore you. You hear about alcoholics who can't stop drinking until they're blackout drunk. I'm that way with food. I can't stop eating until I'm blackout fat.

So I needed to set some ground rules for myself to lose weight, ground rules that I felt were reasonable to follow for the rest of my adult life. Here's what I did:

1. I bought a scale. I did not own a scale before. I hated weighing myself because I didn't want to face the hard truth about my weight, which is fucking dumb because the hard truth is out there for everyone to see when you're fat. You can't hide it, muumuu or otherwise. Everyone already fucking knows you're a fat repulsive slob. And anytime I stepped on a scale at a doctor's office, I blew it off. "Oh, that's just water weight." "I was 260 because my socks were still on." So I bought a scale and faced facts.

2. I weighed myself daily.
In the morning, in my boxers, after pissing/shitting, but not before drinking water. At maximized lightness. I also weighed myself every night, just to see what the differential would be in the morning. Usually, it's about 3 to 6 pounds. Where does the weight go overnight? Out of my peepee? MAGIC.

3. I posted that weight daily on Twitter.
But it doesn't matter where. It can be on Facebook or your blog or whatever. Shit, you can print it out and stick it on your office cube every day. What I found doing this is that it 1) gave me a public incentive to stick to a goal; 2) garnered support from people. Most Americans struggle with their weight, and most of them sympathize with someone else trying to get healthier. Support helps. Maybe some people will tease you, but that's its own incentive anyway. Part of losing weight is acknowledging the fact that you have issues with food. And holy shit, do I have issues with food.

4. I never ate after dinner.
6 p.m., to be precise, because I eat with my kids. That may not be realistic for you. But there are plenty of people out there who advocate not eating too much at night. For me, it used to be that dinner was the start of my nightly eating. There'd be dessert. Then the after-dessert dessert. Then a bowl of cereal. Then shots of ranch dressing. That's all bad and shit. This rule, and the three rules above, are the ones I really stuck to. The only times I ate dinner late were when I was out with friends or whatever and had no choice.

5. I didn't snack except for fruit.
I know all these people who are like, "Oh, I lost weight by having eight very small meals a day!" Yeah well, I can't do that. A snack, in my hands, becomes a seven-course meal. I used to come home from work and eat half a box of Triscuits and a whole container of hummus. Then some chips. Then some peanuts. Then God knows what else I could stuff into my facehole. All bad. I cut that shit out and had bananas and oranges and apples when I was hungry at midday. And here's what's fucked up: The fruit actually tastes pretty good now. I'm genuinely happy to have fruit as a snack, which makes me feel weird and wrong.

5. I didn't have seconds.
I used to eat two plates at dinner, minimum. I'd spend my first helping thinking about my second, which is idiotic. It's the SAME FUCKING FOOD. Then I'd finish my seconds and hover over my wife's plate like a goddamn buzzard. Hoping she wouldn't finish so I could eat her food. I even ate her food a few times before she was done. Wives get fucking PISSED when you do that. I also had to get over my hatred of throwing away perfectly edible food that other people didn't eat. Nothing pisses me off more, but it's not like a Rwandan AIDS baby will get to eat it if I pass it up.

6. I didn't eat sweets.
This is kind of lie. I did have the occasional cookie or ice cream sandwich. But I used to eat a bowl of ice cream and then have half a package of cocoa almonds for dessert. My dessert came in stages, usually followed by Cocoa Puffs. This is unwise. Cutting out sugar pretty much guarantees weight loss. I didn't drink anything with sugar. No regular soda (now addicted to Coke Zero). No juice. None of that shit.

7. I avoided carbs, but didn't go nuts about it.
I didn't do Atkins or any of that shit. I couldn't live without sugar, cereal, bread, and pasta. But those are foods I used to eat a fucking lot of. Whole bread baskets at the restaurant. Three bowls of pasta for dinner ("I'm carb loadin'! Gotta stay huge!"). Two jumbo bowls of cereal for breakfast. Triple helpings of rice with my Chinese food. I could eat 90 pounds of plain white rice in one sitting. Golden House apparently steams it in cocaine vapor. Anyway, I'd still have pasta for dinner every week or so. But one bowl at a meal. No more. I also got rid of sandwiches for lunch and had egg white omelets with feta cheese, but that's only because I work from home. Not so easy if you work in an office.

8. I drank a fuckload of unsweetened green tea.
It's an appetite suppressant, plus it makes me feel like I just ate a very large Chinese meal, which is fun. I needed something to demarcate the end of a meal, because otherwise I'd just keep eating until all my meals blended together. Breaklunchinner is a better meal than most people realize. Having a cup of tea at the end of the meal (usually decaf) was my way of reminding myself MEAL IS OVER, FUCKFACE.

9. I drastically cut down on boozing.
This is a deal breaker for many people. But the unfair truth is that a six-pack after dinner adds about 900 calories, all of which go to your FUPA. So I cut down on it and spent weeks at a time dead sober. I have two kids and no friends, so this wasn't a big deal for me. If you're in college? Eh, not too realistic. But you know what has NO calories? ****. (Though I suppose it makes you eat 5,000 calories after you smoke it. Again, not really fair. ******* THAT MAKES YOU THIN!) (*** edited by Dharma. Funny but unacceptable subject matter)

10. I made sure everything I ate was fucking AWESOME.
If I'm only getting three legit meals a day, they better be fucking good. So I made sure of that. Did you know two slices of bacon only have 70 calories? Combine that with a fried egg and you've got a breakfast of less than 200 calories, far less than a bowl of granola or some shit like that. So I went the bacon route. And I don't give a shit about my cholesterol. They can just Lipitor that shit. I'm in this for the sexy. I also learned to braise short ribs, make my own pulled pork, make Thai steak sauces, and all this other crazy shit because I wanted to lose weight and still enjoy what the fuck I was eating. None of this grilled-chicken-breast-every-night crap that NFL players do. Fuck that. I still love food and I LIKE it that way. People who don't love food are fucked in the head.

11. I exercised, but that hardly mattered.
I did 45 minutes of cardio five days a week. But I've been doing that for 14 years now. I also started doing around the 220-pound mark. But really, the only thing that mattered was that I ate less, and within a daily routine that I could get used to. (NOTE: But by all means, exercise anyway. It helps you not feel like crap.)

12. I took a fiber supplement.
Metamucil: Poop Yourself Thin!
So that's what I did. And what I found, other than it worked for me, was that I now enjoy what I eat WAY more than before. Before, I didn't even think about what I was eating. I just shoveled that shit in. I couldn't even tell you what I'd eaten that day. But now, because I'm eating less, I can remember precisely what I ate that day and look back on it fondly. Oh, that sausage was good. So very good.
I also found that posting my weight has helped me keep the weight off, because I don't want to gain it all back publicly and feel like a fucking dipshit. Also, if the weight spikes because I went overboard one day (fucking kiddie birthday parties), I now know I have a program I can stick to to get it back down, and in relatively short order. I'll never stop loving food, or struggling to resist fourth helpings, but that's just how it goes. I'll always have the soul of a morbidly obese person. Maybe the way I lost the weight isn't useful to you. But weighing yourself every day and not keeping that weight to yourself goes a long way to helping you stick with whatever method you're using.
So that's the Public Humiliation Diet. If you're trying to lose weight, I applaud you and wish you nothing but the best of luck. And if you're the kind of person who can stay skinny no matter how much you eat or what you eat, I hope you fucking die in a fire.

Send an email to Drew Magary, the author of this post, at

Last week Boys! I'm on it this week! Don't be late I'm posting finals Sat morning!
damnit! how did i miss this? When is the next one? lol I'm always looking for more motivation.
Please forgive Missy, She misfired the end date.....

End is July... Our Sweet Gamemaster is a bit stressed.

Play on!

SaintPat's Avatar
only a few weeks to go for the contest. I am going to work hard on getting below 180# and setting 175# as a stretch goal

time is running out

who is still here.

Post something just to let me know you are still out there
cheatercheater's Avatar
still here just not posting like I should.
Boltfan's Avatar
I am still here too. Busy time for me at work and going backwards on the weight loss.
Finals are coming up! Sorry I'm slacking as well as some of you boys! I'm trying to do better but dang busy season as work is killing me! I want final Weigh-ins but Aug 2! No forgetting!
Boltfan's Avatar
No problem, life gets us all.
Ok will post later tonight or in the morning!
Boltfan's Avatar
I am on the road for family vacation so no scale that I can be sure is the same as before. I ended at about 281 before we left, FWIW.
Kick me in the arse! To horny to focus!

Ok we have a Tie for 1st CC and NetMan! PPE, BoltFan and StPat thank you all for hanging in there and doing you best to deal with me!

Dharma can take it from here 3emember you have 30 days Winners to claim your prize! 2nd and 3rd places was unclear as the other 3 boys didn't seem to loose any!

Chris I didn't get your final weigh in so I can't say on you!

But Congrates CC and Netman you won Round 2!

Round 3 give me a month or two and we'll do it!
w00t! Call me, gentlemen and let's get you rewarded
cheatercheater's Avatar
I am going to bump this only because I was declared a winner!

Thanks To Missy for all your work in putting up with us through this round. We do appreciate you!

Thanks to all you guys that let me sneak by you at the end! I didn't lose that much this round.

Now I need to figure out my schedule and call Dharma! I'll thank Dharma now in this thread for her gracious offer of providing the prize for the winners. Then I'll thank you in person soon!!
Well thank you CC! Give me a month or so to get life chilled! And we'll start round 3 BUT next round will be more like round 1 was! This is the heads up if ya don't follow the rules ya don't stay in the contest!

CC and Netman 2njoy your win! The rest get ready for next round!

Dharma a very special Thank You to you for helping out in the contest! Your a special Lady for all that you have done!