Leaving Eccie

RandB fan's Avatar
All of those photos and no taint photos? Originally Posted by pyramider
That thigh fat roll, what do you call one of those anyway?, was as close as it got to taint. I bet she is one that it's best that she doesn't show it after seeing the textured butt cheeks. I would bet her tits look like tube socks filled with nickels and I am not sure but I don't remember if it was shaved or not in reviews but I am not going in to find out.

I just hope she is gone I don't care if you are an SO. ISSO, or a hoogar once you say your leaving ...Leave Failure to do so in person and you get the "Baby Puss" treatment but you won't get back in unlike the stones tiger.

[QUOTE=RandB fan;1057519446]That thigh fat roll, what do you call one of those anyway?, was as close as it got to taint. I bet she is one that it's best that she doesn't show it after seeing the textured butt cheeks. I would bet her tits look like tube socks filled with nickels and I am not sure but I don't remember if it was shaved or not in reviews but I am not going in to find out.

I just hope she is gone I don't care if you are an SO. ISSO, or a hoogar once you say your leaving ...Leave Failure to do so in person and you get the "Baby Puss" treatment but you won't get back in unlike the stones tiger.

But my photos are fake LMAO
[QUOTE=Clarice Loren;1057519517][QUOTE=RandB fan;1057519446]That thigh fat roll, what do you call one of those anyway?, was as close as it got to taint. I bet she is one that it's best that she doesn't show it after seeing the textured butt cheeks. I would bet her tits look like tube socks filled with nickels and I am not sure but I don't remember if it was shaved or not in reviews but I am not going in to find out.

I just hope she is gone I don't care if you are an SO. ISSO, or a hoogar once you say your leaving ...Leave Failure to do so in person and you get the "Baby Puss" treatment but you won't get back in unlike the stones tiger.

But you claim my tits sag lmao
albundy's Avatar
But you claim my tits sag lmao Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
^^^Nice!!! Too bad you'd make me use latex gloves to touch them. Nice pictures though.
[QUOTE=albundy;1057519607][QUOTE=Clarice Loren;1057519523]

Nice!!! Too bad you'd make me use latex gloves to touch them. Nice pictures though. Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
Thank you much
albundy's Avatar
You're welcome. You seem like you are a pretty girl. If the pictures are accurate, I can't deny that.
Thank you my picture are real I swear I'm no fraud if you have a twitter follow me you will see videos and close ups off my face that match all my photos
Who ever has twitter follow me @claricecurvy
SunniD's Avatar
I completely agree with clarice on this. I had clients schedule for months in advance then tell me later that they wanted BBBJ or BBFS. not everybody is comfortable at putting themselves at risk. Its sad that the people on here are closed minded and do not educated themselves on safe sex. The ones making rude comments make it obvious that they do BB service but dont knock others that DONT do it. Smh

Get yourselfs checked. All money is not good money
RandB fan's Avatar
I asked to find out what I should call this.


[QUOTE=Clarice Loren;1057519517]
That thigh fat roll, what do you call one of those anyway?, was as close as it got to taint. I bet she is one that it's best that she doesn't show it after seeing the textured butt cheeks. I would bet her tits look like tube socks filled with nickels and I am not sure but I don't remember if it was shaved or not in reviews but I am not going in to find out.

I just hope she is gone I don't care if you are an SO. ISSO, or a hoogar once you say your leaving ...Leave Failure to do so in person and you get the "Baby Puss" treatment but you won't get back in unlike the stones tiger.

But my photos are fake LMAO Originally Posted by RandB fan
Yeah I trusting someone who stole pictures of others not to be cheating No thanks Ted Bundy You should know about these as Peg wore a set herself LOL


this and an Armour bra can make old gym socks look good as long as they have 3 layer of clothing on top


and if you think that I am not wrong them maybe you would be interested in these.. I am joking This can on youtube while I was typing Go ahead no matter how I try to get around it I am going to be the dick of this ...

albundy's Avatar
I completely agree with clarice on this. I had clients schedule for months in advance then tell me later that they wanted BBBJ or BBFS. not everybody is comfortable at putting themselves at risk. Its sad that the people on here are closed minded and do not educated themselves on safe sex. The ones making rude comments make it obvious that they do BB service but dont knock others that DONT do it. Smh

Get yourselfs checked. All money is not good money Originally Posted by SunniD
Actually, some of us do their research and get checked. Statistically, BBJ is a relatively safe practice. I won't risk BBFS though, but BBJ, kissing, and DATY (depending on the appearance down there) are absolutely mandatory for me. Otherwise, the whole session feels too plastic, no matter how hard I try to pretend that it's just as good.

I see CBJ in a review and instantly scratch that lady from the possibilities, no matter how she looks. Had a session with a provider on here named Nomi a few years back. Didn't know she was non-GFE big time. When I saw her, my jaw hit the floor. She looked WAY better than her pictures and she was super nice. BUT, no kissing (except for light half-ass kisses), CBJ, and I didn't know DATY wasn't allowed because every provider on here that I have seen allows or even wants that, so I didn't even think about it. I went down there and the look of horror on her face was both disturbing and hilarious at the same time! Obviously, I popped back up immediately and didn't try that again. I left feeling like I still didn't actually do anything with that gorgeous woman because of the covered EVERYTHING and lack of passionate kissing.

Also, I'm not "knocking" those providers who are covered everything and non-GFE. Not my thing, but some guys want that. Do what you please. I just find it fascinating that a guy would actually pay MORE for that. That's all.
RandB fan's Avatar
SunniD. Nice profile, you allow a hobbist to see what he needs to see while retaining dignity. I for one liked it here better when gaping pussys were not allowed.
Clairice went off talking about how all the contacts she got from here were cheap bastards who wanted to BB her in I assume every orifice. Most here who are savvy would never see a provider for virginal or Greek sex without one. There are lots of different people in Texas and the demographic seems to to have a larger amount of those who would have unprotected sex in a civi relationship, one night stands, and, more than anywhere I have ever been, will BB a hooger. The Data on oral service and the handling of the fluids are compared to the research on female ejaculate. The jury is out. Personally, expecting a hoogar or anyone else to swallow is outside my comfort zone.

You both should get true scientific information about SSD's and follow it to your level of satisfaction of your own safety and that of us mongers. TEST AND TEST is the way you protect me in the short run and yourself in the long run. You both have the right to run your business as you like and make your own business plan and policies. If you run a car wash and people want a service you don't want to do you either tell each customer or hang a "notice" sign We have the right to refuse to attempt to clean your headliner no exceptions, do not ask

Announcing the us mongers were to cheep for her, wanted services she wasn't comfortable about and then going on an "I am holier than you and offended some people, and angered others.

Now lets address the reason she gets calls or requests when her mongers are already on their dime.
She has ads everywhere that makes claims that attract that type of customer, She has been getting her on line presence improved by someone else because she does not communicate on paper for someone who received a college degree during the last few days.
She was grossly using other pictures of people that were not her and when called on it got all pissy but also removed most of them but they do not disappear. Businesses copy them and sell the lies either to you or another entity. She is posting that she is one size when she is a bigger girl (most do, do you?) She attracts BB'ers either by posting high rates when anyone with any experience knows she is only worth $400 in your her own mind. at that point, you get calls who ask upfront or guys who either tell you they want it that way or argue with you when you pull one out to put it on your monger. It is the kind of thing you learn by research and the assistance or a seasoned provider. I would not be surprised that she has not seen some violence when she promotes herself as one thing and when her clothes come off you get something less than what you had hoped for that as someone said requires no latex gloves to touch her.

She has proven to me, and I have brought it forward to the community that she is not an honest person, boasting about suddenly becoming a 36DD when she is less than than. I am pretty good at this and I would bet that hers are gym socks full of nickels. Using other's photos is one thing but her newly found pictures are man made and when the self esteem bra comes off the monger is disappointed just like he will be when the ass she shows in pics is not hers. She needs to be transparent, set policies and promote them not have a twitter mentality where it's followers and likes that make you a somebody.
You tell me what do you think they will be when these Miracle bras , tapes and glue on's come off. BW womens breasts don't rub each other without substantial mods




Showing honest non altered pictures that show what a person needs to know to ba able to make a decision, not get a email or a phone call where you are then talking about illegal acts and god knows how safe a gmail or a burner line is when someone wants to monitor it.

I am sorry but this is a train wreck waiting to happen but we around here help when the student is teachable but we also send you packing when you are less than honest or are not techable. Telling your customers that they are worthless idiots who can only get laid by paying for it. I think of it this way, Clairise is a danger to members here and to the people she steals pictures from. She will learn when she pisses off enough of the wrong type of hobbists and they do something that changes her life forever. Being a bitch in this business will get you a name fast and there are guys who will harm you that we try to keep you gals away from.
I would suggest you distance yourself from someone who posts on line what they will be wearing when they leave their hotel and where they had dinner and hang with the big girls and I do not mean BBWs when I say that

I completely agree with Clarice on this. I had clients schedule for months in advance then tell me later that they wanted BBBJ or BBFS. not everybody is comfortable at putting themselves at risk. Its sad that the people on here are closed minded and do not educated themselves on safe sex. The ones making rude comments make it obvious that they do BB service but don't knock others that DONT do it. Smh

Get yourselfs checked. All money is not good money Originally Posted by SunniD
SunniD. Nice profile, you allow a hobbist to see what he needs to see while retaining dignity. I for one liked it here better when gaping pussys were not allowed.
Clairice went off talking about how all the contacts she got from here were cheap bastards who wanted to BB her in I assume every orifice. Most here who are savvy would never see a provider for virginal or Greek sex without one. There are lots of different people in Texas and the demographic seems to to have a larger amount of those who would have unprotected sex in a civi relationship, one night stands, and, more than anywhere I have ever been, will BB a hooger. The Data on oral service and the handling of the fluids are compared to the research on female ejaculate. The jury is out. Personally, expecting a hoogar or anyone else to swallow is outside my comfort zone.

You both should get true scientific information about SSD's and follow it to your level of satisfaction of your own safety and that of us mongers. TEST AND TEST is the way you protect me in the short run and yourself in the long run. You both have the right to run your business as you like and make your own business plan and policies. If you run a car wash and people want a service you don't want to do you either tell each customer or hang a "notice" sign We have the right to refuse to attempt to clean your headliner no exceptions, do not ask

Announcing the us mongers were to cheep for her, wanted services she wasn't comfortable about and then going on an "I am holier than you and offended some people, and angered others.

Now lets address the reason she gets calls or requests when her mongers are already on their dime.
She has ads everywhere that makes claims that attract that type of customer, She has been getting her on line presence improved by someone else because she does not communicate on paper for someone who received a college degree during the last few days.
She was grossly using other pictures of people that were not her and when called on it got all pissy but also removed most of them but they do not disappear. Businesses copy them and sell the lies either to you or another entity. She is posting that she is one size when she is a bigger girl (most do, do you?) She attracts BB'ers either by posting high rates when anyone with any experience knows she is only worth $400 in your her own mind. at that point, you get calls who ask upfront or guys who either tell you they want it that way or argue with you when you pull one out to put it on your monger. It is the kind of thing you learn by research and the assistance or a seasoned provider. I would not be surprised that she has not seen some violence when she promotes herself as one thing and when her clothes come off you get something less than what you had hoped for that as someone said requires no latex gloves to touch her.

She has proven to me, and I have brought it forward to the community that she is not an honest person, boasting about suddenly becoming a 36DD when she is less than than. I am pretty good at this and I would bet that hers are gym socks full of nickels. Using other's photos is one thing but her newly found pictures are man made and when the self esteem bra comes off the monger is disappointed just like he will be when the ass she shows in pics is not hers. She needs to be transparent, set policies and promote them not have a twitter mentality where it's followers and likes that make you a somebody.
You tell me what do you think they will be when these Miracle bras , tapes and glue on's come off. BW womens breasts don't rub each other without substantial mods

Attachment 479415

Attachment 479416

Attachment 479417

Showing honest non altered pictures that show what a person needs to know to ba able to make a decision, not get a email or a phone call where you are then talking about illegal acts and god knows how safe a gmail or a burner line is when someone wants to monitor it.

I am sorry but this is a train wreck waiting to happen but we around here help when the student is teachable but we also send you packing when you are less than honest or are not techable. Telling your customers that they are worthless idiots who can only get laid by paying for it. I think of it this way, Clairise is a danger to members here and to the people she steals pictures from. She will learn when she pisses off enough of the wrong type of hobbists and they do something that changes her life forever. Being a bitch in this business will get you a name fast and there are guys who will harm you that we try to keep you gals away from.
I would suggest you distance yourself from someone who posts on line what they will be wearing when they leave their hotel and where they had dinner and hang with the big girls and I do not mean BBWs when I say that Originally Posted by RandB fan
The fact that you are still taken the time to try to keep slandering me shows that your a complete lunatic you came for me first don't think that you can just take bad about someone and expect them not to say nothing back. Hobbyist are still sending me inboxes requesting appointments. If anyone wants to know about me they can ask my reviewers as if I don't have any they know what kind of person I am . You think your ruining my reputation but your not because I'm out of your league sweetie I don't need to prove anything to you.
I completely agree with clarice on this. I had clients schedule for months in advance then tell me later that they wanted BBBJ or BBFS. not everybody is comfortable at putting themselves at risk. Its sad that the people on here are closed minded and do not educated themselves on safe sex. The ones making rude comments make it obvious that they do BB service but dont knock others that DONT do it. Smh

Get yourselfs checked. All money is not good money Originally Posted by SunniD
Thank you and that is all I was trying to say I want to be safe all the stats that I read about Dallas online having stds I think everyone mend women should be at high alert I was sending a message but you have some losers who just take things the wrong way because they want to. Then the women want to step in and try to depend these guys and try to gang up on me. They have nothing better to do.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Note to OP:

if you start a thread stating you offered BBFS threaten to leave and then do not it only makes it appear as you are created a threAD for bbfs.

Quit while you are ahead .. if you're actually genuine you are cutting your own throat

...but if it's a threAD for a service not permitted admins should remove the entire topic. Originally Posted by Kitty_Rains
As far as I know, neither threADs nor BBFS are prohibited on this SHMB.

Why hasn't Clarice left yet?

hell, she must have PMed me 1/2 times calling me a loser. Originally Posted by RandB fan
You too? Did she claim to know someone who knows someone?