
boardman's Avatar
How about somewhere a little more quite and out of the way. Originally Posted by dirty dog
You've never been to Jr's?
dirty dog's Avatar
You know what I have found out about the guys who always cry out "nternet tough guy"when ever someone stands up to their bullshit. Generally they are pussy's who would never meet to insult and disrespect the other person to their face.
I guess your forgetting about BBD and me. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I did forget, thanks for reminding me.
dearhunter's Avatar
Sunday at the tailgate.....1pm......but, you're buying dammit......I ain't falling for that "I left my wallet in the truck" bullshit......ijs.
boardman's Avatar
Sunday at the tailgate.....1pm......but, you're buying dammit......I ain't falling for that "I left my wallet in the truck" bullshit......ijs. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I do that shit one fucking time and some asholes never let it go...ijs

Does Cindertasha work on Weekends?
dearhunter's Avatar
I don't know....never been on the weekend......but, I'm willing.......just for dd

they have a little raised area in the back where we can have some privacy.......so, we can arm wrestle..........and stuff.
boardman's Avatar
I like that place, they have plenty of parcking for my mo-ped.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Come on down DD, DH has set the time and place.
boardman's Avatar
and they have a wheelchair ramp for TJ
dirty dog's Avatar
It doesn't suprise me that you guys would know the local gay clubs, but I am not interested in that scene, no offense, just not for me. You guys can go do your thing. But it certainly tells me all I need to know about you guys.
boardman's Avatar
Dude....Wait, What?
Does this mean Cindertasha is gay? I know she had a thing for BDS but I always thought she was just bi-curious.
Wakeup's Avatar
It doesn't suprise me that you guys would know the local gay clubs, but I am not interested in that scene, no offense, just not for me. You guys can go do your thing. But it certainly tells me all I need to know about you guys. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Well...you do got a purty mouth and all...
boardman's Avatar
It doesn't suprise me that you guys would know the local gay clubs, but I am not interested in that scene, no offense, just not for me. You guys can go do your thing. But it certainly tells me all I need to know about you guys. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Now Honey Bunch, I gave you a chance. You could have bowed out quietly with a simple "whatever" and this would have all been over and your manhood would have still been somewhat intact. Instead you had to carry it out to the logical foul hooked fucktard conclusion and neuter yourself in front of God and every one. Not that it wasn't predictable, I just hate(not really) watching someone go down that path.

I wouldn't get my hopes up for taking over one of the vacant mod positions if I were you. These last couple of pages haven't been impressive in the least.
bp6570's Avatar
My moneys on DD, mans been around a while & knows folks.
boardman's Avatar
My moneys on DD, mans been around a while & knows folks. Originally Posted by bp6570
Money's on him to do what exactly?