The bio-med Thread: Doesn't like disrespect

Precious_b's Avatar
Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia have all had judicial hearings and all have found that the governor, attorney general, or secretary of state acted improperly to the point of affecting the outcome of the vote. Did it affect the outcome of the election? That was not within their purview. The only thing asked were the actions of the three officials legal. They were not. Most fair, objective people say that their actions did have an effect. Big tech, at the behest of the FBI, hid information from the voters. Polling demonstrates that that lack of information did have an effect to the point that Biden would have lost the election.

So, lets dispose of this old chestnut about a free and fair election. It was not either. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Let's "assume" this is true.

I'm gonna have the same response as *I* did when Gore let the hanging chaff affair go. That is, you know there is a problem. You do nothing to fix the problem. The problem rears itself on a hingepin count. YOU ACCEPT THE COUNT *THAN* FIX THE PROBLEM. If you know a problem exist and you don't take care of it, phooey on you. Take the lumps for your inaction. Than fix the problem. Intimidating voters is not the fix. It's pouting.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, if you really followed what was going on, Trump supporters have been doing their due diligence but for various reasons the cases are not being allowed into the courtroom. So, you have a problem with the justice system backing up the narrative rather than being a truth finding body.
biomed1's Avatar
Members can't even stay on topic to complain about me or the enforcement of the Eccie Guidelines.

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