"High" Volume - Contributing to a probem? Applying some semblance of Consience to your Hobby?

Whispers's Avatar
yes you do amuse me too. i wonder if maybe you are testing out the pimp waters. pimps also are 'concerned' about where their money is going so they can exert control over it in a 'nice' way.

I only bring that up because you said you saw another hobbiest leave an incall, that you were parked in front of with a lady in your car.

that's also what pimps do. Originally Posted by budman33
LOL.... Really?...... You are always looking for some negative way to spin something away from the subject at hand when you find you can't debate the issue being discussed....

If you want to comment on that you really ought to do so in the thread it was posted.....

BUT... since you are out there...... I consider myself fortunate to have several lady friends within the community.... I happened to have drove over to visit with a lady that shared that particular location, at her request of course, and we were sitting in my car talking rather rather innocently when that incident occurred.....

But leave it to you...... You need to try to disparage me in any manner possible....

Man... You are MORE than embarrassing yourself.....

Let's get back on subject..... Maybe it is time to step away from the booze and take a bit of a break..... Although we are not really "contributing" to your "problem", maybe you could benefit from a little dry time..... a little support from some of us here maybe?

The way some of your posts read..... I would feel a lot more sorry for you if they are NOT the result of too many Budweiser entering your system! At least a lack of sobriety could explain SOME of your ramblings.....
It is really not anyone's business but the Lady herself on where she puts her money or spends it or not.

As for me, I save a lot for future rainy days, but I like some nice things in life, really love traveling to nice warm sports for short vacations or long weekends several times a year.

Of course, I love Cock the most, so I always come back for more.


512-557-4045 bookings via the Phone Only !



"Conscience" and "Hobby" put together, or in the same sentence, is a true oxymoron in the perfect sense of an oxyMORON. They are contradictory terms. I will not extrapolate on that notion. To me, it's axiomatic.

When they do co-exist, as oftentimes they do, it is always a recipe for disaster and most of the time fraught with much pain. The motives for either party are all selfish all the time. The word "Altruism" is also oxymoronic to the word "Hobby."

Always an "angle" to pursue. Always.

"Good" outcomes are rare. "Bad" outcomes are the rule for ALL parties involved.

If you like the "pain" have at it. If you do not like the pain- then please refrain.

Some people cannot survive without the pain. It is all they have ever known.

They are called "Chaos Mongers."

If one likes to live in a warm pile of shit; that's all they know- a warm pile of shit. They will never or rarely be convinced otherwise.

SofaKingFun's Avatar



Who's Your Daddy's Avatar



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun

SKF remembers Boogie too !!
budman33's Avatar
LOL.... Really?...... You are always looking for some negative way to spin something away from the subject at hand when you find you can't debate the issue being discussed....

If you want to comment on that you really ought to do so in the thread it was posted.....

BUT... since you are out there...... I consider myself fortunate to have several lady friends within the community.... I happened to have drove over to visit with a lady that shared that particular location, at her request of course, and we were sitting in my car talking rather rather innocently when that incident occurred.....

But leave it to you...... You need to try to disparage me in any manner possible....

Man... You are MORE than embarrassing yourself.....

Let's get back on subject..... Maybe it is time to step away from the booze and take a bit of a break..... Although we are not really "contributing" to your "problem", maybe you could benefit from a little dry time..... a little support from some of us here maybe?

The way some of your posts read..... I would feel a lot more sorry for you if they are NOT the result of too many Budweiser entering your system! At least a lack of sobriety could explain SOME of your ramblings..... Originally Posted by Whispers
honest curious question as you have 'offered' similar services to me if I were to donate x dollars a month to help cover a ladies apartment. has nothing to do with booze or alcoholism that you try to use to disparage me time and time again even as such topics I think aren't allowed here (speculating on medical condition).

But ramble on, IMO seeing you outside a girls incall would impact my conscience and decision to see her again. that's just weird. Take her for a cup of coffee or something. Otherwise someone might get the wrong idea that you are satisfying your curiosity at the expense of a hobbiest's privacy.

As far as debate on this topic, I have tried to show you that the conclusions you have made, are some fairly large leaps from assumptions of having information that 99% of the time you either won't have or have no right to know. Intel gathered from the customer hobbiest side is only 1/2 of the story for that information as gathered through PM's and socials IMO. yes or No reviews give me enough indicators over time.

But alas this will be lost on you because you only appreciate debate when everyone's on your side of the debating floor.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
That is not a medical condition just a bad habit Bud33...
budman33's Avatar
no your wrong, as usual wylde. there are multiple dictionaries and webMD online. try using one. However as mods havnt jumped in and I could hardly give a shit about false name calling, so be it.

and my mentioning Whispers outside an incall was also directly related to this topic here and I debate, ON TOPIC.

Unless I am incorrect, volume leading to a ladies choices that impact both her health and hobbyist's safety/privacy was under discussion was it not? choosing to let a hobbyist hang outside in front of a shared incall falls under that category I think.
I fail to see the problem with this topic or thread. It think it is one of Whisper's more insightful posts.
I didn't get the impression he is judging the provider for where or how she spends her money.

I did however get the clear impression he is weighing "Having a conscience as a man" against "Having a hard-on as a monger".

Knowing that you are willfully adding weight to a hot air balloon that is clearly already in a fast descent and thinking well it ain't my fucking problem. It's her business.
The problem is that extra weight will also be added to your Karma whether you're around to witness the inevitable crash or not.

This type of thread is what I think is an example of Coed's greatest potential. Viewing both sides on a more humane level rather than as a bunch of wallets and holes to fuck which is what I imagine street life boils down to.

The catch 22 with this thread however is that some might perceive it as pure Hypocrisy as one could argue that contributing to the provider lifestyle period is enabling her spiritual descent.
Not all providers live "The life" because they prefer getting fucked by old, unattractive, overweight cheating husbands for cash over meeting, dating and marrying the love of their life and raising 2.5 kids in an average loving home environment.

Many (Especially the younger providers) are only providing due to unfortunate circumstances or emotional setbacks and living this life is something that will eventually and inevitably leave them used up, worn out, replaceable and disposable.
Some will drop it and eventually marry a good guy but will for the remainder of their lives be stuck with the personal secret and/or public stigma/brand of a hooker.

Every time a younger beautiful provider blows a cheating husband's socks off there is always the possibility that she is contributing toward his NOT choosing to get marriage counseling or NOT choosing to make the effort to get through his marital doldrums and start viewing his wife with a renewed pair of rose colored glasses.

This is the underworld we are all wading in so if one is going to develop a conscience on any level then why not all levels?
Ms Francisca's Avatar
I read the original post & scanned through the replies....

Whisp, I agree with you 100%.
If you would only realize that age has nothing to do with being a provider....

From a business stand point...
The hobbyist that prefers a low volume lady spends more money, wants more than just an O, needs mental stimulation, wants a lady to appreciate & remember him...

I had an agency a few years ago and I did limit the volume & income of the ladies. I would book a max of 1k per week for each lady. I did make exceptions with a valid reason. If they wanted more money I suggested they got a job. A couple of ladies where in college & I stayed on their ass about their grades. I did not allow drugs nor could they work if I felt they were drunk.

I decided years ago to take a stand and do what I can to help ladies in this business have a positive outcome. My success rate is extremely low, but I do sleep better at night.

Kuddos to those hobbyist that are able to think with the big head when in the presence of a beautiful, sexy lady.
Ms Francisca's Avatar
This type of thread is what I would think is Coed's greatest potential. Viewing both sides on a more humane level rather than as a bunch of wallets and holes to fuck which is what I imagine street life boils down to. Originally Posted by Codybeast

Every time a younger beautiful provider blows a cheating husband's socks off there is always the possibility that she is contributing toward his NOT choosing to get marriage counseling or NOT choosing to make the effort to get through his marital doldrums and start viewing his wife with a renewed pair of rose colored glasses.

This is the underworld we are all wading in so if one is going to develop a conscience on any level then why not all levels? Originally Posted by Codybeast
I counseled a gent recently & he had sex with his wife for the first time in 20 years.... But I am an Older beautiful provider....
Whispers's Avatar
If you would only realize that age has nothing to do with being a provider....

I realize it.... I just have some preferences although they are changing daily....

From a business stand point...
The hobbyist that prefers a low volume lady spends more money, wants more than just an O, needs mental stimulation, wants a lady to appreciate & remember him...

I had an agency a few years ago and I did limit the volume & income of the ladies. I would book a max of 1k per week for each lady. I did make exceptions with a valid reason. If they wanted more money I suggested they got a job. A couple of ladies where in college & I stayed on their ass about their grades. I did not allow drugs nor could they work if I felt they were drunk.

I decided years ago to take a stand and do what I can to help ladies in this business have a positive outcome. My success rate is extremely low, but I do sleep better at night. Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
Interesting comment about your success rate.... The same can be said working with at-risk youths already in the juvenile justice system and for most ReHab Programs.....

You have to let go of the failures and celebrate the successes no mater how few.