Obama's Gift to Taxpayers - Continued

Sa_artman's Avatar
Classic! You've gone from labeling me a Tea Party reactionary to calling me a Communist bureaucrat. You and Sa_artman are in a class by yourselves, and no doubt, you got there on the short bus. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Now, now, stop sucking up it makes you look weak. We still think your a right wing extremist hell bent on taking down the government who also twists facts, pulls shit from the deepest depths of the right wing internet and spends all day trolling for comments. Other than that, I'm sure your a swell guy. But then again, McVeigh's friends probably thought the same of him.
surcher's Avatar
What is your basis for calling Morningstar a socialist daily?
Originally Posted by Whirlaway

If you think of tools - technology in stock market ; mutual funds, etc. This is a computer model adopted by Hedge funds orignally and copied by Mutual Funds, HNI, etc. With this tool one can alter the trade pattern in the first session and bring it back to square one by the midday session. That is a fast track to make and lose a good amount of money in the stock market. It brings the basics and info needed to work the market to everyone with a computer.

You can name the method of trading in any manner. The final goal and aim is making money, but end at more losing money. While it's there for everyone and to supposedly help everyone, socialism at it's core, most are not capable of using to their benefit, even if they follow the fundamentals.

Let us not aim at making quick money, which this invariably promotes to many.

It may help and work for you and that's great. Yet, I stand by my statement.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-05-2011, 04:51 PM
I fell into the classic rightwing trap.
You lie about something I said.
I can't prove I didn't say what you said I said.

And you won't prove I said what you say I said Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

You ever read John dean's book on conservatives?

"'Probably about 20 to 25 percent of the adult American population is so right-wing authoritarian, so scared, so self-righteous, so ill-informed, and so dogmatic that nothing you can say or do will change their minds.'" (p. 184)
What is your basis for calling Morningstar a socialist daily?
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And here is Suchar's absolutly dodgey response to my question:

If you think of tools - technology in stock market ; mutual funds, etc. This is a computer model adopted by Hedge funds orignally and copied by Mutual Funds, HNI, etc. With this tool one can alter the trade pattern in the first session and bring it back to square one by the midday session. That is a fast track to make and lose a good amount of money in the stock market. It brings the basics and info needed to work the market to everyone with a computer.

You can name the method of trading in any manner. The final goal and aim is making money, but end at more losing money. While it's there for everyone and to supposedly help everyone, socialism at it's core, most are not capable of using to their benefit, even if they follow the fundamentals.

Let us not aim at making quick money, which this invariably promotes to many.

It may help and work for you and that's great. Yet, I stand by my statement. Originally Posted by surcher
A jibberish reply.......showing complete stupidity of the question. Suchar can't even defend his own statment, calling Morningstar "socialist".

Your loonie diatribes are amusing to read. They really show how feeble your mind is.... a true Progessive zombie.
What is about people like you who always want to throw your own feces in other people's faces? Your whole reality is predicated on conflict, and you constantly need to create it in your life, carving out an "us" and "them". Driven by deeply subtreanan emotions you rationalize a world view. Instead of spending effort becoming a sound rational creature you cleverly rationalize fictions that serve your deeper emotional needs. I know introspection and self honesty can be painful requiring strength and courage-- it's much easier to project out onto the world rather than letting it infom us.
Arguing with you would be futile-- one can't argue with someone's pathology. Nevertheless the kindest thing I can do for you is call you out on your bullshit, even if there is dim hope it will lead you to any conscious realization of this trip you are on.... This is really something the moderators should consider a banning offense as no one here should be subjected to somebody else's pathological feces, especially when it is unsolicited and so far off topic. Originally Posted by Roshibear
Perfectly said. I may be in love lol.

.......................The fact of the matter is that both Dems and GOP politcians have fucked up this country.
Whirlaway there's no easy fix- if you think in 2008 that had McCain/Palin won that right now we would have a booming economy and dirt cheap gas prices than I have some ocean front property to sell you. ............... Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
No truer words.

Wellendowed: If you have read my posts you would know that I didn't vote for nor did I like the polcies of Bush. And I am not a Republican. And I absolutley think both parties have screwed middle class America. I didn't vote for McCain and most likely will not vote the Republican that gets the nomination................. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Then who did / will you vote for? Are you saying you sat it out? If so, sorry to break it to ya, but you ain’t got nor right to be bitchin’.
Did you feel that the salary you received while in the army for those four years was proper compensation for the investment - e.g., in time, risks and loss of personal liberties - you made? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
All things considered: salary, benefits, sense of obligation, leadership training. You betcha! (I thought I would throw a phrase out there that you could identify with) And yes, if the circumstances were identical and I had it to do over again. I would do it in a heartbeat.
Perfectly said. I may be in love lol. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Say it ain't so. All of this time, I thought I was your only love! Now I find out there might be someone else!
I B Hankering's Avatar
All things considered: salary, benefits, leadership training. You betcha! (I thought I would throw a phrase out there that you could identify with) And yes, if the circumstances were identical and I had it to do over again. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Originally Posted by bigtex
By "benefits", do you mean the GI Bill and the right to a VA mortgage loan?
Say it ain't so. All of this time, I thought I was your only love! Now I find out there might be someone else! Originally Posted by bigtex
You know you're my Baby Cakes too .
By "benefits", do you mean the GI Bill and the right to a VA mortgage loan? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You betcha (part 2)! It was all part of the overall pay/benefit package!

You know you're my Baby Cakes too . Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Whew, I was starting to get worried!
I B Hankering's Avatar
You betcha (part 2)! It was all part of the overall pay/benefit package!

Hmmmmmm, let me see. As I recall the only "spoils" I ever received from the US Government was wayyyy back in the 1970's, when I recieved the following:

1) 6 weeks unemployment compensation immediately following my voluntary 4 year stint in the US Army.
2) Used the GI Bill to help pay for my college education. (I admit to having double-dipped by working a 40 hour week on nights and weekends and went to college during the day.)
3) And finally, in 1976 I bought my first home using a low interest, $1 down Veterans loan.

IB, since I was obviously on the government's dole while getting my life in order, does that make me a "Dimocrat?" Originally Posted by bigtex
You signed a contract, and you kept your side of the bargain. You made a specified contribution for specified returns. So, no. I don’t think you’ve been on the dole. You rightfully earned what you have received, are receiving and will receive per the contract you made with the government. You made a contribution in exchange for your rewards. Thank you again for your service.
surcher's Avatar
And here is Suchar's absolutly dodgey response to my question: Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Sorry it went over your head in it's simplicity. Your rewriting my handle is truly a feeble attempt to insult me and at best a lame attempt at humor.