Dementia Joe, the coward, turns tail & runs away from SUPERTRUMP

elghund's Avatar
Joe’s speech last night was less than interesting. Same ole same ole and reading every single word off the teleprompter…which he still struggled with at times. I dislike his politics more than I can say, but it’s sad to me the Dems propped him up (including Dr Jill the POS she is) for so long just so they could push their radical left policies thru. Again, it’s sad to say, but he truly has been nothing but a puppet the last nearly 4 years and his legacy is going to end up being shit.

Now there’s discussion his family is going broke after having to fund Hunter’s legal fees (as well as Joe’s refinance loan on the Rehoboth beach home). Have to wonder where the Biden family ends up 5 years from now. Not that they don’t deserve it, that little fuck Hunter acted like the funds from other countries would always be there and his father would be in power for another 4 years while he fucked extremely high priced hookers and…well…we all know about his other issues he struggled with he spent a ton of money on.

And now we have Kamala, and as Flair has said, once the sugar rush wears off, it’s gonna be a fucking train wreck. As much as I like seeing the Dems go down the tubes, and I believe it’s gonna happen quickly, what this is doing to this country is unconscionable. Fucking Dems just figured they’d hold on to power forever and never be held accountable. And if they end up winning this presidential election and hold on to at least one of the houses of congress? We’re all in for one hellova shit storm for another 4 years.

Eggs will go to $10/dozen. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
It’s not all bad news. There is still work to be done, obviously…..but things are neither as bad as the GOP states, or as good as the Dems state.

It’s not all bad news. There is still work to be done, obviously…..but things are neither as bad as the GOP states, or as good as the Dems state.

elg……. Originally Posted by elghund
Unfortunately I don’t have a subscription to WSJ, so can’t read the entire article. But, I’ll certainly take your word for it elg. Thing is, I usually wait until the adjusted numbers come out after it’s been fully vetted. Usually, what a few weeks later? But, point taken sir.
elghund's Avatar
Unfortunately I don’t have a subscription to WSJ, so can’t read the entire article. But, I’ll certainly take your word for it elg. Thing is, I usually wait until the adjusted numbers come out after it’s been fully vetted. Usually, what a few weeks later? But, point taken sir. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
WSJ is a good counterbalance to the WP and NYT…..I subscribe to all 3.

WSJ is a good counterbalance to the WP and NYT…..I subscribe to all 3.

elg….. Originally Posted by elghund
I used to have a subscription to the WSJ, but at the time I was more interested in the money/investment/acquisitions side of things being I was in corporate America. Not that politics weren’t important being they’re definitely a factor in making business decisions. I should probably sign up again, but the other 2, I dunno. WP, most likely not, NYT, possibly. The NYT is at least starting to report some honest reports again.

Off topic, and my apologies ahead of time, but I’m thinking it’s an AMP type of day today lol. Got good news from the doc this morning and I think it’s time to celebrate lol.

After I finish watching Colin Cowherd tho lol
2025 Republican Agenda created by the Heritage Foundation will decimate the hobby
  • clmc
  • 07-25-2024, 05:31 PM
Biden is history. You're beating a dead horse. Kamala will be much worse if she gets in.She's dumb, giggly and inexperienced. And she loves all migrants.
And where do you think we'll be with 4 more years of lawlessness?

Yea, Laffin’ Kamala scares the living fuck outta me. She doesn’t have a clue…about anything.
  • clmc
  • 07-26-2024, 05:43 PM
  • clmc
  • 07-26-2024, 05:53 PM

Yea, Laffin’ Kamala scares the living fuck outta me. She doesn’t have a clue…about anything. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
you dont seem to get it

there is no "president" anymore

"democracy is too important" to

have a real breathing person in the role

she is perfect

and this upcoming election will finally at least give some clarity

and closure to this country

weather its just a bunch of tuned out surfs waiting to be ruled
lilylivered's Avatar
Yep, puppets galore...

Thats why you know Trump is real

THEY all hate him....
they are trying to kill him

they are 0 for 1 so far
its unbelievable the full on force of

the federal government has been spending prob close to a trillion of taxpayer funds

thats the only way they fund anything for the idiots

for the last 7.5 years

they all loved the man when he was on tv

so anyways everything they have thrown at this man has failed

it always turns out to be a fraud and lie after the fact

and then they delay sentencing to try and kill him at that rally

so now they may have to sentence him in order to "epstein" him


so much wasted time , money , and just incompetance for 7.5 years just to try and destroy 1 citizen
at some point they may just have to pull the curtain down

and just say fuck it

just take the guy out and along with anyone that disagrees?

and who gives a fuck what anyone says we are tired anyways

of putting on these cerades that arent producing anything solid

isnt that what communism always ends up doing