What's up GeniusMan/ Do you have a scam that lets you get discounts you don't reflect in your reviews?

rekcaSxT's Avatar
asking for a discount is a scumbag is pretty harsh. there are things in life we all would like but can't always afford. a car at 28,000 might be out of range but at 20,000 might be affordable. there are weeks that 200 might be in the hobby budget but 240 is not. while it may be easy to say see someone else or do not hobby is that always the right answer. if a provider who charges 240 is asked politelty if she ever offers specials or is ever avail for 200 she has every right to in a nice way say no. she may for whatever reason agree to see someone for 200 or offer a suggestion like a 200 45 minute session in leiu of 240 hr. if treated with respect and civillity both parties may obtain what they are looking for and be happy or at least realize the meeting cannot happen at this time at this point. we all have heard the story about the beautiful girl who never gets asked to the prom cause every guy figures she has a date or would say no. perhaps there are times when girls wish at the end of the day they had 2 guys see them at a discounted rate then to have gone through the day with no buz. other women are set in their feelings as to the worth of their time and will not waver in price. both are fine. remember this is a business and if every one treats ever one with respect and kindness issues such as price and activities can be discussed in a civil way. the notion that we are paying for time and companionship is a crock of shit.. we are paying [in most cases] for a sexual fantasy and how much.. for what.. for how long are all part of our decision making processes. if the girls do not believe this please allow us guys to have an appointment where we dictate how long, the menu at at the end we will pay what we want.. not gonna happen. Originally Posted by petiteassman
Even hinting at a discount around here will get you chased off the board by a bunch of screaming banshees..... "I know what I am worth!"

Business sense doesn't factor in. The idea of a bird in the hand being worth two in the bush (hehe) is not a complex concept, but .... never mind.... I will probably get 50 PMs for this anyway...
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 02-11-2011, 09:16 AM
There was that wonderful scene where the 240/hr visitor slammed Elephant for offering 80 for a 15-20 minute blow job.
short bus party plot
angry dog motive thwarted
winter discount void
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Then there was the provider who set an unrealistically high rate for her company ...

But you were always welcome to come by and dicker.
Even hinting at a discount around here will get you chased off the board by a bunch of screaming banshees..... "I know what I am worth!"

Business sense doesn't factor in. The idea of a bird in the hand being worth two in the bush (hehe) is not a complex concept, but .... never mind.... I will probably get 50 PMs for this anyway... Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
To throw out another colloquialism: Pride comes before a fall. It's no mystery that Pride and Greed are considered deadly sins.

Let's assume an average salary of $40k a year. That breaks down to over 20 dollars an hour. With most, if not all, providers making at least 800% more than that for an hour, I don't understand getting upset over a discount. As the saying goes, count your blessings not your troubles.

In the end, a V is a V and the market is saturated with them. If ladies make it too much of a hassle or costly to see them then business will move on down the road to the person who gets it.
no less than what she is comfortable with and a guy should if presented properly feel no shame in inquiring about a discount. i have had discounted sessions where i know they were worth more than their stated price and i have had session with full rate that wasn't worth the price of a newspaper. the thing that i find odd is some providers want to treat everything in business terms when it suits them but when it doesn't respect, dignity pride and gentlemanly manners are of greater importance than business acumen.
Even hinting at a discount around here will get you chased off the board by a bunch of screaming banshees..... "I know what I am worth!"

Business sense doesn't factor in. The idea of a bird in the hand being worth two in the bush (hehe) is not a complex concept, but .... never mind.... I will probably get 50 PMs for this anyway... Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Bobave's Avatar
I don't care what Bobave aka Bochump says....

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Yeah, that's why you can't quit talking about me and what I say. Dude, you have to get over this man-crush, I don't swing that way. Maybe we can just be fraternity brothers or something.
Whispers's Avatar
Maybe we can just be fraternity brothers or something. Originally Posted by Bobave
Join the Attack Pack and it will be the same thing.....

The thing that i find odd is some providers want to treat everything in business terms when it suits them but when it doesn't respect, dignity pride and gentlemanly manners are of greater importance than business acumen. Originally Posted by petiteassman
Well said... Gotta love those.... "It's rude of you to ask me for a discount...... But I can't pay my rent because my car broke down and I missed picking up my food stamps so any help you can give me is appreciated." posts.

Do you trust every review written by every mod? Do you think mods get discounts? As a grown man, I look at every review by GM and all mods with a jaundiced eye and only consider them if they're corroborated by another review of someone I know and trust. I hope GM does get discounts for what he does. For the amount of time it takes him, and the dedication he's shown in always posting the pics, I don't begrudge him his discount. Originally Posted by ferdburf
Ferdburf, be very careful here. I know that Mods behavior in the past has been sommewhat jaundiced by the "rumors" that they exchanged favoritism for discounts or freebies. I know that when I became a Mod, there was a Mod who offerred to show me how to accomplish just that. I told him no thanks. There are many socioeconomic levels represented here on ECCIE, and I am thankful that the one I fall in allows me to hobby at whatever level I desire. I write very few reviews, anymore, mostly because I have had my attention fixed on a single lady for some time and not the entirety of the ladies available. All that not withstanding, there are LOTS of Mods that value their self esteem over any discount. Most of us have no need to stoop to those levels and accusations like this border on disrespect.

ferdburf's Avatar
Ferdburf, be very careful here. I know that Mods behavior in the past has been sommewhat jaundiced by the "rumors" that they exchanged favoritism for discounts or freebies . . . Most of us have no need to stoop to those levels and accusations like this border on disrespect.

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Spacemtn, please re-read my post. There is no "accusation" anywhere within it. There are mere questions. While I don't pay attention to rumors, I do listen to stories of past mods. If you want to point me for expressing my degree of confidence in the reviews of mods in general and GM in particular, have at it.

And I'm sure you're correct in your assessment that "most of" the mods have no need to take advantage of discounts, and I will try to remember that the next time I see a review written by a mod with a blessed socioeconomic background.

Seriously, though, I don't trust anyone's review unless I know them fairly well, and that therefore limits it to no more than a handful of hobbyists.
Spacemtn, please re-read my post. There is no "accusation" anywhere within it. There are mere questions. While I don't pay attention to rumors, I do listen to stories of past mods. If you want to point me for expressing my degree of confidence in the reviews of mods in general and GM in particular, have at it.

And I'm sure you're correct in your assessment that "most of" the mods have no need to take advantage of discounts, and I will try to remember that the next time I see a review written by a mod with a blessed socioeconomic background.

Seriously, though, I don't trust anyone's review unless I know them fairly well, and that therefore limits it to no more than a handful of hobbyists. Originally Posted by ferdburf
Had I desired to point you, I would have. I only wanted to say that this perception that Mods get "special" stuff because of their positions is total BS. As I stated, I don't write many reviews, and one of the reasons is the perception of the "poisoned" review because it came from a Mod. That stigma will probably never be completely overcome.

Your last statement is probably where most of us live. We only trust a select few, and we aren't exactly sure about them either!!!

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-11-2011, 06:43 PM
Do you trust every review written by every mod? Do you think mods get discounts? As a grown man, I look at every review by GM and all mods with a jaundiced eye and only consider them if they're corroborated by another review of someone I know and trust. Originally Posted by ferdburf
Where did that come from?

GM is not a Mod and, as far as I know, has never been one.
Whispers's Avatar
Where did that come from?

GM is not a Mod and, as far as I know, has never been one. Originally Posted by Mokoa
But wasn't there a time when he pretended to be one?

I think the poster was just lumping MODs in general in with Geniusman in terms of reliability of information.

Austin has had TRUE men of the hobby for MODs that have always had rocksolid reputations for being fair for that las 8-9 months..... That wasn't always the case....

Some of the MODs from the ASPD days that started up here were corrupt as all hell.....

We cleaned Austin up.....

Unfortunately not all cities have and there are still a few Mods in Pink in the mix.....
whats wrong with mods in pinck?

i give major discounts to mods in pinck!
Whispers's Avatar
whats wrong with mods in pinck?

i give major discounts to mods in pinck! Originally Posted by babydollsnow

We are not talking about your pink.... Research another thread the Austin "female" members had going complaining about panties getting stolen.....

Some MODs have been suspected of giving up their tightywhities or black fruit of the looms for ladies pink panties.....

It has been about a year since we had a good ole fashioned MOD Roast.... Seems almost time for one.... Material Gathering and Research has begun!