In fact, those of pure "African" descent are far less traitors to their race because they are far purer homo sapiens sapiens having 0% Neanderthal DNA than "whites" or "Europeans" who have ~3% to 5% DNA from another real race, Neanderthals, while Asians have between 1% and 3% Neanderthal DNA. Ha! I always love throwing that out to "Neanderthal" racial purists because they a really are more Neanderthal than those they vilify.
Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
I hardly know where to begin.
First, the term "traitor to one's race" doesn't refer to a person's mixed race heritage - the percentages of this or that race.
It refers to someone supposedly turning their back on their own race or group, whatever its genetic composition is. It has to do with the actions or statements of the person, not his or her genealogy.
So one Hispanic can accuse another of being a traitor to his race, even though Hispanics are overwhelmingly of mixed race heritage (more a language group than an actual race).
Second, Neanderthals weren't even a race. They were actually a different species - now extinct.
Third, you haven't caught up with the scientific consensus on Neanderthals. Earlier portrayals of Neanderthals as brutish and dumb were mostly based on an earlier skeletal sample of a Neanderthal that was apparently physically deformed. Current scientific consensus is that Neanderthals were taller and stronger than early Homo Sapiens, but, based on their tools and living conditions, they weren't any dumber than humans.
But they were outbred by the smaller and faster humans who killed them off.