September 11th is coming

boardman's Avatar
I think a guy making 16k per year and buying a 20k car is NOT making responsible decisions. Maybe he needs to take a dose of that personal responsibility that you seem to think you have so much of and use it to make better decisions. Originally Posted by boardman
FTF Myself lest someone misunderstands my point.
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  • 09-12-2014, 12:02 PM
I understood your point....did you understand mine? We are 17 trillion dollars in debt can we afford another war?

Personal responsibility all the way around....not just for the poor is my point.

You advocating war is no different than a poor man advocating him buying a car he can afford.

SOTF saying the working poor pay no taxes is just a lie.

boardman's Avatar
I understood your point....did you understand mine? We are 17 trillion dollars in debt can we afford another war?

Personal responsibility all the way around....not just for the poor is my point.

You advocating war is no different than a poor man advocating him buying a car he can afford.

SOTF saying the working poor pay no taxes is just a lie.

. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm not advocating war...Don't think I ever have but you've got that stuck in your head.
I advocate defending ourselves. Pre-emptive strikes may be a part of that but I'd rather we got out all together and let ISIS cut each other's heads off. Problem is ISIS is most likely already here( I doubt they brought snakes) and the only way we can fight them is over there.

Now Obama, who doubled the deficit not because of war, also wants to go to war.

I'm not defending the Iraq war here but since we are talking about responsibility, we, America, went in with the intentions of establishing a democracy, right or wrong. Are we not responsible for cleaning up our mess?

We've lost a ton of influence with allies and enemies alike because we haven't lived up to our commitment. How much is that costing us?

We should have closed the borders years ago. Now we have that mess to deal with also but instead of dealing with it we just keep kicking the can down the road.

The open border does concern me because who knows WTF has been brought into this country(besides snakes) Did you see the recent video by Project Veritas?

We need to close the border. Bring the troops back home to do it if need be and only respond to those threats that directly affect us. It will be a challenge within our borders because tracking down those already here and NOT infringing on OUR rights will be very difficult. Again we've let that happen and we are responsible to ourselves and each other as Americans to clean it up.

I don't want to give amnesty but if that's what we have to do to get the border closed then let's do it and let's get those being paid under the table(and there are plenty of them) paying their share of income tax as well.

We won't see anything done because we have a President that has no leadership ability and a Congress that knows it and only wants to practice their oneupsmanship on each other anyway. Our ethics, morals and American exceptionalism are being eroded everyday by leadership who has no respect for any of it.

I get it, we're 17 trillion in debt. We all know it because, among other reasons, You've said it ad nauseum. Thing is you only pick apart other peoples arguments, twist their words and point out their hypocrisy(in your opinion) but never offer any suggestions of your own. It's kinda like the fat, stupid schoolyard bully calling everyone else fat and stupid. Gets old after a while.

Offer some solutions and be prepared to defend them for a change.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Members of the left wing always have to lie to try to prove a point or to disprove someone else's point.
Members of the left wing always have to lie to try to prove a point or to disprove someone else's point. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Ditto cabbagehead goes both ways.
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  • 09-12-2014, 02:49 PM

Offer some solutions and be prepared to defend them for a change. Originally Posted by boardman

You called what you just posted a solution?

If that is a solution then I say we try my solution of sprinkling happy dust over everyone and then sitting back and knocking down a case of beer.

I offer up reality. The reality is that we will not do shit until there is some crisis and then we will over react and blow more money. There is not a fucking thing you can do about it but try and ride the wave without getting sucked under.

The solution was Bowles/Simpson but we are so split as a country that the only thing we can agree on is war. War has been a losing proposition for the last 100 years. Especially for those that start them.

So call me Ye of little faith and I will say you have it wrong,, I have complete faith in what will happen because it has played out this way time after time throughout history.

We grew up in this Fairy tell time where the price of oil drove the other Super Power to its knees. We overplayed our hand trying to nation build around the world like all Empires do and we are paying the price. Nothing to worry about in our lifetime because we have found what on first glance is this wonderful world of hope and prayers is that it has no huge negative blowback in terms of water pollution. Time will tell.

You want a solution to Death it seems....the only solution to death is to start living your life and quit worrying about things that have very little chance of a terrorist attack.

But we will continue to spend money on war just as Ike warned us against doing because the Defense Industry has such a huge sway over this country because the majority of folks are like you boardman. I'm not saying that is good or bad , it is just a fact.

Just as Goering observation is fact...

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Thats easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
Herman Goering

Here is my solution:

He said
"I went skydiving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Blue Manchu
And I loved deeper
And I spoke sweeter
And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying"
And he said
"Someday I hope you get the chance
To live like you were dying
boardman's Avatar
Again, no substance only criticism of someone else's thoughts.

Nice lyrics but how do you suggest we get there when we are 17 trillion in debt and millions of people want to see the US destroyed. I'm not asking for a lecture on how we got there, I already know that, and I don't need you to continue to tell me what you seem to think I believe, which is wrong about 90% of the time. I want your thoughts on how we can get out of it.

You know on second thought, never mind. I used to argue with my ex in a circular fashion when she tried to tell me what I was thinking. Went on for about 5 years til she got her blood checked and found out she was low on one of those female hormones. It might be time you went to see your gynecologist. ijs
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  • WTF
  • 09-12-2014, 03:45 PM

Nice lyrics but how do you suggest we get there when we are 17 trillion in debt and millions of people want to see the US destroyed.

ijs Originally Posted by boardman
I'm already there my brother. I have offered you advice on how to get here. I will offer it up again... quit sweating shit you have no control over. Enjoy life. Taint no terrorist gonna get you. See how I worked 'taint in there? We are on a hooker board ...which kinda proves my point. Things are not near as bad as you make them out to be. If and when things go to shit , they go to shit but in reality your suggestions are not going to happen. It would be like telling you to fertilize your dick to make it grow bigger if you want to be a porn star.

Again, no substance only criticism of someone else's thoughts. Originally Posted by boardman
I think you are blind or deaf maybe both. Your thoughts had about as much substance as mine without any humor.

You know on second thought, never mind. I used to argue with my ex in a circular fashion when she tried to tell me what I was thinking. Went on for about 5 years til she got her blood checked and found out she was low on one of those female hormones. It might be time you went to see your gynecologist. ijs Originally Posted by boardman
You shoulda Ray Rice'd her!

Click on the link and see how I handle uppity bitches.

Can't be living scared or the terrorist win by default.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

You shoulda Ray Rice'd her!

Click on the link and see how I handle uppity bitches. Originally Posted by WTF
Racist and misogynistic all in one sentence!!
Let's follow this advice of yours, after all, it be Friday afternoon:

WTF said, "I say we try my solution of sprinkling happy dust over everyone and then sitting back and knocking down a case of beer."

I don't think we will ever agree on much else except fucking hookers, and even then, we disagree on what the other guy prefers for looks, age, sex, and condition of servitude!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-12-2014, 04:49 PM
Racist and misogynistic all in one sentence!!

!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Did you watch the video?

bm has been joking about me being scared of snakes.

If you watched the video , you'd of seen how I worked bitch snapping a snake into a joke back.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
OK, so you didn't like my joke about lightening versus lightning? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I got it. It was funny!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Members of the left wing always have to lie to try to prove a point or to disprove someone else's point. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Can't help being an asshole, can you JDIdiot?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Racist and misogynistic all in one sentence!!
Let's follow this advice of yours, after all, it be Friday afternoon:

WTF said, "I say we try my solution of sprinkling happy dust over everyone and then sitting back and knocking down a case of beer."

I don't think we will ever agree on much else except fucking hookers, and even then, we disagree on what the other guy prefers for looks, age, sex, and condition of servitude!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer


Fraud Flintstone.
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  • 09-13-2014, 09:07 AM
I'm not advocating war...Don't think I ever have but you've got that stuck in your head.
I advocate defending ourselves. Pre-emptive strikes may be a part of that but I'd rather we got out all together and let ISIS cut each other's heads off. Problem is ISIS is most likely already here( I doubt they brought snakes) and the only way we can fight them is over there.

What you are not advocating war ? Preemptive strikes is advocating war...maybe that is why I have it stuck in my head that you are advocating war.

Under you definition Hitler was not advocating war....those were just preemptive strikes.

Now Obama, who doubled the deficit not because of war, also wants to go to war.

The deficit was doubled because of the huge expenditure of both wars and then the huge financial meltdown. So we had these huge outlays and reduced tax receipts. We have since stabilized that by cutting those War expenditures and QE. One of which I agree with.

I'm not defending the Iraq war here but since we are talking about responsibility, we, America, went in with the intentions of establishing a democracy, right or wrong. Are we not responsible for cleaning up our mess?

No as in no as in FUCK NO. We established Democracy, the Shia then promptly beat the Sunnies over the head with it and told us to get the fuck out. Do you not understand shit as far as what went/is going on over there? Briefly we had sided with the Shia and Kurds against the Sunnies. Maliki then ran roughshod over the Sunnies, resulting in ISIS. We had to kick Makiki out to try and win back the Sunnies trust.

None and I repeat none of this would have happened had we worked with Saddam prior to the 2003 invasion. There are no solution over there , at least no good ones.

We've lost a ton of influence with allies and enemies alike because we haven't lived up to our commitment. How much is that costing us?

We lost that influence by invading Iraq. All we have done is help Iran.

We should have closed the borders years ago. Now we have that mess to deal with also but instead of dealing with it we just keep kicking the can down the road.

Saying we should close a border and the reality of actually closing a border is another thing. To actually close the border would effect fee trade. To close the border would make us like East and West Germany except we would have to build a great wall of China type wall. Not very feasible but "Securing the Border'' is a great catch phrase for idiots that have not thought out wtf that entaild just like nation building in the Middle East sounded good to idiots in 2003. The French and British had tried that before without much success.

The open border does concern me because who knows WTF has been brought into this country(besides snakes) Did you see the recent video by Project Veritas?

We need to close the border. Bring the troops back home to do it if need be and only respond to those threats that directly affect us. It will be a challenge within our borders because tracking down those already here and NOT infringing on OUR rights will be very difficult. Again we've let that happen and we are responsible to ourselves and each other as Americans to clean it up.

How about impossible...try reality. Try giving the government all that power and it not infringing on your rights.

I don't want to give amnesty but if that's what we have to do to get the border closed then let's do it and let's get those being paid under the table(and there are plenty of them) paying their share of income tax as well.

There is no way to secure the border. Once you understand that fact , you may then start accepting responsibility that our actions overseas cause blowback in this country. We either accept that or withdraw from policing the world. Our huge multinational Corporations will not allow that. Again that is reality.
We won't see anything done because we have a President that has no leadership ability and a Congress that knows it and only wants to practice their oneupsmanship on each other anyway. Our ethics, morals and American exceptionalism are being eroded everyday by leadership who has no respect for any of it.

Another saying not based in reality. We respond to crisis in this country , not leadership. This country has always been split down the middle as far as direction it wants to take.

I get it, we're 17 trillion in debt. We all know it because, among other reasons, You've said it ad nauseum. Thing is you only pick apart other peoples arguments, twist their words and point out their hypocrisy(in your opinion) but never offer any suggestions of your own. It's kinda like the fat, stupid schoolyard bully calling everyone else fat and stupid. Gets old after a while.

If you do not like being call fat and stupid lose some God damn weight and read a little history on the subject matter. I do not have any solutions for that part of the world because there aren't any....other than to let them fight it out. Your seal the border mentality in regards to this country is no more based in reality than your give them democracy nation building crap is based in reality in the middle east.

Offer some solutions and be prepared to defend them for a change. Originally Posted by boardman
I have offered up a is called reality. Listen up, the big boys that run this country want free trade and cheap labor. If you do not believe me look at the actual reality of wtf has happened. They get folks like you to support any and every war they need to accomplish those goals. There is nothing either you or I can do about it but try and make a living in that environment. That is the solution. Educate yourself to the actual reality and quit wasting your time with this fantasy illusion of democracy , nation building and border security. You vision of reality is a Berlin Wall and giving the government the power to watch your every move.
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  • 09-14-2014, 09:29 AM
Um SOTF , you are wrong on two fronts....0 + a > 0. That would be called a raise in paying nothing to paying something.

Next the poor pay taxes, just because you are ignorant of the fact that regressive taxes are taxes , does not mean that the poor do not pay taxes.

Lastly you can not squeeze blood from a turnip, though you Tea'billies seem to think that is the solution. The solution is to stop putting wars on credit....stop shitting in your pants every time some journalist gets beheaded that made the personal choice to cover a very dangerous war . To assume some personal responsibility for your own safety and quit looking for the government to protect you from something that is less likely to kill you than lightening.

In closing the poor do not benefit one bit from war.....the well connected rich folks that run government do. They should be the one's paying for these wars.

Maybe you can understand this problem if I provide you with facts instead of Tea Party slogans. If you want to actually debate the fairness of the God Damn tax code, I'd be glad to but not if all you have are fuck'd up misleading Tea Party chain mail slogans. Like I had said earlier that only plays in the snaggle tooth crowd. Your slogans do not work with me.

And so, here are the tax percentages that each quintile actually pays as a percent of their true disposable incomes assuming everyone needs at least $2,000 a month just to get by;

This certainly doesn't look fair, much less progressive. A rate cannot even be calculated for the lowest quintile because they are $13,000 negative in the hole before even paying their taxes. Similarly, the second quintile owes more taxes each year than it has available after paying for basic necessities. The third quintile represents the median income earner in the United States and is paying approximately 50% more of their disposable income in taxes than our richest Americans.

Originally Posted by WTF
Again for Ms Teabilly Express Queen SinsOfTheFlesh to ponder.