tea party a movement or nuts

" This statement is misleading. What that poll shows is that of the 28% in the poll who support the tea party 43 % were independent"

What on earth about that is misleading? That's exactly what I said....and I don't know why you're so fixated on it - I just pointed out a pol from a well known source, take it or leave it.
Nope, Obama didn't need to spend 6 trillion...hasn't spent it yet...just borrowed it. I'll never convince you that the housing collapse was a bipartisan debacle...so go ahead and keep blaming Bush....and not look at the real causes.

And yep, I like partisan government. Don't apologize for it one bit. I always cringe when both parties vote almost unanimously on a bill - almost always a bad result

Lesson No. 1 - Repeal of Glass Steagall

Learning point A: Terrible bipartisan bill
Learning point B: One of the major causes of financial crash
Learning point C: Bush had absolutely nothing to do with it
dirty dog's Avatar
I misread the number on the website, sometimes I have other things to do during the day so I hurry along.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Yes, Brazil, recently discovered huge oil reserves and they are mainly exporting their fossil fuels and using their renewable energy which is a lesson we should learn from Brazil. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Was this a recent discovery of oil? What I found was that Brazil consumes most of its oil. They do not export much. They import more oil than they export. This is from the CIA World Factbook but with 2007 numbers.
dirty dog's Avatar
"Oh, when and if the Oil prices hit $4 a gallon as it did under Bush then the obama critics can complain to me. I assure you if it gets close to that range I bet everything I own that Obama will make a stand for it unlike Bush who didn't even address the situation because it was Big Oil that got him elected."

Why does he have to wait until its $4.00 a gallon, if the policies are so wrong and he so strongly disagrees with the oil companies why hasn't he done something to reign them in. He should not have to wait until its $4.00 a gallon.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
" This statement is misleading. What that poll shows is that of the 28% in the poll who support the tea party 43 % were independent"

What on earth about that is misleading? That's exactly what I said....and I don't know why you're so fixated on it - I just pointed out a pol from a well known source, take it or leave it. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
The real polls will tell on election day- funny I never been called for any of these Independent- I have had more than one people especially during the 2008 election who have told me that they purposely gave false data to polsters just to show how unreliable to collect poll data. I have had a hard time believing me that poeple who consider themselves TEA party activist actually voted for Obama. I would bet it will be a safe bet to say that 98% of TEA party activist DID NOT vote for Obama. i seriously don't see many of them being true or former Democrats- don't you think it's good PR for TEA Party Activist to try to make themselve look like they come from a vast majority of political fields???? Yes, what I am saying is that I believe the polls that show the TEA party being a diverse group of political factions is pure B.S. The prime example is look at the make up in the rallies- funny how when Obama had rallies or gives town hall meeting- you see very race represented- all ages , gay and straight- how come at nearly all TEA ralies it's 99.9% white??? Funny, if they really have a large numbers of disgruntled Obama supporters should we see a more diverse turnout?
I see the race prism will never get thrown away for some.

I don't care if anyone believes the poll or not...I just put it out there as the most recent poll....couldn't in my wildest dreams imagine it would lead to race again. If I had, I would have referred ti a NYT poll that shows the racial, gender, and age demographics of the Tea Party are remarkably similar to the country as a whole.
Philhelm's Avatar
The tea parties had started with Ron Paul, but they were co-opted by neoconservatives. Ron Paul is awesome...vote for him in the Republican primary if he runs. Military folks like him too.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
The tea parties had started with Ron Paul, but they were co-opted by neoconservatives. Ron Paul is awesome...vote for him in the Republican primary if he runs. Military folks like him too. Originally Posted by Philhelm
Why don't you just start a Ron Paul thread instead of mentioning him in threads that have nothing to do with politics, such as your recent "Isabella" review and the "perversity diversity" thread in Co-Ed?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I see the race prism will never get thrown away for some.

I don't care if anyone believes the poll or not...I just put it out there as the most recent poll....couldn't in my wildest dreams imagine it would lead to race again. If I had, I would have referred ti a NYT poll that shows the racial, gender, and age demographics of the Tea Party are remarkably similar to the country as a whole. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
I want you to find a link and show me any photos where you see a wide spectrum of ethnic groups showing up at TEA rallies and I will personally join the TEA party. You can give me to any rally you like and you would see that it's overwhelmingly 99% white- with a speckle of minorities
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Why don't you just start a Ron Paul thread instead of mentioning him in threads that have nothing to do with politics, such as your recent "Isabella" review and the "perversity diversity" thread in Co-Ed? Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
Philhiem is right Ron Paul is the father of the TEA party- the only difference is that Ron Paul actually had coherent solutions to many of the problems and Ron Paul doesn't have a racist agenda. Ron Paul is technically a liberterian and is more conservative than any GOP out there- the issues with Ron in 2012 if he ran against Obama would be age and he will lose a lot of votes based on his beliefs that Prostitution and drugs should be legalized. This may be a suprise to DeltaDog and LaCrew, but i actually like Ron Paul- some of his viewpoints I disagree with but he stands on what he believes is right regardless if it's not the popular choice.
dirty dog's Avatar
"with a speckle of minorities"

Buts is this speckle that you ignore, are you saying they are racist and hate obama because he is black too. You must be because you make blanket statements that all members of the TEA party are racist, yet you just admitted that there are some minority members. I wonder why they would join a racist group. I guess your saying their racist also, but i am having a hard time getting my mind around a black person hating someone because their black. Is that like the charactor on the Dave Chapel show, the black white supremest. Bye the way that's dirty dog, hardley endowed.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
"with a speckle of minorities"

Buts is this speckle that you ignore, are you saying they are racist and hate obama because he is black too. You must be because you make blanket statements that all members of the TEA party are racist, yet you just admitted that there are some minority members. I wonder why they would join a racist group. I guess your saying their racist also, but i am having a hard time getting my mind around a black person hating someone because their black. Is that like the charactor on the Dave Chapel show, the black white supremest. Bye the way that's dirty dog, hardley endowed. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Here is what you are missing- it's no secret that you have some Black Republicans- fewpeople but they exist- overwhelmingly Blacks vote majority Deomcratic and I have actually told my Black relatives, friends and peers that you should vote on the candidate who you believe will best serve the American people as a whole. Most Blacks don't know but in the beginning Blacks voted Republican, my mom is a die hard Republican she always felt that Dems introduced too many social programs that kept Blacks at other minorities at a certain "Comfort" level just so they can get their vote each year. Honestly, and sadly i think that's true- a lot of Blacks vote democrat by default and if you are Black and you support a Republican you are labeled as an "Uncle Tom". The overall philosophy of the GOP is everyone should pull their own weight and i believe in that philosophy but somewhere over the years the GOP veered away from that belief and got too involved with the Super Rich and Big Oil and Big Banks and got away from the common man. I don't fall for the Dem's with all of their social programs that basically gives poor people a handout and when you get a handout you are going to keep voting for that party that gives handouts. Now, I am not totally against social programs because there are people across all walks of life and all races that need a little help here and there. However, I believe in social programs that help you get on your feet and make it on your own. When I lived in New York and this is right before Welfare reform- it basically was simple- the more kids you have the bigger check you got- the more food stamps you got-the larger your housing subsidies- now you tell me how the hell does that help a young woman when if she keeps having child after child- her handouts are bigger- given her no incentive to make it on her own and thus keep her at that same level year after year. Who was mainly behind- Democrats!!! I applauded the GOP philosophy that everyone should make it on their own.
Now back to the TEA party- they really got large based on fear tactics by Faux news- specifically Hannity and Beck who fed in their mind that since Obama is elected their child's future is gone, the country is going to be weak- we are going to become socialist- Obama is going to take your money and give it to poor undeserving people, the FEDS are going to take you to jail for not buying health insurance and add Limbaughs tirades and boom you get millions of people scared shitless.
now, had the TEA party been better organized their impact would be much greater. However, like it or not CNN and MSNBC and other Liberal stations did a fantastic job of focusing in on the TEA Party activist who proudly displayed tasteless signs- many of them very racist and anti-govt. We also got exposed to the nastiness displayed at the Health rallies- so number the GOP(I still believe the TEA party is a right wing GOP faction) did a great job exposing the anger, but the Liberal media did an excellent job as creating an image of the TEA party being very anger disorganized hateful individuals. Now do I think everyone at the TEA party is racist? No. Do I think most of the TEA Party people are Republicans? YES. Do I think any of them voted for Obama in 2008? No- when i see or find people I personally know who voted for Obama and they start showing up at these TEA party rallies then I think Obama is in big trouble. However, I think the TEA party will not be as effective as many think- I thin k the worst thing they could have done is sign that law into effect in Arizona- even with Gov Brewer modifying some portions of it- the Latino vote will be lost in November for the GOP and like I said it's spreading all across the nation as the Latino will not trust a GOP or TEA candidate based on what just happened in Arizona. The GOP's main problem right now as they have to identify to America- I don't think the GOP can win based on being a party that gives the image of white men-my reason behind this is #1 the Latino voting population is getting huge- Blacks will not flock to the TEA party-in fact many of them still love Obama and many feel that his attacks are unwarranted and Obama still will get a large majority of the white vote.
The key to an Obama victory in 2012 is that he still has to generate a large white votes- despite what people may think but Yes it was the White vote that got Obama into office. If you look forward to 2012, if Obama still can carry a large number of White votes then it's going to be that much harder for whomever is the GOP candidate. Unless the GOP comes to a Bipartisan agreement on immigration reform which I think will hit next year- they will be in big trouble in 2012 and again you watch they nor the TEA will win as big as they think in November. If you have massive rallies with deragatory signs and no solutions to fix the problems that just shows you are an angry group- just stating that we need to stop spending and lower taxes does nt solve America's problem/ It's just as crazy as me running on a platform saying we need to creates jobs and get people back to work- talk is cheap- the answer is HOW do we get people back to work and create jobs?? So far the TEA party hasn't given me one solution on which taxes we need to cut or how to reduce the defecit.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Philhiem is right Ron Paul is the father of the TEA party- the only difference is that Ron Paul actually had coherent solutions to many of the problems and Ron Paul doesn't have a racist agenda. Ron Paul is technically a liberterian and is more conservative than any GOP out there- the issues with Ron in 2012 if he ran against Obama would be age and he will lose a lot of votes based on his beliefs that Prostitution and drugs should be legalized. This may be a suprise to DeltaDog and LaCrew, but i actually like Ron Paul- some of his viewpoints I disagree with but he stands on what he believes is right regardless if it's not the popular choice. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I'm not saying he was wrong. I'm just saying to start a Ron Paul thread.
dirty dog's Avatar
"Now do I think everyone at the TEA party is racist? No. "

Then why do you call them a racist organization, you have made that statement directly. If you want to call them a conservative republican organization, I would not disagree much, but I think its a conservative organization. Yes you have called them a hateful racist organization. This is the point of most contention between us. You make blanket statements like that.

As for 2012, personally I am more worried about 2010 and 2011. Who becomes President in 2012 is something I will worry about then. Its not like I am getting paid if one side wins over the other. If we are around long enough you will see me protest any decison made by either party that I feel is not in the best interest of the country. You are a big Obama supporter and thats okay, but you view everything as how it will impact his re-election, I submit that this is exactly the kind of mentality that is the problem on both sides of the political spectrum. Decisons should not be paid based on how they will be viewed in the voting both.

By the way I do not believe that the Tea Party is saying a particular tax needs to be cut, I think their protesting taxes which are about to begin i.e. health care, the rollback of the Bush tax cuts, and additional suggested taxes like the VAT tax. No more additional taxation. They are also saying no taxation without representation which is a condemnation more of congress than the president because they are saying the decisions being made are not representative of what the people want. IN short they are saying no one in washington is listening to the american in the street regardless of party.