MY WISH { I WiSH We CoulD ReViEw CliEnTs}

Sure thing Rodney
Jack.....thanks for putting it a different way. I thought you were saying that all of us ladies would be on welfare if we weren't hookers because we didn't know how to do anything else.

See we can agree and I'm not as bad as you think I am.

I think Elena is about right this time. Who has the power? Both do. Guys can withhold their money and the women can withhold their service. The one with the power is the one who cares the least. It can be either provider or hobbyist. Originally Posted by Omahan
Aww, thanks O. I am a smart cookie huh?

stay on track guys, and remember, the ladies want to review the men on an entire different set of criteria. even so, i'm not a bit ashamed of my equipment, or my ability to perform. nor am i worried that the way i treat the ladies i see would stop other providers from seeing me. so I DON'T CARE if they review me even in public. the question is why do YOU care if they do? Originally Posted by rharley
Why they care or why other ladies care if guys are reviewed is the plain and simple fact that this business is about DISCRETION!! What part of that don't you get? You really think its going to be so hard for a guy to figure out if the review is about him or not? Give me a break. A lady could hide the guys name and phone number, but it'll still get out who the guy is. Are you truly that clueless about this hobby?

Hookers, whores, escorts, providers...whatever you want to call us are paid a fee for two leave and keep their fucking mouth shut about who they see.

and all the horse chit about le keeping a file on the hobbiest... c'mon, REALLY? I think you're either just ashamed of what you have, how you perform, or how you treat the ladies. You gals want a place to start a list on who not to see? Just scroll up through this feed and you should have a very good start. Originally Posted by rharley
You don't think LE keeps files about providers and/or hobbyists? You truly are clueless.

Its not a matter of how a guy performs, hell I want the guy to perform well because I love sex. If he doesn't perform well, its as much as a let down for me then it is for him. Its not a matter of how big a guy is either. Now it does matter if a guy treats the lady right or not.

Us ladies have places where we can let other ladies know if the guy treated us badly, its called DNS lists/websites. P411 is another site that us ladies can either give you guys an OK or not. The powder room on this site and other sites. Sweet jesus, I posted this shit in my first post...go read it.

If a lady isn't smart enough to use those sites, that's her problem.

You're nothing but a troll rharley, you ask way too many questions and try to stir shit up. You have proven that you know nothing about the hobby including how it works for us ladies.

And trust me, you've been on NUMEROUS DNS lists since you started posting.
Jack.....thanks for putting it a different way. I thought you were saying that all of us ladies would be on welfare if we weren't hookers because we didn't know how to do anything else.

See we can agree and I'm not as bad as you think I am.

Aww, thanks O. I am a smart cookie huh?

Why they care or why other ladies care if guys are reviewed is the plain and simple fact that this business is about DISCRETION!! What part of that don't you get? You really think its going to be so hard for a guy to figure out if the review is about him or not? Give me a break. A lady could hide the guys name and phone number, but it'll still get out who the guy is. Are you truly that clueless about this hobby?

Hookers, whores, escorts, providers...whatever you want to call us are paid a fee for two leave and keep their fucking mouth shut about who they see.

You don't think LE keeps files about providers and/or hobbyists? You truly are clueless.

Its not a matter of how a guy performs, hell I want the guy to perform well because I love sex. If he doesn't perform well, its as much as a let down for me then it is for him. Its not a matter of how big a guy is either. Now it does matter if a guy treats the lady right or not.

Us ladies have places where we can let other ladies know if the guy treated us badly, its called DNS lists/websites. P411 is another site that us ladies can either give you guys an OK or not. The powder room on this site and other sites. Sweet jesus, I posted this shit in my first post...go read it.

If a lady isn't smart enough to use those sites, that's her problem.

You're nothing but a troll rharley, you ask way too many questions and try to stir shit up. You have proven that you know nothing about the hobby including how it works for us ladies.

And trust me, you've been on NUMEROUS DNS lists since you started posting. Originally Posted by MsElena
please please PLEASE tell i'm on YOUR DNS list!!!

discretion? umm... is that what handles are for?

and i NEVER said to hide the guys handle!

oh screw it, i'm done, just gonna say... review "ECCIE General Conduct Guidelines" please pay particular attention ro rules number 1, 3, 4, 31, and of course for you, i'd suggest memorizing number 33. You've obviously never read it.

now thank you very much ma'am, and have a great life!

I couldn't hold my silence any longer!! LOL I am trien to Class it up a bit tho I am reading a review that was just posted yet obviously OLD as HELL! But I hate how these guys can say whatever they want but I cant! I want a section to review ONLY Clients in LOL talk about the freaky shit they wanted about how lil or huge they was about how late or how they call no show or about how bad their BO was ect.. Its only fair. Right we should know what we getin into and I know you haten girls not to name any names but the ones with obviously no life that comment on everything i say are gonna say its an escort review board they review escorts blah blah no duh!! I want a client review board. Originally Posted by sugarbabiekc
Technically, there is nothing which says you can't post something in the Coed section concerning your experiences with a client positive or negative so long as it does not violate the other site guidelines--such as not posting information which is considered private or personal (Guideline #9), does not out or threaten to out someone (Guideline #5), and does not mention or speculate about a person's possible medical conditions (Guideline #16).

I'd also like to remind you of two other site guidelines which might come into play here. Guideline #24, which I know you're familiar with and have acted on before, which states that if you wish to make a dispute about a review you may do so in the Coed section. If someone writes a review about you which you feel has incorrect, inaccurate, misleading or false information about you or your session with them, I strongly suggest posting clearing up those issues in the Coed section (posting a link to the review in question also helps).

The other Guideline is #20 which states that there are private areas on the board for men and ladies which allow a greater amount of freedom of speech than the open boards... Infoshare and the Powder Room are great examples of this. Contact a female moderator if you need assistance in accessing these areas.

My personal opinion on the subject is that some things can be a double edged sword. Although I think it would aid in the verification of the site's male members to have an "OK" system similar to sites like P411, I know that some guys would not prefer to be reviewed at all. I've spoken to providers who have told me of some of the antics guys go through (without mentioning names or handles) and to be quite honest, if I were those men, I'd be quite embarrassed to have that sort of thing being openly spoken of about me.

Also, when gentlemen post a negative review of a lady I STRONGLY and consistently recommend they PM, Email, call or text the lady and work out their dissatisfaction. Most of the information a lady would need to step up her game and improve her customer experience is in the ROS details which are hidden from ladies' view. Likewise, if a lady has a particularly bad or strange experience with a hobbyist, there is are ways to express this experience on the board without embarrassing the hobbyist, and to communicate things she'd like to see them improve upon in their subsequent visits in a respectful manner.

Things guys often complain about concerning providers are often the same things (or similar) to the things ladies complain about concerning the guys. Hygiene, body hair, technique (or lack thereof), payment issues, experience vs expectation, and timeliness are the biggest deals with people on both sides of the issue. If you have an expectation that ladies should step their game up... you should step yours up too.
Also, I'm not sure who said it at this point, but I would totally be behind a "Private" posting option for ladies who have access to Powder Room.
Sens55's Avatar
I think Elena is about right this time. Who has the power? Both do. Guys can withhold their money and the women can withhold their service. The one with the power is the one who cares the least. It can be either provider or hobbyist. Originally Posted by Omahan
I totally agree. And you said it in about 200 words less than I. But that's my point exactly. As a guy, I don't care that much because the "rules" that are being touted as "control" because I generally know what to expect (from reviews or asking) what a girl does or doesn't do before I call. Like KSJack said earlier, if I want Greek and a girl doesn't offer it, I'm not calling. So she can make her rules, but I'll decide in advance, to the best of my ability, if I want to deal with those rules. Most guys do. I know for a fact that a for many guys, CBJ is a deal breaker. That's an example. If she only offers CBJ, I won't go. Or if I do, then I accept those restrictions.

However, at the end of a date, I will decide if I want to see the girl again. In spite of how some guys act, most girls need our money more than we need their pussy. We don't pay because what they've got is something "special", although it might be. We pay for the reasons Elena mentioned. So that when it's over, it's over. No bullshit. No drama. No emotions. It's over. The old joke is true. You don't pay them for sex. You pay them to go away afterwards.

And, again, I completely disagree with SG's proposition that you can't compare this to other businesses. Why can't you? There are LOTS of services that deal with tons of very personal information. Doctors, lawyers and legitimate massage therapists come to mind. Just because someone cums doesn't mean you negate simple business principles. Yes, it's certainly different in the services offered, but not in the service model.
JRLawrence's Avatar
this type of relationship is no different than a marriage, the men control the money, but the women control the pussy, so.... the ladies win!!! Originally Posted by rharley
Strange, my second (RIP) used to tease me about how important I was to her because I had the dick. What she really meant was that I helped bring joy into her life.

Hay, everyone: It has nothing to do with gender. It has to do with respect, security and safety.

Sex can be had by almost everyone without payment. We pay for discretion. But many women depend on men for their income, or part of it. We usually make more money then the girls, and it is good that that is changing. The hard facts of life is that most women are not trained for the professions that pay more money. I have heard more high school girls indicate that they don't need to take the higher math, science, and other tough subjects because they will find a guy who will take care of them. No way, and I insisted that my daughters and stepdaughters take the tough courses along with the fun courses to prepare for life. Their mom's had died, what if I had died instead; who would have provided the income needed for them to succeed. Their moms were both smart, but untrained for the real world. Dad trained the girls well, all of them are now successful and they are accepted as managers, doctors, and lawyers and at the same time as women.

There are certain times in almost everyone's life when a partner is not available to us for pleasure. Both men and women have needs. I appreciate the girls for providing what is, at certain times, missing in my life. Discretion is necessary to keep the other people in out lives secure and happy. FYI, this is the conservative part of the country. What is acceptable in certain parts of the world is not accepted, by the majority, here. Thus, the need for discretion.

What, she has the pussey? So does over half the population of the world. There are women available everywhere, what else does she offer, and what can I offer her?

Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Reading through 6 pages of this reinforces the decision I made when I was 10 years old to never marry. There are arguments that will never be won despite the fact there are merits to both sides. In the end, any desire to win such an argument just isn't worth the hassle.

In conclusion, I like turtles.

Here what Ive learned!! Bear with me?

1) Sugarbabie wants to review clients
2) There are mixed opinions to this
3) Sins wrote her first client review on KSjack who appears as a clown
4) Ms Elena is smart
5) Sugarbabie doesnt like clowns
6) Sens55 is back (I dont know ya but welcome back)
7) SG's avatar is very sexy So SG post away my dear!!
8) Silly Girls point is No matta the money...its her rules and her body...good point!
9) Ksjack seems to be very smart man outside the hobby in business!
10) Catnipdipper fired himself
11) I learned what Equivocation means
12) Silly Girl has an extensive DNS list which after this thread just got longer
13) Silly Girl can kick a guys ass
14) R harley was trying to interject but no one let him (no harley this isnt an attack)
15) FS has pointed out that there are alot of rules here (none of which Ive read) Jk!
16) Ksjack and Silly Girl disagree
17) Sens55 and Silly Girl disagree
18) KSjack and Silly Girl are in love!
19) Silly Girl truly loves me
20) Silly Girl, Sens55, KSjack, rharley run off to vegas and someone gets married
JR, that's a very old joke.
thanks bd, i actually enjoyed reading your last post. but i think you forgot something, didn't we learn that some chick changed her hair color? a blonde now i think? or was that another thread. i learn sooooooo much off this site.
You can't beat me jack. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Oh but I have, several times as a matter of fact!!!

But in the spirit of Allie's most recent thread...not playing this time

Happy Holiday Sunshine!!!!

Seems that Jack is doing just fine, BTW
please please PLEASE tell i'm on YOUR DNS list!!!

discretion? umm... is that what handles are for?

and i NEVER said to hide the guys handle!

oh screw it, i'm done, just gonna say... review "ECCIE General Conduct Guidelines" please pay particular attention ro rules number 1, 3, 4, 31, and of course for you, i'd suggest memorizing number 33. You've obviously never read it.

now thank you very much ma'am, and have a great life! Originally Posted by rharley

Discretion = handles? HAHAHAHAHA clueless....utterly clueless.

As for the rules you pointed out, I have two words for ya.....suck it.

See what happens when I drink Moscato and post?