Social Security and it's Surplus. Over 2 Trillion

I moved back to OK from TX to take care of my 88 yo mother.

She has supplemental insurance, anyway

4 months ago, she fell and broke her pelvic bone, she was in and out of the hospital 3 times, spend 30 days in assisted living and 3 trips in an ambulance

All of this did not cost her $.01

So maybe too many benefits? especially with supplemental insurance

btw she is fine now Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Well sadly a lot of elderly and other folks (disabled etc) cannot afford supplemental insurance.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They are then eligible for Medicaid.

My mother lives totally on SS and has supplemental insurance, but I suppose she prepared for her retirement better than some.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-25-2012, 05:31 PM
They are then eligible for Medicaid.

My mother lives totally on SS and has supplemental insurance, but I suppose she prepared for her retirement better than some. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Come on, admit it, you're one of those who was out screaming "Keep your government hands off my medicare!" weren't ya?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nope but having the honorable privilege to help with my mothers health issues you learn a lot about what works and does not work..
I agree with you, Olivia, I just don't want the government deciding how long I should be allowed to live. Hell, there are several on this board that would like to see my life ended as quickly as possible. I don't intend to give them the satisfaction. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Seriously, if people want health care that falls outside the bell of the curve, then they should pay for it privately. Personally, I want to live as long as I can as well as I can. That's why I take care of myself now. I've lived a healthy lifestyle all my life.

I understand there are people that cannot pay for additional insurance they cannot afford it. If they can't, how are we as a people supposed to? Take medical care out of the hands of working and middle classes that are young parents or children so a 85 year old person can have advanced medical treatment that will prolong their life for six months? No, I cannot get behind that. Just because we have the technology to do things doesn't mean we can afford it or it's the right thing for the patient.